Atty Corbett

1921 - 1976


A son of Lord Rowallan, the Hon. Thomas Anthony Corbett was born at Rowallan, Kilmarnock, on October 10. 1921. Educated at Eton, he served in the Grenadier Guards in World War Two. He was awarded the Military Cross in 1946.

‘Atty’ Corbett, as he was known, was a highly successful amateur before turning professional in the 1953/54 season. He won the 1950 National Hunt Chase on Lord Bicester’s seven-year-old Ellesmere, the 100-30 favourite, trained by Ken Cundell. His other big wins included the 1953 Kim Muir Challenge Cup on Crudwell and the 1954 Mildmay Memorial Chase on Domata and. He rated Crudwell the best he rode. 

He retired from riding in 1957 and began training in 1959, based at Yew Tree House, Compton, Berkshire for almost ten years until moving his string to La Grange Stables in Newmarket at the start of 1968

Among his most important successes as a trainer were the 1963 Lockinge Stakes and Sussex Stakes with Queen’s Hussar, the 1963 Gimcrack Stakes and Champagne Stakes with Talahasse, and the 1972 Coventry Stakes and July Stakes with Perdu. He twice won Newmarket’s Free Handicap, in 1966 with Kibenka and in 1970 with Shiny Tenth. He also trained Sweet Revenge to win twelve races including the King’s Stand Stakes and Prix de l’Abbaye.  

Atty Corbett was fatally injured when struck by a car while walking out with his string on Saturday, November 27, 1976. He died in Newmarket General Hospital the same evening, aged 55. He left £9,394 gross.