Hordes Of Jews

The following paper was distributed by members of the bund spewing their hatred.

AMERICANS............CHRISTIANS............WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!


Driven by insane love for money and power, through shady and dishonest dealings, the Jews, wherever they have located in numbers, have succeeded in driving every American out of business and homes, Look at our City of New York, 25 years ago the Jew was hardly known, but today every business, theatre, and all real estate, in fact entire New York City is in the hands of the Jews and What is more serious the entire press is owned by them, making us Americans absolutely helpless as in all papers the Jew is eulogized to the limit and everything not favorable to the Jew is severely kept out. Think of all the power the press gives to the Jews, they are now grabbing all the higher offices of our government, read the names of the officials-like the bible at the time of Moses. The Jews tell us what they allow us to do:

We must not send our Athletes to the Olympics...

They don’t allow us to have this or that fight...

They don’t allow our Universities to take part in the International Celebrations...

They force our government to persecute some of our most useful citizens...

Just because their former countries have defended themselves against these contemptible, lying, cheating, grabling and stealing Jews, through lying in their papers, they have used Catholics, Protestants and foolish mudgutter politicians as a blind for their activities to subjugate as Americans. Politicians make special laws to suit the Jews. Saturday is now our Sunday, laws are made to suite the Jews-not us Americans. American money spent in Jew Stores is lost to Christians forever, as Jews buy their goods only from Jews and boycott all Christian business. They tell us to face; “We Jews rule and we let you ‘Goys’ do Our work.” They tell us: “We Jews bring the business”. What a lie!..Yes..Yes..the Jews steal all business of us Christians.

AMERICANS!!!!! As our forefathers bled and fought for our country so let us fight the Jew for our possessions. Let us create a Government with a slogan: America for Americans. Disfranchise the Jews, then our cheap politicians will not have to stoop down and kiss the Jews lower extremities...Allow the Jews only one store or business limit the amount of his wealth, and forbid them to own stocks or shares in any “Newspaper”.

AMERICANS!!!!! Please Copy This Letter...Show This to Your Friends....Bring This Matter up in Your Society or Union.....

Jews are not persecuted on account of their religion...but because of the fact stated above