1. 話すこと(やり取り・教員とのロールプレイ)道案内・実例8




CAN-DO記述(A2.1の1つ目):順序を表す表現であるfirst, then, nextなどのつなぎ言葉や「右に曲がって」や「まっすぐ行って」などの基本的な表現を使って,単純な道案内をすることができる。





時間設定: 事前提示なし(即興) 準備時間 15秒(地図確認の時間) 話す時間 2分




評価規準 教員とRole play 道案内

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:地図を見ながらであれば、聞き手は道案内が理解でき、1つ目の行き先にたどり着ける。

  • 条件2:地図を見ながらであれば、聞き手は道案内が理解でき、2つ目の行き先にたどり着ける。

採点の基準 教員とRole play 道案内


S: Hello.

T: Hello. I’m very hungry.

S: Oh, yes. Um, do what do you want to eat?

T: I want to try something Japanese.

S: Japanese? OK. So um, there are sushi or あっsushi restaurant and ramen restaurant around here.(知識・技能)

T: I want to go to sushi restaurant.

S: Sushi restaurant. OK. So, um, um so I’ll tell you the how to get there. After getting, あっ after get out of here, first, turn left until um, turn left, and after that, turn right at the first corner. And ne あー at the next corner, turn left. Yes, after that, go and go straight, and on the first corner, あっ how can I say? And go straight, at the first corner, you can see the restaurant at on the right side.(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1)

T: On the right side. Thank you very much. After eating sushi, I’d like to buy some souvenir.

T: I see.

S: あっsouvenirs? OK. So after you there, how to get there, a souvenir shop. あー after get out from sushi restaurant, um go straight, um and at the third corner, turn left. OK? So, after turn left, turn left, go straight and you can see the shop on the right side.思考・判断・表現 条件2)

T: I see.

T: Wow, great. Then um after buying souvenir, I need to take a train.

S: あー OK. So, after um OK, after the souvenir shop, um go to the, go mm turn … um go to the left side, and at the first corner, please turn right. And go straight and at the first corner, um please turn left. And you can see the sta station station on the right side.

T: That’s great. Thank you very much.



◆知識・技能 a


例1:Japanese? OK. So um, there are sushi or あっsushi restaurant and ramen restaurant around here.

例2:Sushi restaurant. OK. So, um, um so I’ll tell you the how to get there. After getting, あっ after get out of here, first, turn left until um, turn left, and after that, turn right at the first corner. And ne あー at the next corner, turn left. Yes, after that, go and go straight, and on the first corner, あっ how can I say? And go straight, at the first corner, you can see the restaurant at on the right side. (語彙や表現が概ね適切に使用されており、音声もわかりやすい)

◆思考・判断・表現 b


例1:あー go straight で turn right. で go straight, … turn left. … で go straight, right. Right side? 

例2:… Souvenir, あっ … souvenir. あー… 何て言うんだろう… Go … 角 go straight mm … left side … mm look sandwich shop. … と sandwich shop, sandwi, でsouvenir is sandwich shop … next next sandwich shop.

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 b


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