1. 話すこと(やり取り・教員とのロールプレイ)学校紹介・実例6










時間設定: 事前提示なし(即興) 準備時間 なし 話す時間 2分


評価規準 教員とRole play 学校紹介

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:1つ目の学校の特徴について、2文程度で説明ができる。

  • 条件2:2つ目の学校の特徴について、2文程度で説明ができる。

採点の基準 教員とRole play 学校紹介


T: Could you tell me about your school?

S: あー, my school is um ○○ is um located in ○○ in Tokyo, and but there’s a lot of um natures and we can see greens, and maybe um if it buil located in the um urban area, we can’t um, あっ it’s ve maybe it’s very busy and noisy, but here we can あ concentrate on our study. And this is the good point, あ one of the good points. (知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1)And second, um this university um has a lot of um … other universities from overseas, so we can um there is a lot of exchange exchange students, so we can enjoy あー interactive with um … foreign students. And this is the good point. These are good point of in this university.(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件2)

T: How about teachers?

S: Teachers. Um teachers um are also amazing and because um they have a lot of background, and they have but um much, they have much knowledges that we we’ve known, so it’s very interesting to um communicate with teachers because they teach us a lot of things. And they give us a lot of advice, and I think it’s very um important for students to um know the … mm a lot of knowledge and or information of the overseas we’ve never go.思考・判断・表現 その他

T: (Sound of the timer) OK, sounds very interesting. Thank you very much.



◆知識・技能 b


例:あー, my school is um ○○ is um located in ○○ in Tokyo, and but there’s a lot of um natures and we can see greens, and maybe um if it buil located in the um urban area, we can’t um, あっ it’s ve maybe it’s very busy and noisy, but here we can あconcentrate on our study. And this is the good point, あ one of the good points.(正しくは、if it would locate in urban area, it might be very busy and noisy)

◆思考・判断・表現 a


例:あー, my school is um ○○ is um located in ○○ in Tokyo, and but there’s a lot of um natures and we can see greens,(ここまでが特徴の提示。以降から説明スタート)and maybe um if it buil located in the um urban area, we can’t um, あっit’s ve maybe it’s very busy and noisy, but here we can あ concentrate on our study. And this is the good point, あ one of the good points.(説明は下線部2文)


Um teachers um are also amazing(ここまでが特徴の提示)and because um they have a lot of background, and they have but um much, they have much knowledges that we we’ve known, so it’s very interesting to um communicate with teachers because they teach us a lot of things. And they give us a lot of advice, and I think it’s very um important for students to um know the … mm a lot of knowledge and or information of the overseas we’ve never go.(説明は下線部2文)


例:And second, um this university um has a lot of um … other universities from overseas, so we can um there is a lot of exchange exchange students,(ここまでが特徴の提示)so we can enjoy あー interactive with um … foreign students. And this is the good point. These are good point of in this university.(説明は下線部1文)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


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