1. 話すこと(やり取り・教員とのロールプレイ)文化・実例2











時間設定: 準備時間 なし 話す時間 3分


評価規準 教員とRole play文化

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:カードの設定に沿って、日本の文化を詳細に話している。

  • 条件2:留学生の国の文化について質問し、コメントをしている。

採点の基準 教員とRole play文化


T: Um, I’m from China. My name is ○○. OK? I’m interested in learning about Japanese culture.

S: Mm.

T: Could you tell me any interesting Japanese culture?

S: OK. Interesting Japanese culture. I think the food, Ja Japanese food culture is very interesting. So … the Japanese food is あー ever say Washoku. The that is very healthy for people and very delicious. And … like the … mm … it’s very … んとー little, it’s little expensive, but it’s good for … health. So I think Japanese food is very good.(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1)

T: I see. Um, I know sushi

S: あー

T: and tendon.

S: Mm.

T: But are there any other typical Japanese Washoku

S: Mm.

T: food?

S: The sushi あっ

T: Sushi and tendon and other

S: Mm. … あっ … okonomiyaki. and … Mm.

T: What’s okonomiyaki?

S: あっ okonomiyaki is like mm Osaka and Hiroshima mm … made the okonomiyaki. It うーと … like po pork, cabbage, mm and you want … あっ you want あっ you can … put the put you like some food mm? You can put on there, so you can you want to eat mm思考・判断・表現 条件1)

T: Like shrimps?

S: あー yes, yes.

T: I see. Sounds like a lot of um delicious food. Um, and …

S: あっ うんとー so Chi, in China, do you ha do you have? えっと in China, what cu, what China culture you … think interesting?思考・判断・表現 条件2)

T: I think um the culture of viewing the moon

S: Mm.

T: and eating “moon cake” is interesting. And a lot of fun.

S: Mm.

T: Um, last month, we our family got together

S: Mm.

T: and bought a lot of moon cakes from a famous store, and we um took time to look at the moon, full moon

S: Mm.

T: together. And it’s a traditional culture

S: Mm.

T: to spe, um, it’s the way to spend with the family.(3分)

S: … OK, thank you.

T: Thank you very much.



◆知識・技能 c


例1:OK. Interesting Japanese culture. I think the food, Ja Japanese food culture is very interesting. So … the Japanese food is あー ever say Washoku. The that is very healthy for people and very delicious. And … like the … mm … it’s very … んとー little, it’s little expensive, but it’s good for … health. So I think Japanese food is very good.

2あっ okonomiyaki is like mm Osaka and Hiroshima mm … made the okonomiyaki. It うーと … like po pork, cabbage, mm and you want … あっ you want あっ you can … put the put you like some food mm? You can put on there, so you can you want to eat mm

◆思考・判断・表現 c


例1:OK. Interesting Japanese culture. I think the food, Ja Japanese food culture is very interesting. So … the Japanese food is あー ever say Washoku. The that is very healthy for people and very delicious. And … like the … mm … it’s very … んとー little, it’s little expensive, but it’s good for … health. So I think Japanese food is very good.

例2:あっ okonomiyaki is like mm Osaka and Hiroshima mm … made the okonomiyaki. It うーと … like po pork, cabbage, mm and you want … あっ you want あっ you can … put the put you like some food mm? You can put on there, so you can you want to eat mm


S: あっ うんとー so Chi, in China, do you ha do you have? えっと in China, what cu, what China culture you … think interesting?

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 b


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