1. 話すこと(やり取り・教員とのロールプレイ)教育改善・実例9










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評価規準 教員とRole play 教育改善

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

採点の基準 教員とRole play 教育改善


T: What do you think are good ways to improve child education in developing countries?

S: Developing countries, well, there are many many many problems. And we are not adults yet, so it’s difficult to support them financially. But I believe that small donations like in convenience stores, or those places could be a huge help. Also, I’ve heard that the kids at developing countries don’t have enough um materials, learning materials. So, for example, if … students in America, United States, they can maybe send their materials to the poor countries where where the mother tongue is English so that the language is same, so that they can use the same materials. And also, um I believe that if we have a chance, we should go there, go to those developing countries, and see what they are doing, and understand the real situation, and come back to Japan, and find something that what we can do. It is a little difficult for us to just find a perfect solution right now, but we go see there and feel the real situation, then it might be, it might work better to find a perfect solution for it, I believe.思考・技能)思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)

T: I see. Um, in terms of the second method, … which do you think is better, sending used stationery directly to the person in need, or collect materials and send to the institution or association?

S: Um, I believe that it depends. If the institution is reliable such as UNICEF or those renowned institutions, I believe that that is better. Because they can distribute it um way more efficiently than us. But if you’re going to give the materials to some institutions that, it’s kinda, you know, then have possibility of being fraud or those things. Then you should give the materials direct directly to the kids in the poor countries. But I think that it’s あ … easier to use the institution rather than doing by ourselves.思考・判断・表現 条件2)

T: OK. So you are propose three ideas.

S: Uh-huh.

T: And which do you think is the best?

S: I think the best is the last one, going there and knowing the real situation because what I said right now, just I think that is unreal. It’s very difficult. That donation is maybe possible, but and it helps, it helps the kids, but still, going there and knowing them is that … it makes you, it makes your mindset kinda change, changes your mindset. So that way you can find something way more effective than just donate, (Sound of the timer) I believe. I think the last one is very important.思考・判断・表現 条件 その他)

T: Thank you very much.




◆知識・技能 a


例:But I believe that small donations like in convenience stores, or those places could be a huge help....

◆思考・判断・表現 a


例:But I believe that small donations like in convenience stores, or those places could be a huge help. Also, I’ve heard that the kids at developing countries don’t have enough um materials, learning materials. So, for example, if … students in America, United States, they can maybe send their materials to the poor countries where where the mother tongue is English so that the language is same, so that they can use the same materials. And also, um I believe that if we have a chance, we should go there, go to those developing countries, and see what they are doing, and understand the real situation, and come back to Japan, and find something that what we can do. It is a little difficult for us to just find a perfect solution right now, but we go see there and feel the real situation, then it might be, it might work better to find a perfect solution for it, I believe.(3つ提案)


例1:It is a little difficult for us to just find a perfect solution right now, but (1)we go see there and feel the real situation, then it might be, (2)it might work better to find a perfect solution for it, I believe.(ここまでで2文)

例2: (3)If the institution is reliable such as UNICEF or those renowned institutions, I believe that that is better. (4)Because they can distribute it um way more efficiently than us. But if you’re going to give the materials to some institutions that, it’s kinda, you know, then have possibility of being fraud or those things. Then (5)you should give the materials direct directly to the kids in the poor countries. But I think that it’s あ … easier to use the institution rather than doing by ourselves.(例2で3文)

例3:I think the best is the last one, going there and knowing the real situation because what I said right now, just I think that is unreal. It’s very difficult. That donation is maybe possible, but and it helps, it helps the kids, but still, going there and knowing them is that … it makes you, it makes your mindset kinda change, changes your mindset. So that way you can find something way more effective than just donate, I believe. I think the last one is very important.(さらに詳細に説明している)


◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


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