1. 話すこと(やり取り・教員とのロールプレイ)お土産・実例9












時間設定: 準備時間 なし 話す時間 2分


評価規準 教員とRole play土産

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の一つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:カードの設定に沿って、お土産の条件などを、分かりやすく(理解できる形で)説明している。

採点の基準 教員とRole play土産


T: May I help you?

S: Um, I’m looking for souvenir for my family. Mm, what is the best seller in this shop?

T: Um, … well, we have many types of um product that sell well.

S: Uh-huh.

T: And what are you interested in?

S: Mm. I I cannot buy expensive ones, so I prefer small um key ho, key chain like(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1)

T: あー OK, key chain.

S: Yes.

T: あ we have several types of key chain with diamond,

S: Uh-huh.

T: and with some gold plate

S: Uh-huh.

T: attached or some simple picture um … pic picture card

S: Uh-huh.

T: attached.

S: あー I see. Um, I think the picture um picture one is good. And which picture in these is um …. is sell (知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1)

T: あー well, we have mountain picture um of world heritage site

S: あー, I see.

T: and … OK, how many key chains

S: あー えー

T: are you going to buy?

S: for my friend and for my friend, あっ?For my friend and family. So, maybe ten. … Yes. … About ten key chains.

T: OK. How would you pay? Um, are you going to pay by credit or cash?

S: あー I will buy it with cash.

T: Oh, I see. Um, unfortunately, um we only receive credit card.

S: あー

T: Is it OK?

S: あー yes, OK.

T: OK, I see. OK, then thank you. This is the end of the task.



◆知識・技能 b


例1:Mm. I I cannot buy expensive ones, so I prefer small um key ho, key chain like(正しくは、like key chain)

例2:あー I see. Um, I think the picture um picture one is good. And which picture in these is um …. is sell(下線部は、理解が難しい)

◆思考・判断・表現 b


例1:Mm. I I cannot buy expensive ones, so I prefer small um key ho, key chain like(条件と欲しいものの説明をしている)

例2:あー I see. Um, I think the picture um picture one is good. And which picture in these is um …. is sell(欲しいものを挙げている)

主体的に学習に取り組む態度 b


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