Martin Brennan

Martin Joseph Brennan was born on May 24, 1963, and was the son of jockey/trainer Owen Brennan.

He was apprenticed to Jimmy Fitzgerald and rode his first winner, Arctic Menelek, at Kelso on March 3, 1981.

His last winner, Common Man, came at Cheltenham on October 25, 2000.

Martin rode Strath Royal to win the 1998 Charlie Hall Chase and Speaker to win the 1998 Great Yorkshire Chase. 

He also won the 1997 Rowland Myerick Chase on Strath Royal.

He rode more than 350 winners in a 19-year career, retiring in 2000.

Martin Brennan

Big winners:

1997: Rowland Meyrick Chase – Strath Royal 

1998: Great Yorkshire Chase – Speaker Weatherill 

1998: Charlie Hall Chase – Strath Royal 

Article courtesy Chas Hammond