1. 話すこと(やり取り・教員とのロールプレイ)教育改善・実例8










時間設定: 事前提示なし(即興) 資料Aを読む時間 3分  話す時間 3分 




評価規準 教員とRole play 教育改善

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

採点の基準 教員とRole play 教育改善


T: So what do you think young people can do to improve child education in developing countries?

S: Yeah, あー I came up with two possible um measures.

T: OK.

S: And あー first thing is to raise funding and ask for donation um … in public places. So … that’s the first um suggestion. Um, second, maybe we can join some NPOs and teach kids um some basic things like such as あー basic law, and during weekends, yeah. That’s, yeah, … these are the ones I just came up.(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1)

T: OK, in terms of the the first option,

S: Yes.

T: of raising, raising money,

S: Yes.

T: um, could you talk more about it?

S: あ yeah. … あ … あ what I think of is like, あー … mm something that we can always see あー on on the street or at the stations, like maybe you have seen people like having boxes and ask for donation. So that’s what I thought.思考・判断・表現 条件2)

T: I see. Um, that’s maybe effective, but I … recently see crowd funding

S: Yeah, yeah.

T: on the Internet.

S: Yeah.

T: And it may be more efficient and effective or what do you think?

S: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I agree with you. Yeah, and yeah, but I I rarely know about the crowd funding and how to do that.

T: Mm.

S: But yeah, if … we could, maybe that would be much better.

T: OK, and in terms of the second option, you said teaching kids basic things on weekends.

S: Weekends.

T: So, do you directly, do you go to … developing countries

S: あ no.

T: and teach?

S: No. あー yeah. oh, あ poor countries, yes. So

T: Oh, so,

S: Oh, sorry, maybe I

T: poor kids in Japan.

S: Not kids in Japan. Poor children in Japan? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s what I thought. Yeah.

T: I see. Poor … it includes poor children in Japan. Yes, so you can do that on weekend.

S: Yeah.

T: I see. Um, how … how would you find such children in need?

S: Um, maybe we can join some NPOs, like I … know あー I know some organizations that allow university students to teach kids. I’m not sure about high school students, あー like teach them, so maybe we can … mm ask them.思考・判断・表現 条件2)

T: I see. to introduce you to

S: Yes.

T: um … relevant children. I see. OK, so you proposed two options. And which do you think is more effective?

S: Mm, … I think … mm this second option might be more effective if we think about poor children in Japan. But if you want to make an impact more high, maybe the first option would be more practical.思考・判断・表現 条件2)

T: あー I see. OK, thank you.




◆知識・技能 a


例:And あー first thing is to raise funding and ask for donation um … in public places. So … that’s the first um suggestion. Um, second, maybe we can join some NPOs and teach kids um some basic things like such as あー basic law, and during weekends, yeah. That’s, yeah, … these are the ones I just came up.


◆思考・判断・表現 a


例:And あー first thing is to raise funding and ask for donation um … in public places. So … that’s the first um suggestion. Um, second, maybe we can join some NPOs and teach kids um some basic things like such as あー basic law, and during weekends, yeah. That’s, yeah, … these are the ones I just came up.


例1:あ yeah. … あ … あ (1)what I think of is like, あー … mm something that we can always see あー on on the street or at the stations, like (2)maybe you have seen people like having boxes and ask for donation. So that’s what I thought.(ここまでで2文)

例2:Um, (3)maybe we can join some NPOs, like I … know あー (4)I know some organizations that allow university students to teach kids. I’m not sure about high school students, あー like teach them, so (5)maybe we can … mm ask them.(例2で3文)

例3:Mm, … (6) I think … mm this second option might be more effective if we think about poor children in Japan. But (7)if you want to make an impact more high, maybe the first option would be more practical.(例3で2文)


◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


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