4. 話すこと(やり取り・ペアでのディスカッション)・話すこと(やり取り・ペアでのロールプレイ)実例4






☆You are Student A. OR You are Student B. (どちらかが渡される)


Topic 3:

Discussion topic: Please talk about the merits and demerits of social networking. (2 minutes)

Student A: There are more merits than demerits.

Student B: There are more demerits than merits.

Decide your group’s conclusion at the end.


ペアでのディスカッションでの時間設定: 準備時間 15秒 ペアでの会話時間 2分




Topic 2:

共通の友達のKenが明日彼女 (girlfriend) と初めてのデートをします。2人に以下の質問をしてきました。意見を出し合い、Kenにどんなアドバイスをするかを決めてください。

質問: Kenがデート (date) に誘ったが、デートの費用 (cost) を全部出すべきか。全部出さないとすると、どのくらいは出すべきか

(注:Topic 2に関して、ジェンダーステレオタイプ等の観点から問題と考える場合もあるかもしれない。一方で、受検想定対象の若者のコミュニティでは決して珍しくない話題であり、Kenの状況に置かれれば直面しうる葛藤という側面はあり、また「Kenから相談された」という第三者から生じた議題でもある。そのため、テスティングにおけるジェンダー・人種・階級等に関するステレオタイプ的問題点を認識しつつ、受験者にとって縁遠い話題ではないこと、ステレオタイプに関わる本議論を提示するために掲載を決めた)


ペアでのロールプレイの時間設定: 準備時間 15秒 ペアでの会話時間 2分


評価規準 ペアで議論・Role play

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:カードの設定に沿って、自分の意見とその理由を分かりやすく説明している。

  • 条件2:相手の発言に反応し、意見を取り入れながら話している。

採点の基準 ペアで議論・Role play



Left (L): So I think there is more merits than demerits of using social networking. あー Because like, we can we can talk to each other on the … the chat application such as LINE and iMessage. あー Because I’m now あー studying abroad, soあー this is easy あー to connect with my parents and friends.

Right (R): Yeah, yeah, yeah. 素晴らしい。But but I think えー by using LINE or Twitter, we we we become easy to ハート someone.

L: ハート?

R: 傷つける。Hurt someone without any なんかこう、罪のコンシャス? How do you think?

L: Yeah, um, maybe there is あー some wrong reputation from other people we don’t know. But … あー I think … just um you are only you are only to just concern to your own surrounding reality. So I don’t care about that kind of reputation. Because like … this … those people are not related with me in a real life. So, … um just to be my … true self.

R: Oh, … oh, yeah.

L: And the … the the most useful tool あー of social networking is is to connect with friends and family you know. It’s not あー to to send message to people you don’t know.

R: I agree with you.(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)





◆思考・判断・表現 a



例1:So I think there is more merits than demerits of using social networking. あー Because like, we can we can talk to each other on the … the chat application such as LINE and iMessage. あー Because I’m now あー studying abroad, soあー this is easy あー to connect with my parents and friends.(意見と理由)

例2:Yeah, um, maybe there is あー some wrong reputation from other people we don’t know. But … あー I think … just um you are only you are only to just concern to your own surrounding reality. So I don’t care about that kind of reputation. Because like … this … those people are not related with me in a real life. So, … um just to be my … true self.(相手の意見を受けてのコメント・意見)

3And the … the the most useful tool あー of social networking is is to connect with friends and family you know. It’s not あー to to send message to people you don’t know.(自分の意見の理由)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a



◆思考・判断・表現 c



例1:Yeah, yeah, yeah.(相手に反応)素晴らしい。But but I think えー by using LINE or Twitter, we we we become easy to ハート someone.(反対意見の理由を述べようとしているが、伝えられていない)

2傷つける。Hurt someone without any なんかこう、罪のコンシャス?(発話が限定されており、発音が日本語式のために誤解が起きているためカウントなし)How do you think?(相手へ質問)

3Oh, … oh, yeah.(相手に反応)

4I agree with you.(相手に反応)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 c




L: Um. Do do Ken あー do a part-time job outside the school …?

R: あーなるほどね Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Ken should pay all money because, because, because girlfriend do make, but Ken …

L: Make up?

R: Yes yes yes, but Ken don’t make.

L: OK. So so, girlfriends cost on on on to create her look?

R: Yes yes yes.

L: So, they deserve …

R Yes, yes, yes.

L: OK. So, but like … as a girl, I I don’t want like … あー the first date, if we go for first date, Ken should あー my my partner pay all the money. I I think that … his actually, it’s his parents’ money. So, um … if he do not work work part time job I don’t know … things are true to me. So … but but maybe Ken want to pay all the fees.

R: マジで?そうなのか。

L: Maybe I don’t know he’s doing a part time job.

R: He he part time job, he part time job. Yes, yes, yes.

L: Oh, yeah. So, that … I agree with you.

R: Oh.

L: Ken should pay all the money because he’s he just invited the girlfriend to date, so … he should um do that for and get money by himself.

R: Yes yes yes. Yes yes yes. Ken should pay all the money. We we think. We think.(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)





◆思考・判断・表現 a



例1:Um. Do do Ken あー do a part-time job outside the school …?(質問)

2Make up?(質問して助けている)

3OK.(相手に反応)So so, girlfriends cost on on on to create her look?(相手の意見の理解が正しいかを確認)

4So, they deserve …(相手の話を広げている)

5OK.(相手に反応)So, but like … as a girl, I I don’t want like … あー the first date, if we go for first date, Ken should あー my my partner pay all the money.(相手に反対する形での意見)I I think that … his actually, it’s his parents’ money. So, um … if he do not work work part time job I don’t know … things are true to me.(詳細な理由)So … but but maybe Ken want to pay all the fees.(相手の考えにも理解を示す)

6Maybe I don’t know he’s doing a part time job.(相手の考えが正しい場合を考察)

7Oh, yeah. So, that … I agree with you.(意見の合意)

8Ken should pay all the money because he’s he just invited the girlfriend to date, so … he should um do that for and get money by himself.(意見と理由のまとめ)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a



◆思考・判断・表現 c



1あーなるほどね Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Ken should pay all money(意見)because, because, because girlfriend do make, but Ken …(理由を述べているが、助けられて理解可能になっている

2Yes yes yes,(相手に反応)but Ken don’t make.

3He he part time job, he part time job. Yes, yes, yes.(繰り返すことで、相手の考えに同意)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 c


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