How to Survive Corona-cation

By Marisa Silk, Staff Writer

March 16, 2020

Corona-cation is new to all of us and will be difficult in the coming weeks, but by finding things to fill your time it will go by quickly. Everyone needs to take the necessary precautions, but also find time to keep their minds sane. This time is a blessing in disguise if you choose to see it that way! Let’s look at the positive side of things, rather than the negatives. There will be a time in the future for those. Here are a few tips of things you can do during our temporary time out of school.

As adolescents, we tend to put things off until the last minute. This free time that we may have not gotten without the Coronavirus. Use this time to work on the things that you know you wouldn’t have the time if sports and school were occupying your time. 

Freshmen: get a head start on future homework or projects! It’s never too early to start formatting a resume for college or jobs! 

Sophomores: Start thinking about colleges and your future! Look at the format of the SAT! Start making your resume! 

Juniors: Start preparing for SATs, research colleges of secondary programs after college, or prep for those AP Exams! Mr. Loja would be so proud! Take virtual tours of colleges! Your future will be coming sooner than you think! 

Seniors: DO NOT WASTE THIS TIME! When we get back, we will only have a few weeks left of our entire high school careers! So crazy! Use this time now to work on scholarships, finalize post-high school plans, and prepare for AP Exams that will be so helpful when you get to college and get credits off! No Senioritis! This is important because when we get back we want to enjoy our remaining weeks. If we put it off now, the school will become an unnecessary burden and stressor to our lives. 

This is not the time for slacking, but for utilization of time. Trust me in the long-run this will be beneficial to you and your academic career going forward. 

2. Watch some TV 

Now, many of you may have Netflix, and Hulu, and more. This is a way to become enthralled with stories and the art of storytelling. Binge a good show and stay in! Social distancing is key! Boredom may come, but by investing time in a story with characters you care about will help the time pass. 

I recommend everything from Gilmore Girls, Marriage Story, Grey’s Anatomy, The Office (for a good laugh!), and The 100  for all my sci-fi/fantasy fans out there. There is something for everyone on Netflix and you can find it! I am currently on the first episode of Outlander and plan to binge that throughout Corona-cation. 

Share what you are bringing with others! Tell all your friends to watch the same show, so you can all text about it later. This helps the social distancing not feel so distant. It also will help you grow an appreciation for the art of storytelling and how it can change your mood and take your mind off things during this hectic and confusing period. 

3. Stay away from your phone 

There can be a lot of scary news out there on social media that could be inaccurate or false. Do not dwell on your cell-phone, but instead read a book or take up a hobby that you may not have done otherwise without all this free time. 

Read a book for an escape from all this craziness and hysteria over Corona. This will help ease your mind during these troublesome times. Need any book recommendations (check out our book reviews!) Looking for a book recommendation? Hit me up @marisasilk10 on Instagram for recommendations. I have tons! 

Find some hobbies like card tricks, tying a tie, trivia, anything that interests you! It could become something that you do for the rest of your life. 

Or “TREAT YO SELF” as they say in Parks and Recreation. Do the things that inspire you or make you feel good. Allow yourself time for relaxation. This is the time that you’re going to get it before summer comes around. 

NOTE: If you are going to be on your phone, looking at Coronavirus memes or the news, take the time to follow people that are informed on the situation at hand. The influencers, celebrities, and politicians that are updating their accounts with accurate information and uplifting notes are the ones to look into. Personally, Kristen Bell’s Instagram account is helpful for me to understand the situation at hand domestically and abroad. 

Share accurate and fact-checked information on your own accounts for your followers’ benefit! Maybe an uplifting, comical meme or an uplifting article. This could do wonders for someone who is scared. However, accurate articles to share are also beneficial for people too, such as knowing the symptoms and where to go if they think they could possibly have the Coronavirus. Everything we do should be for the benefit of others! 

4. Spend time with your family, (but not too much time!)

Corona-cation means spending a whole lot of time with your family. Some may see this as a positive and a negative. Personally, this is nice for me because I am a senior and will be leaving the nest soon for college. Take the time to connect with your family before you barely see them, especially since as adolescents we tend to stray from our parents during these years. Watch a movie, binge a show, or have a family game night! Eat meals together! All of these things will make the time bearable when feeling cut off from the rest of society. 

You can find ease of mind and comfort with your family. Don’t push them away. My family will be watching Frozen 2 tonight! Go check it out! We have also binged watched This is Us in the past. Look for things that can connect you all, rather than isolate everyone. 

If you are feeling suffocated from being around your family too much, go spend time in a separate room. Take some time to yourself, then when you’re ready to join them. The best way to get through Corona-cation is through pleasantry and tranquility. It will make it easier for everyone! Social distancing is hard, don’t make it harder by isolating yourself from your family! 

5. Do some classwork

This may not seem like the most fun option, but it is necessary. We have to remember this is hard on everyone. The teachers are doing the best they can with little contact from us. We need to do our part so that when we do get back to school the transition is easiest as possible. By getting your homework done ahead of time, this can grant your more free time to do extra things on the side, whether it be a pastime or scholarships. Let’s make this process as painless as possible by doing the work the teachers are taking out of their day to give us, so the weeks are not spent twiddling our thumbs. 

HINT: There are no tests! This may be your opportunity, especially underclassmen to get the best grades you can now, just by doing homework! Utilize this time to enrich your studies and get good grades, without the stress of taking exams for classes! This is a blessing in disguise. Do the work given to the best of your ability and your grades will be thanking you later. 

6. Stay healthy and practice social distancing

As I have seen, we have not done the best at social distancing. There continues to be parties and social gatherings out. However, this could cause you to become exposed to the virus. We should only go out for necessary reasons, such as the grocery store.  This is necessary for everyone to stay healthy and reduce the numbers of who gets the Coronavirus. By staying away, you can be saving a life. I know that by working in an assisted living home that the best thing for everyone, to save lives, is to stay put. 

7. Reach out to others for help 

During these high-stressful times, we all need a little comfort or someone to rant to. The Norwood Public Schools teachers have been kind enough to repeatedly be there for students during these times. Emails are open! Teachers have been getting back to students easily and quickly. There are also teachers who have reached out saying we can speak to them anytime about our concerns and worries. Mrs. Derrane will send you a nice, virtual hug! It’s not the same, but it is a nice level of comfort to have during Corona-cation. Need to rant? Write a Letter to the Editor (Under the About Us tab at the top of our website!)

Good luck to everyone and remember that The Mustang Gazette is here for you! Have any other tips to add? Write a Letter to the Editor with any other helpful things to do. We are here for you! Feel free to contact us on Instagram or Twitter! Be safe, be well, be kind.