Footnotes to Long Island History

Patchogue 54 years ago


Thomas R. Bayles

Patchogue has always been a live town and according to an article in the Brookhaven Daily Eagle for November 9, 1907, it was a leader in the towns along the Great South Bay in those days and earlier. We quote from the article in the Eagle:

"The secret of Patchogue's leadership is quickly noticed by the stranger who may happen into the town. It is found in the get together policy that exists, and when it comes to a question of Patchogue or some other place, everybody gets out and hustles for Patchogue, and immediately becomes a press agent for the 'Queen Village.'

"The spirit of standing together is well shown in the government of local affairs. Ever since the village was incorporated in 1893, there has been no thought of politics in the selection of its officials. The residents meet in annual primary and nominate a non-partisan ticket, which is elected with no opposition. The confidence of the voters in the selection of the nominees is shown by the small vote cast on election day. Last year there were just 23 votes cast at the charter election.

"Patchogue is not only well, and most economically governed, but it has been commented on by visitors that they never saw a town witness disorder and drunkenness. The two local justices of the peace probably have not a dozen cases a year of this sort.

"The incorporated section of Patchogue extends from the bay north to Cedar Grove Avenue and east and west from Patchogue River to Bay Avenue and contains a population of about 4,000. West Lake has been recently purchased by the Great South Bay Water Company, and the village fathers signed a contract last August with the company to furnish the village with "pure and wholesome' water at a figure much less than that of the old contract which expired September 1. The water company is now at work improving its plant, which will give Patchogue double the water supply of the old plant. class dirt roads at present.

"The fire department is another to which Patchoguers point with pride, and three years ago the village raised $13,000 by bond issue for the erection of a modern brick headquarters, and an electric telegraph alarm system, the only of its kind on the Island. The equipment includes a large $1,700. hook and ladder truck, a smaller truck, a hand engine, the old "Honey Bee," whose fame as a prize winner is a part of Long Island's history. Also two hose reels, three hose jumpers, and two 45-gallon chemical extinguishers. The membership in the four companies is about 150.

"The industries of the village are varied with the largest being the Patchogue Manufacturing Company, which makes lace curtains and other lace products. Over 1,000,000 pairs of curtains are turned out every year and over 600 people are employed with a payroll of over $6,000 a week.

"Next in importance is the lumber mill of E. Bailey & Sons, which employs 275 men. The plant covers about 10 acres of brick and frame buildings and has branch yards at Sayville and Islip.

The shipbuilding firms which put out over $100,000 worth of boats every year line both sides of Patchogue river.

"Then there is the steel tape plant of Justus Roe & Sons, the Hiscox Chemical Works, the Hygeia Ice Mfg. Company and a number of smaller concerns. There are three banks, The Patchogue Bank, The Citizens Trust Co. and the Union Savings Bank.

"The school facilities are of the best with the high school on Ocean Avenue of 14 rooms, the River Avenue School of six rooms and the Maple Avenue School of eight rooms. The taxpayers have recently voted $70,000 for a 16-room school on Bay Avenue. The total registration is a 1,210 with a daily attendance of 1,100.