Middle Island Mail

August 28, 1935

Photo of the Randall family reunion. Photo from the collection of Randall Hollingsworth.

Under the blue sky, and the golden sunshine, the Randall family met on Saturday on the lawn of the Ernest Randall home at Ridge, Middle Island, a place which has been occupied by members of that family for over 150 years. Seventy-Five descendants of Stephen Randall met together for their third annual reunion, had lunch together and renewed pleasant associations. The gathering was purely a social one, as the business meeting of the Stephen Randall association will be held at a later date.

Asa Randall of Woodhaven, president of the association, presided during the day's program. The Rev. William Stewart of the Middle Island Presbyterian Church and chaplain of the association conducted the devotional exercises. (The Middle Island Presbyterian Church was the one attended by the Randall family for many years back.)

Dr. William Miller of Freeport made a short address and brought greetings from Mr. and Mrs. George Randall of Brooklyn, who were traveling in South America and expected to be flying over the Andes mountains on the day of the re-union. Dr. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Randall were together at Lake George a week ago.

The first Randall to come to this country from England came in 1640. The first to settle in the part of this country was Stephen Randall who made his home at Ridge in 1739. Stephen Randall signed the association in May 175 and again in June of the same year. During the Revolution, he organized a company of minutemen for home defense.

The Stephen Randall association was formed two years ago and has the following officers: President, Asa Randall; secretary, Mrs. Randall, R. Davis of Coram, who was instrumental in bringing about the reunions; treasurer, Mrs. James Robinson of Shoreham; historian, Mrs. S. Dimon Smith of freeport. The purpose is to perpetuate the memory of Stephen Randall and to care and to maintain his grave and those of the members of his family.

Members were present from Freeport, Woodhaven, Greeport, Port Jefferson, New York and many other places.

Commodore A. B. Randall of the United States lines (who was born in Brookhaven) was unable to be present as he is on the high seas. Among those who were present was Mrs. John G. Erhardt (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Davis) who has since returned to Germany.

Note- The Randall Association continues to hold these family meetings, and also sends out a family newsletter. The 1999 meeting was held in Mt. Sinai.