1. 話すこと(やり取り・教員とのロールプレイ)修学旅行・実例7







あなたの学校では、2年生は修学旅行(school trip)に行くが、行先は生徒が決められる

行先候補:オーストラリア または 京都・奈良




時間設定: 準備時間 なし 話す時間 2分


評価規準 教員とRole play修学旅行

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の一つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:カードの設定に沿って、自分の意見とその場所の良さを、分かりやすく説明している。

採点の基準 教員とRole play修学旅行


T: What which place do you think?

S: I like to go to Australia because I have two reasons for this. It um, first, um the Australia, there’s a lot of nature. And in Japan, we can’t sta, あー we can’t feel the natures, and if we go to the Kyoto and Nara, we can see あー … あー many … animals, but we can’t um other architecture, but we can’t feel other あ we can’t enjoy the nature or the atmosphere of the overseas. So if we go, so I’d like to go to Australia. あー Second, and we can see kangaroos. So in Japan, we can see um in the zoo, but maybe I don’t know, um I’ve never been there, but I’ve seen the Austra in the Australia, we’ll see the kangaroos ve very near. So I want to go to Australia.(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1)

T: I see. But going to Australia is much more expensive.

S: あー yeah, mm. But um … um mm but … but it is very expensive I know, but if we go there, we can and use English but then mm in order あー if we go to the Australia, we use English and then it will be useful to us to um … test, just not test, um to our ability to using English. So I want to go there because of these um reasons.

T: I see. Yes. (Sound of the timer)



◆知識・技能 b


例:I like to go to Australia because I have two reasons for this. It um, first, um the Australia, there’s a lot of nature. And in Japan, we can’t sta, あー we can’t feel the natures, and if we go to the Kyoto and Nara, we can see あー … あー many … animals, but we can’t um other architecture, but we can’t feel other あ we can’t enjoy the nature or the atmosphere of the overseas. So if we go, so I’d like to go to Australia. あー Second, and we can see kangaroos. So in Japan, we can see um in the zoo, but maybe I don’t know, um I’ve never been there, but I’ve seen the Austra in the Australia, we’ll see the kangaroos ve very near. So I want to go to Australia.(下線部の理解が難しいが、その他はおおむね理解できる)

◆思考・判断・表現 b


例:I like to go to Australia because I have two reasons for this. It um, first, um the Australia, there’s a lot of nature. And in Japan, we can’t sta, あー we can’t feel the natures, and if we go to the Kyoto and Nara, we can see あー … あー many … animals, but we can’t um other architecture, but we can’t feel other あ we can’t enjoy the nature or the atmosphere of the overseas. So if we go, so I’d like to go to Australia. あー Second, and we can see kangaroos. So in Japan, we can see um in the zoo, but maybe I don’t know, um I’ve never been there, but I’ve seen the Austra in the Australia, we’ll see the kangaroos ve very near. So I want to go to Australia.(自分の意見を理由とともに詳しく説明している。分かりにくい点はあるが、全体的には分かると判断して条件1を満たすと考える)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


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