Mogan Bletsoe

Amateur rider Morgan Borrett Bletsoe was the brother of Henry Bryan Bletsoe, rider of 1908 Grand National winner Rubio. They were both born at Barnwell, about three miles from Oundle, Northamptonshire. 

They were the sons of trainer Bernard Bletsoe, who owned and trained Grudon to win the 1901 Grand National.

His first winner was Gruden at Rugby on Thursday, March 15, 1894.

One of Morgan's best wins came on the same horse in the1897 Champion Chase.

He finished eighth in the 1898 Grand National on Barsac before, two years later, coming sixth on Grudon despite the horse getting a leg through its bridle.

Joining the Army as a Private, he spent 1916 (by then a Lieutenant) in the trenches in France. He was later promoted to Captain.

Sadly, both he and his wife died of gas poisoning on January 5, 1955. Their bodies were discovered two days later. 

Morgan left £24,112.