2. 話すこと(発表・スピーチ)+ 話すこと(やり取り・ペアでの質疑応答)実例1








1人目:Which is more comfortable, taking a trip by car or by train? Include specific examples and details in your response.

2人目:How can people become healthy? Include specific examples and details in your response.



事前提示あり(準備 準備時間 15秒 一人で話す時間 45秒 ペアでの質疑応答 1分


評価規準 発表

発表の採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:トピックに沿って意見を述べている。

  • 条件2:意見に沿った理由や説明を2文以上で行っている。

採点の基準 発表





Topic: Which is more comfortable, taking a trip by car or by train? Include specific examples and details in your response.

Right (R): I think えー taking a I think take a by car is more comfortable.思考・判断・表現 条件1)Um. My this reason is … my rea reason is take to take a trip by car is えー to make we to make us to go every place.(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件2)We can, we can go every place.


Teacher: OK. Question time.

Left (L): Oh. Do you often go somewhere by car?(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

R: I went to go … Shizuoka prefecture the last wee weekend. I go to … えー travel to catch at (?).(Right: 思考・判断・表現 条件2)

L: Mm. That’s good.

R: Thank you very much.

L: あー So … don’t you don’t you don’t you take don’t you ride a train in … えー so often?(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

R: Mm I often … ride ride a … train. But I … more ride a car.(Right: 思考・判断・表現 条件2)


Topic: How can people become healthy? Include specific examples and details in your response.

L: People need to do their daily exercise such as walking or running … instead of taking … bus or riding car.思考・判断・表現 条件1)Um. If you if you あ if you don’t have ... too much time to do extra exercise, you have you only have to walk to station instead of using car or riding bus.思考・判断・表現 条件2)And also you you have to be careful about your diet. So you don’t so don’t take too much sugar, salt or oil.思考・判断・表現 その他あー(45秒経過)Maybe it’s good to take your take care of your health.


Teacher: Thank you. OK. Question time.

R: えー WHO define health as not nearly えー physical えー physical situation … is good. But えー mental health and well-being with socials is important. Do you think え mental health or well-being with socials is … Do you think … あー is good?(Right: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

L: Yes, … I think so. あー We we also have to … take care about our mental.(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件2)


一人目 (Right):bcb

二人目 (Left):aaa

一人目の発表(Right: bcb)解説:

◆知識・技能 b


例:my rea reason is take to take a trip by car is えー to make we to make us to go every place.(誤りがあり、my reason for taking a trip by car is to make us go every place. が正しいが、理解はできる)

◆思考・判断・表現 c


例:I think えー taking a I think take a by car is more comfortable.


例:my rea reason is take to take a trip by car is えー to make we to make us to go every place.

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 b


二人目の発表(Left: aaa)の解説:

◆知識・技能 a


◆思考・判断・表現 a


例:People need to do their daily exercise such as walking or running … instead of taking … bus or riding car.


例:(1) if you don’t have too much time to do extra exercise, (2) you have you only have to walk to station instead of using car or riding bus.(説明は2文。長い従属節は1文とカウント)


例:(1) And also you you have to be careful about your diet. (2) So you don’t so don’t take too much sugar, salt or oil.

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a



評価規準 ペアで質疑応答

やり取りの採点の基準: 「思考・判断・表現」は以下の二つの条件に基づき、採点を行う。

  • 条件1:トピックに沿った質問をしている。

  • 条件2:質問に答えている。

  • (本実例は、二条件を合わせて1つの採点を行う形だが、それぞれを別に基準として採点する方法もある)

採点の基準 ペアで質疑応答





Topic: Which is more comfortable, taking a trip by car or by train? Include specific examples and details in your response.

Right (R): I think えー taking a I think take a by car is more comfortable.思考・判断・表現 条件1)Um. My this reason is … my rea reason is take to take a trip by car is えー to make we to make us to go every place.(知識・技能)(思考・判断・表現 条件2)We can, we can go every place.


Teacher: OK. Question time.

Left (L): Oh. Do you often go somewhere by car?(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

R: I went to go … Shizuoka prefecture the last wee weekend. I go to … えー travel to catch at (?).(Right: 思考・判断・表現 条件2)

L: Mm. That’s good.

R: Thank you very much.

L: あー So … don’t you don’t you don’t you take don’t you ride a train in … えー so often?(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

R: Mm I often … ride ride a … train. But I … more ride a car.(Right: 思考・判断・表現 条件2)


Topic: How can people become healthy? Include specific examples and details in your response.

L: People need to do their daily exercise such as walking or running … instead of taking … bus or riding car.思考・判断・表現 条件1)Um. If you if you あ if you don’t have ... too much time to do extra exercise, you have you only have to walk to station instead of using car or riding bus.思考・判断・表現 条件2)And also you you have to be careful about your diet. So you don’t so don’t take too much sugar, salt or oil.思考・判断・表現 その他あー(45秒経過)Maybe it’s good to take your take care of your health.


Teacher: Thank you. OK. Question time.

R: えー WHO define health as not nearly えー physical えー physical situation … is good. But えー mental health and well-being with socials is important. Do you think え mental health or well-being with socials is … Do you think … あー is good?(Right: 思考・判断・表現 条件1)

L: Yes, … I think so. あー We we also have to … take care about our mental.(Left: 思考・判断・表現 条件2)





◆思考・判断・表現 a


例:Do you often go somewhere by car? don’t you don’t you don’t you take don’t you ride a train … えー so often?(「車での移動の方が快適」だと言った相手に対して、「よく車でどこか行くの?電車はあまり乗らないの?」と尋ねており、Rightが発表で言ったトピックと内容に即した質問のため、条件1を満たしている)


例:I think so. あー We we also have to … take care about our mental.(あまり明確ではない回答だが、質問自体が明確でなく、時間制限もあったため、そこは大目に見て条件2を満たすと考える)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 a



◆思考・判断・表現 b


例:WHO define health as not nearly えー physical えー physical situation … is good. But えー mental health and well-being with socials is important. Do you think え mental health or well-being with socials is … Do you think … あー is good?(意図がわかりにくいが、質問はしている)



L: … don’t you don’t you don’t you take don’t you ride a train … えー so often?

R: Mm I often … ride ride a … train. But I … more ride a car.(発表で take by car is more comfortable. と言っていて、「あまり電車には乗らないのか」という質問に対し、「電車にもよく乗るが、車の方がもっと乗る」と答えており、一貫した答えになっている)


L: Oh. Do you often go somewhere by car?

R: I went to go … Shizuoka prefecture the last wee weekend. I go to … えー travel to catch at (?).一般的に車でどこかによく行くのかという質問に対し、先週末行ったことだけ答えており、質問の回答になっていない)

◆主体的に学習に取り組む態度 b


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