Ralph Brassey 

Mr Ralph Albert Brassey, youngest son of Albert Brassey, M. P., riding Carrickdown at Cambridge University Steeplechases at Huntingdon on November 28, 1905, came down at the first fence of the third race. A second horse which also fell came down on top of him.

He was taken to Huntingdon County Hospital by car and found to be suffering from concussion of the brain.

A telegraph was sent to his parents but at the time they were away from home.

Once contacted, an express train was especially stopped for them and they reached Huntingdon at midnight.

Such were his injuries that Ralph died at 1.25 Monday morning, December 4, 1905.

He was seen by a specialist shortly after arriving at the hospital, and hopes were entertained that he might pull through, but he suffered a fatal relapse.

Ralph, who turned 22 in March, was an excellent polo player, a graduate at Oxford University and a member of New College. He was also master of the University Drag Hunt.

On the news of his death, flags were flown at half-mast over the Town Hall, the Constitutional Hall and the Liberal Club.

This was the second son lost by Mr & Mrs Brassey, Ralph's brother, Lieut. Percy Brassey of the 9th Lancers, having been killed in the Boer War during the advance on Kimberley.

Ralph was buried at St Nicholas's Church, Heythrop, Chipping Norton, at 1.30 p.m on December 7. His brother, Robert Bingham Brassey, the only surviving son, attended the funeral.

Ralph was the second amateur jockey killed that week, Captain Meyricke having taken a fatal fall at Aldershot just days earlier.