1. 話すこと(やり取り・教員とのロールプレイ)文化・実例5











時間設定: 準備時間 なし 話す時間 3分


評価規準 教員とRole play文化

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:カードの設定に沿って、日本の文化を詳細に話している。

  • 条件2:留学生の国の文化について質問し、コメントをしている。

採点の基準 教員とRole play文化


T: Nice to meet you. My name is ○○. I’m from China.

S: I’m ○○, from Japan. Nice to meet you, too.

T: I’m interested in learning about Japanese culture.

S: Mm.

T: Could you tell me something about it?

S: Um, Japanese culture, um, mm there is a traditional clothes called kimono and yukata. And like for exa maybe in this season, summer season, we wear yukata. It’s a Japanese traditional clothes, and most women wear it, and um … and it’s … we usually wear it on the festivals, so we go to see, when we go to see fireworks, we wear it. And it’s a it’s a traditional clothes, but like, it’s also a trend for some Japanese and also some um foreign tourists to wear it um when we like look around the city as well.(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1)

T: Uh-huh.

S: And

T: And how can I try wearing um yukata?

S: Um, um I think there are many rental yukata shops in the city. For example, I heard there’s one in Asakusa as well. So maybe you can go to Asakusa and try, I think. Mm.

T: I see.

S: And I want to know about the culture of your country as well.思考・判断・表現 条件2)

T: OK. There is a lot of interesting culture in China. For example, we have a mid-autumn festival, and um in that festival, we um aim to view the beautiful moon

S: Mm.

T: under the moon, and we eat “Moon cakes.”

S: Moon cakes. あー What, is it sweet, Moon?

T: There are several types. One type is sweet,

S: Uh-huh.

T: with bean paste.

S: あー Yeah, we have something like, … not Moon cake, but we have some sweets that use red bean paste as well. So, mm that sounds nice. Um, do you do some kind of events at the festival?思考・判断・表現 条件2)

T: At festival, well, we make a long line to buy delicious moon cake.

S: あー

T: It’s like a kind of event. People line up, waiting for a turn to come.

S: That sounds interesting. When when is it held?思考・判断・表現 条件2)

T: … Um September.

S: September.

T: OK.

S: Mm.

T: Mm. So, thank you very much.



◆知識・技能 a


◆思考・判断・表現 b


例1:Um, Japanese culture, um, mm there is a traditional clothes called kimono and yukata. And like for exa maybe in this season, summer season, we wear yukata. It’s a Japanese traditional clothes, and most women wear it, and um … and it’s … we usually wear it on the festivals, so we go to see, when we go to see fireworks, we wear it. And it’s a it’s a traditional clothes, but like, it’s also a trend for some Japanese and also some um foreign tourists to wear it um when we like look around the city as well.


 例1:And I want to know about the culture of your country as well.

例2:あー Yeah, we have something like, … not Moon cake, but we have some sweets that use red bean paste as well. So, mm that sounds nice. Um, do you do some kind of events at the festival?


◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


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