1. 話すこと(発表・スピーチ)+ 話すこと(やり取り・ペアでの質疑応答)実例2








1人目:How can people become healthy? Include specific examples and details in your response.

2人目:Which is more comfortable, taking a trip by car or by train? Include specific examples and details in your response.



事前提示あり(準備型) 準備時間 15秒 一人で話す時間 45秒 ペアでの質疑応答 1分


評価規準 発表

発表の採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:トピックに沿って意見を述べている。

  • 条件2:意見に沿った理由や説明を2文以上で行っている。

採点の基準 発表





Topic: How can people become healthy? Include specific examples and details in your response.

Left (L): I’m going to talk about what is necessary えー to become healthy. えー Sleeping make us healthy.思考・判断・表現 条件1)えー We live actively in the day and we are tired in the end of day, so we become tired and our body is tired, so the body which is tired is dangerous to think of move. So, sleeping change our body from broken machine to new machine, so through sleeping hours we change our body, and we change our live.(45秒。思考・判断・表現 条件2)


Teacher: OK. Question time.

Right (R): あー How should we sle … how long should we sleep?(Right: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

L: Oh, I think seven hour is better. えー Be because because a professor えー who will who who who who is who learn え who study sleep is said people should sleep seven hours.(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件2・その他)

R: One more question. Actually, how long do you sleep?(Right: 思考・判断・表現 その他

L: あー Actually, in in the dormitory, we we sleep less than we we are in a home. So we sleep about six hours or five hours. But I should sleep more.(Left: 思考・判断・表現 その他 あー Thank you.


Topic: Which is more comfortable, taking a trip by car or by train? Include specific examples and details in your response.

R: I went to school by train every day in my high school, so I think あー train is more comfortable than … by car.思考・判断・表現 条件1)あー Now, train is more あー can go anywhere. Because um a sub subway, and Tokyo Metro, JR have have a lot of lot of lots of stations. Live well.(45秒経過。思考・判断・表現 条件2)あー And compare with the car, あー we don’t have to あー we don’t have to parking area.


Teacher: I see. Question time.

L: えー Certainly, train is become え good. But, in the train, we we don’t talk in a loud voice because other people think “Oh, he is bad”. Mm But car … えー makes comfortable place. So あー d d do you think … えー train is bad えー to talk with friend?(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

R: あー Train don’t have many time by えー compared with car.(Right: 思考・判断・表現 条件2)

L: Oh, oh.

R: Car should have a lot of time to drive, so I think we can endure this.(Right: 思考・判断・表現 その他)

L: Oh. えー Do you go, do you go in your summer vacation by train?(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

R: Ah yes, I’m I’m I’m going to my home by train.


一人目 (Left):aaa

二人目 (Right):bba

一人目の発表(Left: aaa)の解説:

◆知識・技能 a


例1: Sleeping make us healthy.(誤りがあり、Sleeping makes us healthyが正しいが、理解はできるマイナーな誤りなので減点しない)

2We live actively in the day and we are tired in the end of day, so we become tired and our body is tired, so the body which is tired is dangerous to think of move.(文自体は適切。回りくどく言っており、We live actively in the day and our body is tired. The tired body is dangerous for thinking and moving. などとシンプルに言えるが、この点は減点しない

◆思考・判断・表現 a


例: Sleeping make us healthy.


例:(1) We live actively in the day and (2) we are tired in the end of day, so we become tired and our body is tired, so (3) the body which is tired is dangerous to think of move. (4) So, sleeping change our body from broken machine to new machine, so (5) through sleeping hours we change our body, and we change our live.5文で説明している

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


二人目の発表(Right: bba)の解説:

◆知識・技能 b


◆思考・判断・表現 b


例:I think あー train is more comfortable than … by car.


例:(1) I went to school by train every day in my high school ... (2) Now, train is more あー can go anywhere. (3) Because um a sub subway, and Tokyo Metro, JR have have a lot of lot of lots of stations.(3文で説明している)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a



評価規準 ペアで質疑応答

やり取りの採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:トピックに沿った質問をしている。

  • 条件2:質問に答えている。

  • (本実例は、二条件を合わせて1つの採点を行う形だが、それぞれを別に基準として採点する方法もある)

採点の基準 ペアで質疑応答





Topic: How can people become healthy? Include specific examples and details in your response.

Left (L): I’m going to talk about what is necessary えー to become healthy. えー Sleeping make us healthy.思考・判断・表現 条件1)えー We live actively in the day and we are tired in the end of day, so we become tired and our body is tired, so the body which is tired is dangerous to think of move. So, sleeping change our body from broken machine to new machine, so through sleeping hours we change our body, and we change our live.(45秒。思考・判断・表現 条件2)


Teacher: OK. Question time.

Right (R): あー How should we sle … how long should we sleep?(Right: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

L: Oh, I think seven hour is better. えー Be because because a professor えー who will who who who who is who learn え who study sleep is said people should sleep seven hours.(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件2・その他)

R: One more question. Actually, how long do you sleep?(Right: 思考・判断・表現 その他

L: あー Actually, in in the dormitory, we we sleep less than we we are in a home. So we sleep about six hours or five hours. But I should sleep more.(Left: 思考・判断・表現 その他 あー Thank you.


Topic: Which is more comfortable, taking a trip by car or by train? Include specific examples and details in your response.

R: I went to school by train every day in my high school, so I think あー train is more comfortable than … by car.思考・判断・表現 条件1)あー Now, train is more あー can go anywhere. Because um a sub subway, and Tokyo Metro, JR have have a lot of lot of lots of stations. Live well.(45秒経過。思考・判断・表現 条件2)あー And compare with the car, あー we don’t have to あー we don’t have to parking area.


Teacher: I see. Question time.

L: えー Certainly, train is become え good. But, in the train, we we don’t talk in a loud voice because other people think “Oh, he is bad”. Mm But car … えー makes comfortable place. So あー d d do you think … えー train is bad えー to talk with friend?(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

R: あー Train don’t have many time by えー compared with car.(Right: 思考・判断・表現 条件2)

L: Oh, oh.

R: Car should have a lot of time to drive, so I think we can endure this.(Right: 思考・判断・表現 その他)

L: Oh. えー Do you go, do you go in your summer vacation by train?(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

R: Ah yes, I’m I’m I’m going to my home by train.





◆思考・判断・表現 b


例:Certainly, train is become え good. But, in the train, we we don’t talk in a loud voice because other people think “Oh, he is bad”. Mm But car … えー makes comfortable place. So あー d d (質問) do you think … えー train is bad えー to talk with friend?(質問は表現が理解しにくいが、質問の前の説明を含めて理解はできるため、条件1は満たしす。しかし、容易には理解できないため、詳細を話したとは考えない)


例:(質問への回答1) I think seven hour is better. えー Be because because a professor えー who will who who who who is who learn え who study sleep is said people should sleep seven hours. ... Actually, in in the dormitory, we we sleep less than we we are in a home.

(質問への回答2) We sleep about six hours or five hours. But I should sleep more.(2つの質問に、下線部回答しているため、条件2を満たしている。それに加え前後に説明を入れているが、言い直しが多く、理解が容易でない部分があるため、aをとるための詳細は言えていないと判断。条件2つ両方を満たしたので、b

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a



◆思考・判断・表現 a


例:how long should we sleep? ... Actually, how long do you sleep?スピーチの内容と、質問への回答を踏まえ、関連した質問をしている)


例:Train don’t have many time by えー compared with car. ... Car should have a lot of time to drive, so I think we can endure this.(Leftからの "do you think train is bad to talk with friend?" という理解が難しい質問に対して、「Trainでは乗車時間が短いので、友達と大声で話せなくても我慢できる」と詳細な回答をしている。ニ条件を満たし、詳細さや質問の関連性が高いためa

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


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