1. 話すこと(やり取り・教員とのロールプレイ)教育改善・実例1










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評価規準 教員とRole play 教育改善

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

採点の基準 教員とRole play 教育改善


T: What do you think young people can do to improve child education

S: あー yeah.

T: in developing countries?

S: To improve あー the education for children, I think あー the best thing is … raising some money for like improving like … the quality of education.思考・判断・表現 条件1)For example, if you look at あー the number one and number nine, ten, like you can see they are suffering from the lack of money, because like … they be, so for example, like because they don’t have like enough money to live well, あー like they are suffering from like hunger and poor and so like expensive education. So maybe we can just try like … some charity event and then, get some money for it mm. I think that’s the easiest way. I was also thinking about um … like trying to find some good ways to train teachers, but maybe it’s a role for adults. So, the first one is better.思考・判断・表現 条件2

T: Oh, I see. OK, in terms of the first one, um if you collect, if you do the charity and collect plenty of money, how would you … send that money to … those in need?

S: Um, I don’t think it’s actually difficult send the money because nowadays we can get access data in any websites involved in these kind of a like charity events, so if you might find um like interesting events there, maybe you can also find the way to send the money to mm.思考・判断・表現 その他 So I’m not worried about it.

T: Oh, I see. But there are multiple possibilities. And how would you select one institution or charity or um some group?

S: Mm. Um, I think that あっ that’s a really important. That’s a problem like you said. So maybe we can just ask あ our own teachers. They maybe they can tell us like … the best way to raise the money and send the money. Mm. And if it is difficult, we can ask some questions, it’s like kinda office as the government, so yeah, it should be really … like challenging but it’s worth thinking.

T: Yes. Thank you.

S: Thank you.



◆知識・技能 a


◆思考・判断・表現 a


例:To improve あー the education for children, I think あー the best thing is … raising some money for like improving like … the quality of education.


例:... (1) For example, if you look at あー the number one and number nine, ten, like you can see they are suffering from the lack of money, because like … they be, so for example, (2) like because they don’t have like enough money to live well, あー  (3) like they are suffering from like hunger and poor and so like expensive education. (4) So maybe we can just try like … some charity event and then, get some money for it mm. (5) I think that’s the easiest way. (6) I was also thinking about um … like trying to find some good ways to train teachers, (7) but maybe it’s a role for adults. So, (8) the first one is better.(最初の自発的な発話において、8の説明あり。長い従属節は1文とカウントした)


例:(1) I don’t think it’s actually difficult send the money (2) because nowadays we can get access data in any websites involved in these kind of a like charity events, so (3) if you might find um like interesting events there, maybe you can also find the way to send the money to mm.(ここで追加の説明3文。それ以降も続く)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


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