4. 話すこと(やり取り・ペアでのディスカッション)・話すこと(やり取り・ペアでのロールプレイ)実例2






☆You are Student A. OR You are Student B. (どちらかが渡される)


Topic 3:

Discussion topic: Please talk about the merits and demerits of social networking. (2 minutes)

Student A: There are more merits than demerits.

Student B: There are more demerits than merits.

Decide your group’s conclusion at the end.


ペアでのディスカッションでの時間設定: 準備時間 15秒 ペアでの会話時間 2分




Topic 1:

あなたは、あなたのペアと一緒に旅行 (trip) に行く約束をしました。今から、お互いに質問しながら、旅行に持っていく物を4つ決めてください。(2 minutes)

旅行の場所と時:Zoo in Hokkaido in January

目的:Seeing cute animals

気候:Very cold at daytime and night.


ペアでのロールプレイの時間設定: 準備時間 15秒 ペアでの会話時間 2分


評価規準 ペアで議論・Role play

採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:カードの設定に沿って、自分の意見とその理由を分かりやすく説明している。

  • 条件2:相手の発言に反応し、意見を取り入れながら話している。

採点の基準 ペアで議論・Role play



Teacher: Student A should agree there are more merits, and more demerits. (準備時間の後、方法について質問されたので、説明している) Let’s begin.

Left (L): I agree with this idea that … soc social networking has merits. あー For example, when you use social networking, you can meet all friends. … How about you?

Right (R): えー Indeed throu indeed, by using social networking service, えー I can get touch with all friends. But えー social net social network service えー steal from us an opportunities to meet friends in reality.

L: あー You mean, mm social … if you … you use social networking, あー we … あー don’t get chance to meet real life. Right?

R: あー I I said social net えー … we えー I said social networking services えー do do us harm but … えー like like what you said, … えー by social network service we … we can interact with friends え always and where we are.

L: Yes, yes.

R: So, … social networking is えー not bad, not bad, えー not bad thing, so … if we use … right. (Sound of the timer)

L: Right. … Agreeです(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)





◆思考・判断・表現 b



例1:I agree with this idea that … soc social networking has merits.(ここまで意見)あー For example, when you use social networking, you can meet all friends. …(理由)How about you?質問

2You mean, mm social … if you … you use social networking, あー we … あー don’t get chance to meet real life. Right?相手の意図を確認

3Yes, yes.相手に反応

4Right. … Agreeです(相手に反応。意見を合わせている)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 b



◆思考・判断・表現 b



例1:Indeed throu indeed,(相手に反応)by using social networking service, えー I can get touch with all friends.(相手の意見に触れている)But えー social net social network service えー steal from us an opportunities to meet friends in reality.反対の理由

2I said social net えー … we えー I said social networking services えー do do us harm(相手の質問に対して意見を明確化)but … えー like like what you said, … えー by social network service we … we can interact with friends え always and where we are.(相手の意見に理解を示し、話を発展)

3So, … social networking is えー not bad, not bad, えー not bad thing, so … if we use … right.(意見の変更)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a




R: えー What … what what do you want to see the most? What animal do you see the most?

L: Oh. I want to the lion.

R: Lion? あー To …

L: And I I want to … あー watch a video.

R: Watch a video.

L: So, I want to bring a video, video camera.

R: Oh, and …

L: What do you want to go to the zoo?

R: Zoo? Sorry, sorry.

L: 持ってきたいものは?

R: Sorry. You said, you said you bring video camera. But I … I in I in order to take a picture, so I bring a camera, not video camera.

L: Oh.

R: Yes. We we take movie and photo photograph.

L: Oh.

R: Wait, wait, wait.

L: I bring あー umbrella. If … if mm? when we go to the zo zoo in Hokkaido, あー 雨が降るかもしれない it may rain.

R: Rain. Before before we caught in rain, Hokkaido is very cold. So we we must think overcoat.

L: Oh, yes.

R: So … if we if we bring the two things, えー perhaps we … we must not catch a cold.

L: Yeah.

R: So, … it have our … it have us to enjoy our trip.

L: Oh. It’s very cold at daytime and night, yes.

R: Over coat prevent prevent coldness.

L: In conclusion, えー video camera, camera, over coat and umbrella.(思考・判断・表現 条件1・2)

R: Yes.





◆思考・判断・表現 b



例1:Oh. I want to the lion.(意見)

2And I I want to … あー watch a video.(意見)

3So, I want to bring a video, video camera.理由

4What do you want to go to the zoo?質問


6I bring あー umbrella.(質問)If … if mm? when we go to the zo zoo in Hokkaido, あー 雨が降るかもしれない it may rain.理由

7Oh, yes.(相手への反応)

8Oh. It’s very cold at daytime and night, yes.(相手の意見を取り入れた発話

9In conclusion, えー video camera, camera, over coat and umbrella.まとめ)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 b



◆思考・判断・表現 b



例1:What animal do you see the most?(質問)

2Lion?相手に反応 あー To …

3Watch a video.(相手に反応)

4Oh, and …(相手に反応)

5Zoo? Sorry, sorry.(意味の確認)

6Sorry.(相手に反応)You said, you said you bring video camera. But I … I in I in order to take a picture, so I bring a camera, not video camera.(相手の意見に基づき自分の意見を述べる)

7Yes. We we take movie and photo photograph.理由

8Rain. Before before we caught in rain, Hokkaido is very cold. So we we must think overcoat.(相手の意見に基づき、自分の意見とその理由を述べる)

9So … if we if we bring the two things, えー perhaps we … we must not catch a cold.(理由)

例10:So, … it have our … it have us to enjoy our trip.話を広げる

例11:Over coat prevent prevent coldness.(理由)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a


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