This picture of the Robert Randall home was found by Brookhaven TownHistorian Barbara Russell. It was tucked away between some maps. Thispicture shows Robert and Phoebe Randall with their sons Clarence ( heldby Robert) and Jason. Circa 1894.

The Census of 180 has AustinRandall, age 52 farmer, and his wife, Mary, age 49,living there with his six children:

Mary, 18

Jerome, 16

Henry, 26, seaman

Jason, 13

Susan, 11

Charry, 4

Hulse1797 map shows a structure existing ont he same property and beingowned by Thomas Aldridge, Revolutionary War Veteran. Aldridge is buriedin a small cemetery containing three graves about a mile west on MiddleCountry Road.

Jason Randall, the young man in the old picture. Jason was a very civic minded

citizen who served as a trustee for the Ridge School.

Jason's wife Jennie, who was the one room schoolhouse teacher in Ridge.

1917 Belcher Hyde Map, which shows the farm of Robert Randall. Raynor road is drawn in as a private road.
