German POWs - Camp Upton - Circa 1945 Andeken Von Hans is visible in the second row, third from the left Willi appears to be in the first row, second from the left Hans Schesser appears to be the first row, on the far left Note the "PW" markings on the uniforms, especially on the right leg of the soldier in the second row, on the far left.

Andeken Von Hans Hans Schesser

Below is the transaction of the letter from Josef Kraft, a former German prisoner of war, to my grandfather, Frederick Daniel Pearsall. Frederick worked as a civilian cook at Camp Upton during WWII. He was a veteran of WWI. The letter was translated by Christopher Wesselborg.

Information provide by

Jim Pearsall.

August, 2003

Kiedrich, July 12, 1946

Dear Mr. Pearsall:

Now the first greetings from my home country [1]. Have arrived here safely

[2] on May 28, my family and I are still in good health. I hope the same for

you. I am often thinking about the good times in the Besches Mess in Camp

Upton. Here in Germany we have to do without quite a lot which wasn't the

case over there [3]. Most often I am thinking of the good food and the

smoking, which we had when I was together with you in the dining hall [4].

Dear Mr. Pearsall: Should you still be working in the dining hall, please

give my best regards [5] to all who knew me, in particular to the German

woman who worked in the dining hall. And finally I wish you and your family

all the best and ask you to write me soon [6].

I remain with my most sincere greetings and holding you in high esteem [7]

Josef Kraft


Hessen Nassau (16)



[1] Heimat: home, home country or region

[2] gut angekommen: arrived well, safely

[3] bei Ihnen: literally: with you; also: at your place

[4] Messe: military term for dining hall

[5] recht bald mal schreiben: a way of saying he'd be glad to receive a few

lines soon

[6] viele Gruess: many regards

[7] literally: I remain with the dearest greetings in all [or high] esteem