1. 話すこと(やり取り・教員とのロールプレイ)教育改善・実例4










時間設定: 事前提示なし(即興) 資料Aを読む時間 3分  話す時間 3分 




評価規準 教員とRole play 教育改善

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

採点の基準 教員とRole play 教育改善


T: What do you think are good good ways

S: Uh-huh. 

T: to improve 

S: Um.

T: child education in developing countries?

S: We have to try to fund um the funding of for education, and or build あー schools or um … give the materi あ give the learning materials to the countries.(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件1) 

T: I see. Um, so our task is to find

S: Uh-huh.

T: something young people can do

S: Uh-huh. Yeah.

T: to improve

S: Yeah.

T: um poor education.

S: Yes.

T: So, out of the three things you mentioned, what to think is the most the thing young people can

S: Young people can, yeah.

T: contribute?

S: Um. Young people can. … It is the thing the I said that said, I said, as I said. Um, … yeah, funding for education will be easy for us to do to help the countr, um the children of this countries um because we can we can ask funding um other people or adult um in Japan, and then we send it to the country. And … maybe it’ll be the um helpful for the … um education.思考・判断・表現 条件2) 

T: I see. And are you going to send the money you collected directly or

S: あー not directly. And I think um I we have to um send it to the maybe um NGO, and then, um maybe it is … not impossible but maybe difficult for us to send it directly, so we can um … it will be good way that we depend on the such NGOs, and then the NGOs go and collect the collect ss um fundings, um a lot of … um areas in Japan, and then, they’ll send it to the country. I think is the way is nice, good way.思考・判断・表現 条件2) 

T: I see. … OK, thank you very much. This is the end of the task.



◆知識・技能 b


例:We have to try to fund um the funding of for education, and or build あー schools or um … give the materi あ give the learning materials to the countries.


◆思考・判断・表現 b


例:We have to try to fund um the funding of for education, and or build あー schools or um … give the materi あ give the learning materials to the countries.(We have to try the funding for education, or build schools or give the learning materials to the countries. と3つの提案をしている


例1:Um. Young people can. … It is the thing the I said that said, I said, as I said. Um, … yeah, funding for education will be easy for us to do to help the countr, um the children of this countries um because we can we can ask funding um other people or adult um in Japan, and then we send it to the country. And … maybe it’ll be the um helpful for the … um education.ここまでで3文。because以降の従属節は1文と数えた)

2あー not directly. And I think um I we have to um send it to the maybe um NGO, and then, um maybe it isnot impossible but maybe difficult for us to send it directly, so we can um … it will be good way that we depend on the such NGOs, and then the NGOs go and collect the collect ss um fundings, um a lot of … um areas in Japan, and then, they’ll send it to the country. I think is the way is nice, good way.(例2で説明は5文)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


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