1. 話すこと(発表・スピーチ)+ 話すこと(やり取り・ペアでの質疑応答)実例7








1人目:Is it better to live in a house or an apartment? Include specific examples and details in your response.

2人目:What is a good restaurant? Include specific examples and details in your response.



事前提示あり(準備型) 準備時間 15秒 一人で話す時間 45秒 ペアでの質疑応答 1分


評価規準 発表

発表の採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:トピックに沿って意見を述べている。

  • 条件2:意見に沿った理由や説明を2文以上で行っている。

採点の基準 発表





Topic 4: Is it better to live in a house or an apartment? Include specific examples and details in your response.

Left (L): I think it is better to live in a house than in apartment. I have several reasons. First, えー if you live in apartment, you sh you must care えー neighbors. えー You can’t make a noise. But えー if you live in a house, you can えー you can do everything free. えー Second, えー … h house is bigger than apartment, so you can えー use more space. (45 sec)(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)


Teacher: OK. Question.

Right (R): えー Now, do you live in a house or apartment?

L: あー I live in a house.

R: House. えー Your room is large or small?

L: Ah … small.

R: Small?

L: Small.

R: It is comfortable to live?

L: Yes, yes.

R: えー What do you like to do in your room?

L: えー I like あー reading.

R: Reading? Reading book?

L: Yeah.

R: What’s your favorite book?

L: えー I like えー Tsumi to batsu Dostoevskiy (「罪と罰」 ドストエフスキー).

R: Oh. えー What times do you what time do you read it? What time how many times do you …(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)

L: あー … えー … (60 sec)


Topic 1: What is a good restaurant? Include specific examples and details in your response.

R: There are two important points to be a good restaurant. えー First, it is essen essential to … it is essential that dish dish is very delicious. えー If it were not so good, people would not go there. Second, えー the decoration of the shop is あー beautiful. えー People feel happy when あー when having a dish in at beautiful place. えー In conclusion, えー the taste and decoration is are very important points to be a good restaurant.(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)Thank you very much. (45 sec)


Teacher: Question.

L: What food do you like?

R: えー I like French and Italian.

L: あー What restaurant what restaurant do you like? For example, Saizeriya?

R: あー Saizeriya is very liking to get. Especially, I order the pasta.

L: あー Me, too.

R: Me, too.

L: えー What French food do do you like?

R: French food? Bread.(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)

L: Ah ... (long pause)


一人目 (Left):baa

二人目 (Right):baa


◆知識・技能 b


◆思考・判断・表現 a


例: I think it is better to live in a house than in apartment.


例: I have several reasons. (1) First, えー if you live in apartment, you sh you must care えー neighbors. えー (2) You can’t make a noise. (3) But えー if you live in a house, you can えー you can do everything free. えー (4) Second, えー … h house is bigger than apartment, (5) so you can えー use more space.

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a



◆知識・技能 b


◆思考・判断・表現 a


例:There are two important points to be a good restaurant.


例:(1) First, it is essen essential to … it is essential that dish dish is very delicious. (2) えー If it were not so good, people would not go there. (3) Second, えー the decoration of the shop is あー beautiful. えー (4) People feel happy when あー when having a dish in at beautiful place. えー (5) In conclusion, えー the taste and decoration is are very important points to be a good restaurant.

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a



評価規準 ペアで質疑応答

やり取りの採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:トピックに沿った質問をしている。

  • 条件2:質問に答えている。

  • (本実例は、二条件を合わせて1つの採点を行う形だが、それぞれを別に基準として採点する方法もある)

採点の基準 ペアで質疑応答





Topic 4: Is it better to live in a house or an apartment? Include specific examples and details in your response.

Left (L): I think it is better to live in a house than in apartment. I have several reasons. First, えー if you live in apartment, you sh you must care えー neighbors. えー You can’t make a noise. But えー if you live in a house, you can えー you can do everything free. えー Second, えー … h house is bigger than apartment, so you can えー use more space. (45 sec)(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)


Teacher: OK. Question.

Right (R): えー Now, do you live in a house or apartment?

L: あー I live in a house.

R: House. えー Your room is large or small?

L: Ah … small.

R: Small?

L: Small.

R: It is comfortable to live?

L: Yes, yes.

R: えー What do you like to do in your room?

L: えー I like あー reading.

R: Reading? Reading book?

L: Yeah.

R: What’s your favorite book?

L: えー I like えー Tsumi to batsu Dostoevskiy (「罪と罰」 ドストエフスキー).

R: Oh. えー What times do you what time do you read it? What time how many times do you …(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)

L: あー … えー … (60 sec)


Topic 1: What is a good restaurant? Include specific examples and details in your response.

R: There are two important points to be a good restaurant. えー First, it is essen essential to … it is essential that dish dish is very delicious. えー If it were not so good, people would not go there. Second, えー the decoration of the shop is あー beautiful. えー People feel happy when あー when having a dish in at beautiful place. えー In conclusion, えー the taste and decoration is are very important points to be a good restaurant.(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)Thank you very much. (45 sec)


Teacher: Question.

L: What food do you like?

R: えー I like French and Italian.

L: あー What restaurant what restaurant do you like? For example, Saizeriya?

R: あー Saizeriya is very liking to get. Especially, I order the pasta.

L: あー Me, too.

R: Me, too.

L: えー What French food do do you like?

R: French food? Bread.(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)

L: Ah ... (long pause)





◆思考・判断・表現 b


例1:What food do you like?

2What restaurant what restaurant do you like? For example, Saizeriya?

3Me, too.

4What French food do do you like?


例1:I live in a house.


3I like あー reading.

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 b



◆思考・判断・表現 a


例1:えー Now, do you live in a house or apartment?

2House. えー Your room is large or small?


4It is comfortable to live?

5What do you like to do in your room?

6Reading? Reading book?

7What’s your favorite book?

8Oh. えー What times do you what time do you read it? What time how many times do you …


例1:I like French and Italian.

2Saizeriya is very liking to get. Especially, I order the pasta.

3Me, too.

4French food? Bread.

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


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