1. 話すこと(やり取り・教員とのロールプレイ)ポスター・実例9










1) 自分のポスターを簡単に説明する

2) このポスターの特に良いと思う点を述べる

3) 先生がどう思うか聞いて、二人で会話をする

時間設定: 準備時間 30秒 話す時間 3分




評価規準 教員とRole play Poster

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の三つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:カードの設定に沿って、自分のポスターを簡単に説明している。

  • 条件2:このポスターの特に良いと思う点を述べている。

  • 条件3:先生がどう思うか聞いて、二人で会話をしている。

採点の基準 教員とRole play Poster


T: Is that the poster you like?

S: あー yes, えー I made this poster. And this is poster for a um … for school event, (知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1)and I think it’s good, it’s really good because this lantern Japanese lantern is really cool. And also this mark looks like fireworks and it’s …. and it’s like … Japanese taste poster. (知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件2)And … how how do you think about this poster?思考・判断・表現 条件3

T: あー before that, what’s the excellent point?

S: あー excellent point is

T: about this poster?

S: this, mm, mm … this Japanese style poster, this lantern and um … this mark of fireworks.

T: I see.

S: Yes.

T: Um, … I basically like it,

S: Uh-huh.

T: but I don’t like dark blue color

S: Oh.

T: in the background.

S: I see. So um

T: あー Because it looks like a night fair.

S: あー I see.

T: But it’s actually daytime fair.

S: Mm, so, how what do you think um orange?思考・判断・表現 条件3)

T: Orange background.

S: Yes, background.

T: And are you going to change the lantern color?

S: Oh, so what do you, what would you like to?

T: あー well, orange and red may be too vivid.

S: あー I see.

T: So

S: So

T: if you change um to orange, you may, you might want to change the color of lantern, too.

S: あー I see. So, how about … mm … green lantern and

T: And orange.

S: orange background.

T: あー OK. Yeah, let’s try it

S: Yes.

T: and see how it looks.

S: I’ll try.

T: OK, thank you very much.



◆知識・技能 a


例:あー yes, えー I made this poster. And this is poster for a um … for school event, and I think it’s good, it’s really good because this lantern Japanese lantern is really cool. And also this mark looks like fireworks and it’s …. and it’s like … Japanese taste poster.

◆思考・判断・表現 a


例:あー yes, えー I made this poster. And this is poster for a um … for school event,


例:I think it’s good, it’s really good because this lantern Japanese lantern is really cool. And also this mark looks like fireworks and it’s …. and it’s like … Japanese taste poster.


例1:And … how how do you think about this poster?

例2:Mm, so, how what do you think um orange?

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


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