SEPTEMBER 28, 1958

To the Survivors of the Lost Battalion. . .

to greet you at Christmas We spent a Christmas together at Camp Upton in 1917 - another in France in 1918. These events and your courage and determination on the Lorraine front on the Vesle and your unforgettable stand at Charlevaux in the heart of the Argonne Forest will always be treasured memories to me.

The admiration and affection I held for you forty years ago is as strong and deep-rooted today as it was then. No officer ever commanded a finer, more dependable unit. I want you to know that my thoughts are with you today in the hope that your Christmas will be happy and that the New Year will hold for all of you the blessings you so richly deserve.

This greeting was written and signed by Major McMurtry on November 11, 1958.


308th Infantry

Major George G. McMurtry

Hqrs. Co.

James Larney, W. J. Baldwin

A Company

Al Nauheim, Herman Anderson


Barney Greenfield, Philip Kornelly, Sam Wolf, Steve

Honas, Louis Morris, Bob Manson, George Duffy, Sam

Marcus, James A. Keegan

C Company

Charles Oxman, Louis Baskin, Jack Tucker, Lionel

Bendheim, Phil Cepeglia, Leo Jacoby, John Colasacco,

David Tulchin, Paul Segal, Jacob Held, Bert Morrow

E Company

Joseph Kiernan, George Chiswell, Peter Gudis, Ray

Flynn, Herbert Gross

F Company

Martin Ellbogen, George Parker, Arthur Solomon

G Company

George Englander, Mike Mele, Frank Delgrosso


Capt. William J. Cullen

306th Machine Gun Bn.

Julius Sackman, Maurice E. Johnson, John H. Scanlon

307th Infantry, K Company .

Paul Schwartz, James Deahan, Sam Altiera, Isidore

Willinger, Joe Heuer, James Carroll


Forty years ago today we were skirting a small German cemetery in the Argonne Forest. Here 46 of us are assembled to honor the memory of those who gave their all just a few days later in the so-called "Lost Battalion." That is why each annual reunion luncheon is opened by Major NcMurty, "asking all to rise and join him in a silent toast to the Dead of the Lost Battalion." This solemn moment finds all eyes centered on our only decoration, the beautiful bouquet sent each year by -a gracious lady in memory of Marshall Peabody of the 306th Machine Gun Battalion, one of the many whose sacrifice has hallowed that hillside below the Moulin de Charlevaux road.

During the luncheon, stories and happenings are recalled ... about the fellow that risked his life every trip he made down to the water hole getting water for a fellow who would have done the Same for him, if he didn't have a shattered leg . . . about the fellow who comforted his funk-hole buddy during the days he lay-helpless and wounded drawing his only solace from the comradeship and indomitable spirit of the officers and men around him..

Major McMurtry's talk is always eagerly anticipated and holds the interest of all. His Sincerity, when he says how much he looks forward to these reunions - to be with you and me gives him the greatest pleasure. His hope that as long as there are two of us left alive we will continue to meet, to perpetuate the memory of the incident that prompted Major Whittelsey to say to the Major on the morning of our relief, October. 8, 1918, "George, as long as you and I live we will never be in finer company."

The sound-off initiated by Captain Cullen when every man gives his name, his company and were he's from, - always brings - out many interesting remarks and suggestions. Ray Flynn of E Company came all the way from Hollywood, Cal., and of course was presented with the award for coming the longest distance. Scanlon, 306th Machine Gun Bn., from Columbus, Ind. - Maurice Johnson, 306th MGBn, from Scranton, Pa. - Bob Manson, B Company, from Chicago - Jirn Larney, Hqrs. Compan , from Watertown, N. Y. - Sam Marcus, B Company, from Albany, N. Y.

Our luncheon closed with my report on the year's activity and the reading of many wonderful greetings -that are found on another page of this, our fifth news sheet. With our roster growing shorter each year -we, seem to be growing ever closer together, and how I wish I could look forward to being your secretary for another 20 years ... for I couldn't be in finer company.




On November 10th a fourteen,-foot oak sapling taken-from the Argonne Forest within six kilos of the stand of the Lost Battalion was planted on Meuse-Argonne Point, Governors Island, New York. Flown to, this country as the gift of the French Republic,-the tree was planted six feet behind the Meuse-Argonne monument dedicated last August 11th on the occasion of the First Army's 40th anniversary. The key participants in the ceremony were Major General J. F. R. Seitz, Chief of Staff of the First Army, the Honorable George Fieschi, Consul of France, and Lieutenant Colonel Rubillon Du Latay, Assistant French Military Attache. Several hundred - persons witnessed the planting of the oak tree. The First Army Color Guard, with American flag, the French Tricolor and the Army flag, together with the Honor Guard and the First Army Band joined in the tribute.

Plans are well under way for the United States Department of the Interior, through its Federal Hall National Memorial Service, to build the "American Museum of Immigration" at the foot of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. There will be a number of exhibits showing various stages and ages of immigration to this country and it is the feeling of the Department that no better way "to illustrate dramatically the loyalty of most immigrants to the United States" exists than the planned diorama built around the roster of the men who were in the Lost Battalion of World War 1. The roster as it Appears, in the 308th Infantry History has been submitted to Dr. Thomas M. Pitkin, the Supervising Park Historian. You will be advised when the, memorial is completed and your name appears for all time at the base of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.

Sent to Major McMurtry on his Birthday, November 6, from all of us:

May all the joy and good you have poured into the lives of all of us come back to fill your life with the blessings and wishes we hope for you on this, your Birthday.

The World Salutes Us On Our 40th Anniversary

308th INFANTRY POST NO. 308, The American Legion, 28 East 39th Street, New York 16, N. Y.

- "As Commander of. the 308th Infantry Post, American Legion No 308, I wish to extend to all

members of the Lost Battalion and to Major McMurtry heartiest congratulations and best wishes on

the 40th Anniversary of the "pocket" at Moulin de Charlevaux and your heroic stand. All members

of the Post join me in wishing you all Godspeed." MAURICE GOLDSTEIN, Co. B.

307th INFANTRY POST NO. 307, 77th Division Club House, 28 East 39th Street, New York 16, N. Y. - "Dear Major McMurtry: As you gather for the 40th Anniversary 'Of the Meuse-Argonne offensive, we the members of the 307th Infantry Post, American Legion, salute you and your gallant Survivors, who are with you today renewing friendships, the sincerity of which is indescribable. Will you please express our good wishes to all assembled as we remember your motto "We stuck together then and will continue to do so." Our best wishes to you and your stalwarts."


77th DIVISION ASSOCIATION, INC., 28 East 39th Street, New York 16, N. Y. - "We take great

pleasure in honoring the men of the Lost Battalion on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of their

brave stand at Binarville. The gallantry displayed there was typical of the spirit that animated the

entire 77th Division which led our forces to victory. Twenty-five years later a second 77th Division

imbued with the traditions of its predecessors again displayed the noble qualities of the Lost Battalion

to bring victory once more to our colors." JOSEPH H. WOOLWICH, PRESIDENT

82nd DIVISION ASSOCIATION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, 28 East 39th Street, New York 16, N. Y. - "To the survivors of the Lost Battalion who have met for the 40th time in commemoration of their famous exploit of World War I and in memory of their heroic dead, the 82nd Division veterans of World War I send comradely greetings. The historical engagement of these soldiers of, the 77th Division served as an inspiration to the American troops that broke the Hindenberg line and made the insignia of the 77th Division, Liberty, famous again in a later war."


CHARTWELL, WESTERHAM, KENT, ENGLAND: At La Capponcina, Cap d'Ail, Alpes Maritimes, French Republic - "Sir Winston Churchill has asked me to thank you for your letter. He is indeed sorry that he cannot do as you ask, as he feels it better only to send messages where there is a close personal connection. Sir Winston asks me to assure you that this does not in any way diminish from the pleasure which your compliment has given him."


UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, FEDERAL HALL NATIONAL MEMORIAL, 15 Pine Street, New York 5, N. Y. - "I would like to express my appreciation of the great assistance which Walter J. Baldwin and Major McMurtry have given in the planning of the World War I exhibit for the American Museum of Immigration, to be installed at the foot of the Statue of Liberty. This exhibit, which is based on the action of the Lost Battalion in the Argonne Forest, will be a much better and more effective unit because of the active interest you have shown in the project, and the careful criticism which you have given to the preliminary sketch. May I extend greetings to all the survivors of the Lost Battalion meeting in their annual luncheon, and wish them many more reunions."


CITY OF NEW YORK, OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, NEW YORK - "It gives me a great deal of pleasure to extend sincere greetings to the members of the famed Lost Battalion on the occasion of, its Fortieth Anniversary. The courage of the gallant men who fought so heroically will always be remembered as one of the outstanding chapters in our nation's military history. New York City is

proud to salute your organization." ROBERT F. WAGNER, MAYOR

HEADQUARTERS 77th INFANTRY DIVISION, Office of the Commanding General 529 West 42nd

Street, New York 36, N. Y. ' "On the occasion of your 40th anniversary, we of the current 77th Infantry Division (USAR) salute the members of the Lost Battalion. The brilliant stand, heroic deeds both told and untold that occurred during this great stand have etched for you, you and your comrades an immortal place in the History of the, United States Army. The high standards and traditions which were set by the members of the 77th Infantry Division in World War I were carried on and fulfilled by the members of the 77th Division in World War II. I assure you on behalf of all Officers and Men now assigned to the 77th Infantry, Division (USAR) that we are all aware of these high standards and traditions, and will carry them out, if necessary, in the future. It is a privilege to follow in the footsteps of those who have written such a bright page in the American History. The Officers and Men of the 77th Infantry Division (USAR) join with me in extending the warmest regards to the Gallant men of the Lost Battalion on this grand occasion. Please extend my best to Major McMurtry."


HEADQUARTERS, FIRST ARMY, GOVERNOR'S ISLAND, NEW YORK - "It is my pleasure to extend to you the best wishes of the officers and men of the First U. S. Army on this 40th anniversary of your heroic action in the Argonne Forest; your gallant stand against great odds climaxed by your historic counterattack continues to be an inspiration and a source of pride to us all." B. M. BRYAN, COMMANDING GENERAL, FIRST ARMY

STATE CAPITOL, Albany, N. Y. "I speak for myself, the people of New York State and all Americans in sending a most respectful salute to you survivors of the Lost Battalion as you gather in New York City for your 21st annual luncheon. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the heroic stand that the Lost Battalion, under the brave and inspired leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Whittelsey and Major George G. McMurtry, made in the Argonne Forest. Surrounded on all sides by the enemy, the Lost Battalion defiantly rejected demands that it surrender and held out from October 2-8, 1918 until it was relieved by other American troops . . . but only after some 400 men in the Lost Battalion had perished. You can all be very proud of the part that you played in that heroic venture, which will never be forgotten in the history of -our nation. We New Yorkers are especially proud that all of you were members of units in our beloved New York Division, the famed 77th, which made history in World War I. I know your luncheon and annual reunion will be a most enjoyable occasion, and I send cordial greetings and best wishes to all attending."


STATE OF CALIFORNIA, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE, SACRAMENTO "Greetings, Survivors of the Lost Battalion! There are men whose names are enshrined boldly and indelibly in the annals of America and in the minds of our people. There was the suffering of Washington's ragged Continentals at snowy, windswept Valley Forge; the Fourth of July when both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went into the Great Beyond; the struggles of Andrew Jackson for the common people; the travels of Abraham Lincoln; Teddy Roosevelt's charge up San Juan Hill, and the idealistic hardihood of Woodrow Wilson. Add to these the heroic exploits of the men -of the famed Lost Battalion who dug -into that hillside just below the Moulin de Charlevaux road in France 40 years ago during World War 1, and with young hearts and the strength of their young manhood and American doggedness and determination met the test of Freedom's cause. Now I join you in saluting your gallant dead of the Lost Battalion, and I greet the 119 of you remaining on the occasion of your annual luncheon. Californians join me in saying God bless each of you! America cherishes you', symbols of our heroic past and present and the hopeful augury for our future."


DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, D. C. - "In the absence of Secretary Dulles, who is

attending the emergency session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, I wish to thank

you for your letter asking him for a message to be read at the 21st annual luncheon for Lost Battalion

survivors. I am sure the Secretary would wish me to extend on his behalf his very best wishes for

a successful reunion."


THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. C. - "The President has asked me to thank you for your letter. It was good to be reminded of the Fortieth Anniversary reunion -of 'the Lost Battalion Survivors. I am sure that the members of this heroic outfit will be able to share many great memories of *this, occasion, and it is a privilege to send best wishes to each one of them. With special greetings to your host, Major George G. McMurtry."


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WAR OFFICE, Secretary of the Army, Washing-ton, D. C. -"Upon returning from an extended inspection tour of Army installations in the Far East, I was pleased to find your letter awaiting me. I am flattered, indeed, that you request a message from me to be read at the annual reunion of the Lost Battalion Survivors and also to be published in the group's Christmas News Sheet. Please be, assured it is a pleasure for me to comply with your request. In the entire chronicle of military heroism, no action has won more acclaim from contemporaries and succeeding generations than the stand of the Lost Battalion at Binarville, France, from the second to the eighth of October, 1918. The tenacity of that small band in the face of immense hazards demonstrated most. nobly that attribute, courage, - physical and moral - which has typified the best in soldiers universally throughout the ages. As a comrade of World War 1, it is a singular honor for me to send heartiest greetings to the survivors of the heroic band who are assembled for the celebration. of the fortieth anniversary of that historic action. All Americans shall forever be indebted to you for a classic demonstration of American fortitude."


PRESIDENCE DU CONSEIL, 57 Rue De Varenne, Paris - "Monsieur, votre lettre -a retenu toute I'attention du General de Gaulle qui a ete sensible a votre demande. S'i1 ne peut la retenir, car il ne donne actuellement aucun message sur des sujets particuliers, il s'unira cependant par la pensee a I'hommage qui sera rendu le, 28 Septembre, a la memoire de vos. glorieux compagnone de combat du Bataillon Perdu. Veuillez a-greer, Monsieur 1'expression de mes sentiments distingues." SECRETARIAT PARTICULIER. (Translation: Your letter has had the attention of General DeGaulle who appreciated your request. He regrets he cannot comply, because he does not actually give any message on particular subjects; he will be united nevertheless by the thought of homage which will be rendered on September 28, to the memory of your glorious companions in combat of the Lost Battalion.


Back in the early summer of 1938 it was suggested that an effort be made to locate all the living Survivors of the "Lost Battalion" in the hope that enough could be gathered together for a proposed reunion in the fall of that year to commemorate the 20th anniversary of our stand at Charlevaux. With the assistance of several men of various division units, 125 of the survivors were located. 51 attended our first reunion on September 25, 1938, held at the 77th Division Clubhouse. The Survivors led a parade of 2,500 - 77th Division veterans up Fifth Avenue to the, Mall in Central Park, New York City, where a Memorial Service was held, commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Argonne drive and the memory of the gallant dead of the 77th Division.

At the 1939 reunion luncheon, I was appointed lifetime Secretary of the Survivors. This and the next six reunions were held at the Murray Hill Hotel. At the 1943 reunion marking our, 25th anniversary, a silver cigarette case was presented to Major McMurtry, inscribed, "In grateful appreciation of his inspirational leadership and ever unselfish devotion to the "Survivors of the Lost Battalion". Our 1946 reunion was held at the Williams Club, also in New York. Since then all our reunions have been at the Hotel Shelburn.

For a number of years, all received Christmas cards, then in place of the annual card, the news sheet has been sent at Christmas time ... the reunion badges . . . the medals and pins given each year for those traveling the longest distance to our reunions . . . hundreds of letters have been answered; condolences sent to the families of those who have since passed on. When the California Survivors group was functioning, they were always contacted and each year badges were sent to be used at their reunion luncheons.

The lives of all of us have been brightened by these reunions, the Christmas cards and the news sheets. For all that these kindnesses have meant to us' we are grateful for the generosity and unselfish devotion of Major George G. McMurtry to the "Survivors of the Lost Battalion."

During these past 20 years, many events of interest have taken place ...

The dedication of Lost Battalion Hall in Elmhurst, Queens, New York, on October 5, 1939.

In April 1948, a portrait of Lieut. Col. Charles W. Whittlesey was unveiled in the dedication of the Whittlesey Room at the Williams Club in New York City.

The dedication on June 16, 1956 of the new Charles W. Whittlesey Army Training Center in Pittsfield, Mass.

The C.B.S. television show in April 1956, "You Are There," showing the Lost Battalion in action.

The dedication in October 1956 of the new hospital wing of the Veterans Home in Napa, California, in honor of Col. Nelson M. Holderman.

The bronze plaque placed in October 1957 in the new hospital wing honoring Col. Holderman, presented through Irving Klein on behalf of members of K Co., 307th Infantry.

So, along with all that we as a group can thank the Major for, I have had the additional honor of serving you these past 20 years. They have been happy, interesting years, and I do hope that this 20-year journey down memory lane with me has been enlightening and worthwhile.

It is with the hope and prayer that we will spend many more Happy, Holy Christmas Seasons

together that I say . . . May the year ahead hold the best for all of you!





AHLSTEDT, REUBEN H.-G Co., 308th-R. 1, Cassville, Mo-I am still living in these Ozarks of Missouri and still in good health. If any of my old comrades happen this way, stop in for a chat. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all!

ALTIERA, SAM-K Co., 307th-147-14 84th Road, Briarwood, Jamaica 35, N. Y~ The years are rolling by very fast but I am grateful to the good Lord for his blessings, and it feels great to be able to say, "Present!" My heartiest congratulations on the Fortieth Anniversary of the Lost Battalion, and may it continue forever. A 21-gun salute to a great Commander, Major McMurtry. Forty years ago we obeyed the command, "Forward, men!", and now and in the .future we must still follow these orders, so let's go, men,, and attend the yearly reunions and make them outstanding occasions. There is no greater pleasure for- me than to see you every year, and with my best wishes for the Christmas holidays to the Major and all the members of the Lost Battalion, I will say so long until 1959.

ANASTASIA, ANTHONY-~-F Co., 308th-6 George St., Medford, Mass.-In the news sheet of September 29, 1957, I read with great interest the news by Stephen M. Honas of B Company, 308th, of having saved the life of Max Lesnick. His mission had been completed by attending the reunion. What amazed me was that the same identical life-saving episode happened to me. Here is my account. At the time the artillery was playing on us, two other comrades and myself were occupying the same fox hole. A shell from a trench mortar dropped in front of our hole, hitting two of us. I got it on my left thigh and the other I believe lost part of his foot. I then felt it was time. to move from that location as the artillery shells were dropping all around us. I looked up toward the top of the hill and decided to go there, thinking it was safer. I stopped just below the edge of the road. It looked pretty good for five or ten minutes, but then hell let loose. I decided I was no better off there than where I originally was, and' started downhill again but not for very long. The hunk of shell in my left thigh must have paralyzed my whole left side. My body dropped into a hole, in a sitting position. I was content to stay there, but a few minutes after, one of the shells hit above me. All that rubble dropped on top of me, burying me in this hole. The only part of my body that was left exposed was my right leg from the knee down, sticking up. My helmet covered my face and breathing was hard. I tried pushing the weight off my chest but could not budge. By this time, 1 was too exhausted to do much of anything, and felt that was the end of the line for me. I kept moving the part of the leg that was exposed and sticking up, in the hope that someone would see it' Chances looked very dim. Those shells were still dropping. I then could see myself going fast; I couldn't breathe anymore and found myself flying into space. At that moment I saw a vision of my Mother appear before me, and at the same time I felt some_ one pulling me out. He stood me up on my feet, let go of me and ran. The shells were still coming, hot and heavy, I then fell to the ground and sat there until the artillery barrage ceased. Whoever it was -:my sincere thanks to you, and may the good Lord bless you forever. I do hope that this little story of lifesaving did not bore you. I wish you all the best of everything and good health.

ANDERSON, HERMAN G-A Co., 308th-789 West End Avenue, New York 25, N. Y.-It is always a great pleasure for me to attend the reunions of the Lost Battalion and renew memories of our experience in the pocket. To Walter and to our Major McMurtry I am most grateful for making this possible. Last June on reaching my 65th birthday I retired and am now trying to learn how to live in retirement. My best regards to all the boys and a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all.

BALDWIN, FRED W~E Co., 308th-215 South 19th St., LaCrosse, Wis- I had hoped I could get to New York for the luncheon but things came up that made it impossible. I sure would have liked to see Flynn again. Of course I'd have come if I could, to see the Major and Walter as well as all the other fellows. This Joliet, Ill., letterhead will have you wondering. I left LaCrosse at 2:04 A.M. this morning, to attend the showing of the Gerlach- Barklow 1960 calendar line. I've been with this company for the last nine months. I guess I'm getting old, as the trip down here has me pooped out. I used to be able to sit up all night on a train and feel fine the next day, but no more. Tomorrow I'll go on to Milwaukee, as the V.A. has scheduled me for an examination. I've been under a doctor's care in LaCrosse and so don't expect much trouble. How is the Major? I'm certainly going to do all I can to get to the reunion luncheon in 1959 as I am anxious to see him and all others.

BALDWIN, WALTER, J.-Hqrs. Co., 308th-1828 Barnes Avenue, Bronx 62, N. Y~Retired since April at the age of 65 after a memorable birthday party and send-off by the Wilson Sporting Goods Company. I am truly enjoying life, visiting our children and grandchildren. The details of the annual luncheon and this news sheet were added pleasures. The complimentary re-marks in so many of your letters are far beyond anything I expected. They are a source of great satisfaction to me and I want to thank you all for your kindness and cooperation in making this issue the great one it is . . . 1958 and you have been kind to me.

BEESON, LEONARD-K Co., 307th-1000 Rice Ave., Lima, Ohio-r have my daughter married but living in Dayton, and she gave us our third grand-daughter last May, making three grandchildren in all. Dayton is only 75 miles South of Lima and the improved highways make a short trip of it. My son-in-law is a food broker and represents a fine line of producers; I usually return home with a generous supply of their products. My son is married and is living in Lima, They have no children but are hoping. They have a nice little place in a fine part of the city and they both enjoy working with flowers; they have about everything that blooms. As for myself, I add a few rose bushes each year and now enjoy a fine selection that takes up my spare time. I sure had a good workout with the power mower this Summer as we had a hot, wet season this year. I sure like to hear about all of the Comrades and I'll take this opportunity to send my regards to all the swell buddies of K-307, Jim Larney, Major McMurtry and Matty Baldwin.

BENDHEIM, LIONEL-C Co., 308th-200 Cabrini Blvd., New York 33, N. Y.-I am most grateful for this opportunity, through the News Sheet, to extend to each and every one of my fellow Survivors best wishes for another year of good health and happiness. I really believe that very many in our group do not have a full realization of the time, effort and HEART which Matty Baldwin with the grand support of Major McMurtry is putting into our organization to keep it functioning. It's really too bad that vast distances make it impossible for many more to attend the annual luncheons tendered us by the Major and thus get a better understanding of what this organization means. However, I hope that we may be pleasantly surprised with a fine response this 40th year. Here's hoping that at the next Roll Call all 116 will again answer, "Present."

BLACKBURN, RAYMOND-C Co., 308th-Box 399, Route 6, Tampa 10, Fla~ I was forced to retire from my job last year at the age of 65. 1 decided I would rather be idle where I can enjoy the outdoors the year around than be idle looking at myself indoors in a boarding house in the cold north, so I moved from Ballston Spa, N. Y., to Florida. The weather here right now is beautiful. Aside from the mild winters, I find Florida somewhat less than stimulating. The reason is what few friends I have acquired over the years are left behind me in the north. After all it is your friends and acquaintances that make life worth living, or at least they help more than a little. I have a warm feeling of affection and admiration for my old buddies and even more than that for those with whom I was most closely associated in C Company. Some of my best friends have passed on. I send my best wishes and highest regards to anyone who re-members me.

BROWN, CLIFFORD R.-C Co., 308th-21 North Maple St., Ashville, N. Y-As I look back forty years I can-not help but think of the mighty fine group of boys we had in Company C, and the supreme sacrifice many of them made. How time has changed things! I hope I may be at your next reunion. My family are all well. We are the proud parents of four boys happily married, and we have ten grandchildren, a mighty fine lot. I like to read about and hear from all the boys from my Company.

CARROLL, JIM-K Co., 307th-59 Wilmot Road Scarsdale, N. Y~Our reunion last September was really a red letter day. Forty years later than anyone could have believed a possibility during those days in the pocket. Over the years all of us I am sure have had our trials and tribulations, physical, financial, mental and what have you. Surely we have had occasion to feel really sorry for ourselves. I speak from experience, yet when giving some thought to the particular situation I usually think of those days in October 1918 and conclude that nothing could be as bad. We have all had forty years to the good and for that I am grateful. To all the survivors, lots of good wishes for the coming holiday season and the new year. May there be many more.

CEPEGLIA, PHILIP-C Co., 308th-4431 Third Avenue, New York, N. Y. - I look forward to the reunion each year, knowing the time has come to meet again the fellows I soldiered with so many years ago. It's always good to meet men of my own company, my regiment, and Major McMurtry, whose generosity and affection for us has made these reunions possible. I've been happily married for 38 years now and have five wonderful grandchildren. I'm especially proud of my son who has been on the New York Police Force for three years; I will be equally proud of my new daughter-in-law, the lovely Anne Marie Clyne, when she marries my boy in September 1959. A Happy Christmas to all!

COLASACCO, JOHN G-C Co., 308th-Colasacco's Restaurant. Route Six, Lake 'Mahopac, N. Y.-I extend best wishes to all buddies and friends ' a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Holy New Year. When you are in the neighborhood please stop in and say hello!

DEAHAN, JAMES A-K Co., 307th-838 Herkimer Street, Brooklyn, N. YI am still in the restaurant bar & grill business, for the past 23 years at the same place, 79 Howard Avenue, corner of Hancock Street, Brooklyn. This past Sunday I drove up to John Colasacco's place at Lake Mahopac, N. Y. Had dinner up there. He has a wonderful place. On October 29th I had dinner with a buddie at the 77th Division Clubhouse. Spent a very pleasant evening there. During the summer months I drove up to the Adirondacks. Visited Lake Lucerne, Lake George, Schroon Lake; spent a few week ends. I hope this letter finds you in the best of health as I am at present.

DELGROSSO, FRANK-G Co., 308th-67-40 164 Street, Flushing 65, N. Y.-I thought this year's reunion was better than ever, and this is to tell Walter and the Major that I enjoyed it very much. Let me remind them that their work in keeping the outfit together is greatly appreciated.

DUFFY, GEORGE W-B Co., 308th-2242 Clarendon Road, Brooklyn, N. Y.-I sure was very glad I went to the dinner; I certainly enjoyed every minute of it. Everything was just great. 1 enjoyed meeting all my old pals and I appreciated the opportunity of being with them.

ENGLANDER, GEORGE M.-G Co., 308th-43-55 Kissena Blvd., Flushing, N. Y.-I have no special news to write about, but I am taking this opportunity to extend Seasons Greetings to all members of the Lost Battalion.

FEIN, ARTHUR-K Co, 307th-3973 Berryman Avenue, Los Angeles 66, Cal.-Wish to greet all my buddies of Company K, 307th, and all members of the Survivors of the Lost Battalion, whose friendships I greatly treasured throughout all these years. To each and every one of you and your families, my best wishes for good Health, a great abundance of Happiness and Joyous get-togethers for many years to come. To comrades who are ill, may the Lord bless you with a very speedy recovery. I regret very much that I missed sending a telegram to greet you all at our last Reunion, which neglect I assure you was unintentional. I was on tour, vacationing in Minnesota, and under the circumstances forgot to remember this grand occasion at that time, but never will forget the warm friendship of all you boys. It was an extreme pleasure having Fred Dubbins, a member of my Company K outfit, and his lovely wife at our home, with their son and daughter-in-law. We enjoyed their visit very much. I am still on the job employed at the Los Angeles Terminal Annex Post office. We are indeed very fortunate in having Major McMurtry and Sergeant Baldwin. The time and effort they devote to our reunions I am sure is greatly appreciated by the entire membership. Mrs. Fein joins me to convey warmest regards and the best of wishes to each and every one of you and your families for a most delightful, happy Holiday. May you all be showered with every Blessing.

FLOWER, LEO-C Co, 306 MGBn-41 Lake Drive, Box 511, DeBary Fla.-We moved to Florida August 16th and it was very hot until late October. It has been cool at night. We have a very nice house in a small town. Mostly retired people here. I have been sick off and on, these last two years; the Doctor told me it would do me good to live here. We have a lot 100x192, so I try doing a little now and then. Was sorry I couldn't make it to the reunion, but will try next year to be there if I can. I have retired and am feeling lots better now. My best wishes to the Major. I hope all are in good health.

FLYNN, RAYMOND-E Co., 308th-1545 N. Las Palmas, Hollywood 28, Ca.-The 28th of September will long be remembered by me as one of the greatest days of my life. For years I bad looked forward to being "among those present" at a reunion of the Survivors of the Lost Battalion, and the thrill of being at the luncheon this year was even greater than anticipated. Meeting and talking with men who were in my own company during those trying days spent in the pocket was really wonderful to me. I only wish that there had been more men present from Co. E, 308th. Seeing Major McMurtry, talking with him and finding him in such apparent good health was an inspiration to me as I am sure it was to all the men present. I was especially proud when the Major presented me with the very beautiful lapel insignia of our own Liberty Division for having come the greatest distance to attend the luncheon. California is a long way from New York, but-God willing-I will be back for more reunions in the not-too-distant future. I want to congratulate Walter on the wonderful work he is doing in keeping the association going the way be does. It is not an easy job; it entails a lot of sacrifice. We are all indeed fortunate to have a man like Major McMurtry, with all his kindness and generosity, keeping us together as a unit. He can rest assured that all the men of his outfit are just as proud of him as I know he is of them. The best of everything to all!

GROSS, HERBERT-E Co., 308th-5,57 Avenue Z, Brooklyn ~2,3, N. Y-I can't start to explain how happy I was to Major McMurtry and the rest of the Survivors who attended the September luncheon, after missing the last two reunions. I shall never forget my Ten weeks confined at Kingsbridge Veterans Hospital, hoping to be able to make this past get-together. I would like to. get in touch with two comrades I haven't seen for a long time; Sgt. Major Roesch and Jimmy Brice. I finally got in a line from Pou, the guy I was with in a funk hole for the duration of the "pocket." We have something in common. Here's hoping our next reunion will bring some old faces we haven't seen. My fondest regards to all our comrades, and a healthy and happy Holiday Season.

HATCH, BOYD-K Co., 307th-R.F.D. No. 2, Wallsboro, N. Y-1 missed the reunion very much and hope to make it next year. There is not very much news to add to last year's letter. My brother and I are still carrying on with Hatch Bras., Inc. Since the death of our younger brother, we have more work to do, but we might just as well be busy as otherwise. I had to take over the job as Treasurer of the company. Do the paper work at night, and that keeps me out of trouble. We do not make a lot of money, but we keep our health and that's something to be thankful for.

HEPWORTH, CLYDE-H Co., 308th-193 Del Monte St., San Francisco, Cal.-The wife and I are building a country home on the Sacramento River, where the fishing and hunting are good. It is known as the Delta Country. We are located three-quarters of a mile from Isleton, the heart of the asparagus country, a good place to visit.

HEUER, JOSEPH-K Co., 307th-33 Stratford Terrace Cranford, N. J-I don't have much to write about this year! Doing the same thing, have the same number of grandchildren. Except that the weeks and months go by faster. I am told that is natural as one gets older. I do however get a bigger "feeling" out of -our reunions as the years go by. I take this opportunity of wishing my comrades a happy holiday season.

HOGUE, FRANK D.-K Co., 307th-Camp Chowenwaw, Green Cove Springs, Fla.-Veterans Hospital, Lake City, Fla. Just a few lines to let you know that I am in the hospital. Have been here since October 3. I have a heart condition and hardening of the arteries. But I am coming along pretty well. This is sure a nice place as hospitals go. I am still living in Green Cove Springs, Fla. I now have 13 grandchildren. My son is still in England; haven't seen him since 1946. I haven't retired as yet. I'm 66 now; will be 67 on March 30. I have my own home down here, but we had a hard winter last year and it froze all of my orange trees. The weather is fine here now in the day-time and nice and cool at night. Well, fellows, if any of you ever come this way drop by and see me. I had a nice letter from Jim Larney, up Watertown, N. Y., way. So long, comrades; hope to be at your next reunion.

HOLT, JAMES-D Co., 306 MGBn~710 Catalpa St

Dexter, Mo.-This finds things much different than they were forty years ago today. Time flies and it does not seem that long ago. I have moved from my old State of Arkansas. Thought that it might be better for me to make a change, and see if there were any difference. Plan to come up there to the reunion, but as we had planned to move and with that coming up first, I couldn't arrange to come this time. Hope to make it some year soon; -as you know we are not getting any younger. I hope that all of the fellows will write a note for the paper. It will make us all remember more of each other than we have in the past. I hope each and every one of the old gang enjoys a merry Xmas and a happy New Year. My best wishes to all.

HONAS, STEPHEN M.-B Co., 308th-329 - 15th St, N.E., Washington 2, D.C.-Mrs. Honas and I had a very nice summer. We both work for the Government and have met some very nice people. During the summer months, our weekends were spent at one of the nearby Maryland beaches, taking along some of my wife's co-workers. I happen to do some pretty good cooking with the charcoal broiler, especially steaks and hamburgers; I am the chief cook. We took a trip on the famous Sky Line Drive which is beautiful. Visited the Caverns. I arrived at the reunion of the Lost Battalion later than I usually do, and my buddies were beginning to think I wasn't coming. I was very sorry to hear that McMahon passed away. I was happy and surprised to see Duffy, but was disappointed that my buddy Max Lesnick didn't attend the reunion; I was looking forward to seeing him again. May you all have a very happy and prosperous 1959!

JACOBY, LEO J_C Co., 308th-3530 DeKalb Avenue, Bronx 67, N. Y.-Three score and ten, December 15, 1958! Glad to be alive and still going strong, and to be in such great company as one of the Survivors of the Lost Battalion. Words cannot express the feeling that has and always will exist in keeping us together with your great effort, Mr. Walter J. Baldwin, and that youngster Major George G. McMurtry, who has given us those pills that keep him so young and spry. Therefore I want to wish you and your families the Merriest Xmas ever and the Happiest New Year. God bless you all, from your former bugler.

JOHNSON, MAURICE E.-D Co., 306th MGBn.-1617 Capouse Ave., Scranton, Pa.-Greetings to my surviving comrades of The Lost Battalion! November 11, 1958-Forty years ago this day, the Armistice ended World War I in Europe. Forty years ago on the 8th of October, the so-called Lost Battalion ended its memorable gallant fight at Charleveaux Ravine in the Argonne Forest. I am 65 years of age as of November 1958; 1 was 25 then. Forty years is a long time, but it doesn't seem that long, does it? Gratitude for those who have sacrificed and risked their lives to save their country may well be felt and expressed. Many, too many. of our buddies gave their last full measure of devotion. Others came back maimed and handicapped. A question to reflect on at this time has to do with the best method of preserving the ideals and freedom guaranteed by the Constitution. Whatever the method, one will admit that it is not by war alone. Paradoxically, wars are fought to insure peace so that these ideals and freedoms can be enjoyed. There are not a few who believe that America is more in danger of losing her soul in peace than in the crisis of war. And this danger is not from without, but from within. Not alone from Communists-but from those who neither believe nor practice the spirit and principles written in our Constitution.

KEEGAN, JAMES A-B Co., 308th-2476 Webb Avenue, New York, N. Y. Hope that my buddies and their families are all in the best of health. As for myself, I am feeling pretty good considering all the operations I have gone through. I am still behind the bar at the 77th Division Clubhouse at 2& East 39th Street. I am working nights, six nights a week. I see a few of the boys once in a while from the Lost Battalion. I was very glad to see George Duffy at the last reunion.

KIERNAN, JOSEP11-2nd Bn. Scout, 308th-153 East 29 St., New York, N. Y-I am retired for the past 10 years; U.S. Government with a small pension. I have worked as House Officer in Radio City Music Hall. I was let out at 65. 1 am drawing Social Security pension. Just had to answer Walter's fine appeal for a note to go in the News Sheet; he has done and is still doing a wonderful job. I would like to wish all the boys, and especially Major McMurtry, a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!

KLEIN, IRVING-A Company, 308th-251 Carrillo St., Santa Rosa, Cal - I regret my inability to be present at the 40th Reunion of the Survivors of the Lost Battalion. My thoughts were with you men, even in absence. The meeting with some of the boys, particularly Alfred Nauheim, Herman Anderson and his brother-in-law Enoch Christianson of the old A Company of the 308th Infantry, compensated me for the trip. While Mrs. Klein and myself are enjoying the best of health, it was impossible to make it. As you know, I am a member of the California Veterans Board, and as our State is 1,100 miles from the Mexican Border to the Oregon line, we do attend the regular monthly meetings, held alternately in Northern and Southern California. We had the continuation of the California Vet's $300,000,000 Bond Issue, which carried 3% to one, so we hope next year if health permits to attend the Reunion. Mrs. Nelson Holderman extends her greetings to the boys of K Company, and best wishes to all the Survivors. I see her every month while attending Board Meetings at the Veterans' Home at Yountville. With Mrs. Klein's and my best wishes for a happy and prosperous happy holiday, to all the boys.

KNABE, BILL-K Co., 307th-2314 North Hoyt Avenue, El Monte, Cal-Here we are again, another Christmas will be here before we know it, and of course my usual Holiday Greetings to Major McMurtry, all the boys, especially Walter, and your families. May 1959 be a good year for all of us. It sure is interesting to receive the paper and read about all the boys and where they are and what they are doing. I don't see much news of the ones out here, just a certain few. The only news I can contribute is that we have had an unusual hot summer out here, but so good that it cools at night. And soon now, the rains, and we need it. Regardless of all that, the Giants and Dodgers pulled a big attendance; seems there are a lot of baseball fans out here. The Dodgers seemed to like it in the cellar, maybe it was cooler down there. The best to all!

LARNEY, JIM-Hqrs. Co., 308th-435 Stone Street, Watertown, N. Y.-I'm glad I managed to get down for the 40th anniversary dinner and was able to see again so many of the old gang still going strong. I think the attendance was very creditable. Also we were able to boast that we had representation from California with Ray Flynn on hand, and Illinois and Indiana with Bob Manson and Scanlon, and even I, down from what you fellows seem to think is the frozen tundra of the Arctic Canada, Northern New York. Then, of course, the Major was in, in mukluks and by dog-team, from even farther North than I, I guess. He appeared to be in fine fettle and it's a great, pleasure, to see him and have a little visit. Bon Sante to all of you!

LESNICK, MAX-C Co., 308th-1888 Arthur Ave.," Bronx, N. Y. I'm sorry that I could not attend the last reunion because I was taken by a stroke and hospitalized. I was in the hospital for two weeks but fortunately I am feeling fine again . . . and expect to become a grandfather soon. Regards to all the boys, wishing them a very Merry Christmas and a most prosperous New Year!

LIGHTFOOT, ROY,C.-C Co., 308th-15-13 Park Avenue, N.E., Salem, Oregon-Dear comrades, I cannot do too much writing because I have arthritis in my hands and it is very hard to grip the pencil. In fact, I have arthritis in all of my joints. Haven't got too much to say. I own my place where I live, and we had a beautiful summer and fall. I would like to come to the big dinner and visit with the boys, but I guess I will just wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

MANSON, BOB-B Co., 308th-Chicago, Ill. -I never enjoyed a reunion as much as I did the 40th Anniversary of the Lost Battalion. It made me feel so proud to think I was in it . . . it seemed like old days, talking to Major McMurtry, to Larney, Cullen, Bendheim, Jacobi, Duffy, Ben Rosner and all the rest. I shall always feel indebted to Walter for keeping us all together. Who else would put ' so much untiring effort into contacting us constantly? May the good Lord spare him for many more years ' with blessed happiness. My trip back to Chicago was full of. memories of long ago. I wouldn't trade it for millions.

MELE, MICHAEL-B Co., 308th-247-07 Union Turn-pike, Bellerose 26, N. Y. I had another wonderful time at the reunion this year. Always enjoy seeing the boys again and remembering the other wonderful re-unions that we shared together. Sorry that my buddy Ben Pagliaro was not there; hope all is well with him and his Mrs. It's a great feeling to see how Major McMurtry keeps himself looking so well. I tip my hat to Walter, too, for being such a wonderful fellow to have with us. My sincere wishes to all the: boys for a happy holiday season, and looking forward

to our next reunion, with the help of God.

MORRIS, LOUIS-B Co., 308th-2200 Walton Avenue, Bronx 53, N. Y-Forty years have passed us all by since our siege in the pocket. Many of us have mellowed with the years, yet the reunion dinners of the past have been an inspiration to me and will continue to be, as long as I am here. I am certain I voice the feelings of all the Survivors on the above, and that we will be able to gather together for some time to come. I wish all the Survivors good health.

NAUHEIM, AL-A Co., 308th-2 Elm Place, Freeport, L. I., N. Y.-As the years roll along the Reunion Dinners are an event of ever-increasing meaning and importance to those of us who are still around. Some years back I didn't lay too much stress on these gatherings. My attitude has changed to the extent that it would have to be a much more important cause to keep me away. We have one married daughter and since I have three girls (twins at home) my son-in -law has a genuine close niche in my heart, especially since he also is the proud father of two lovely children, a boy and a girl. I have been connected with a firm specializing in Mutual Investment Funds and am continuing in this activity although I reached retirement age this past July. My best wishes to everyone for a pleasant holiday season. Good health and happiness for the coming year!

PAGLIARO, BENJAMIN-G :Co., 308th-446 West 50 Street, New York, N. Y~I am so sorry that I could not be with my buddies on the day of our annual reunion, but just that morning at 5:30 o'clock we had a death in the family-my sister-in-law. I am feeling all right now, and I send my regards to all.

POU, ROBERT R-E Co, 308th-204 Trigood, Casper, Wyoming-Another year has rolled by. I am very sorry I could not attend the Reunion, but earnestly pray that I will be physically able to attend in 1959. My health is much improved this year, and Mrs. Pou and I enjoyed a visit from Andrew Payne and his wife from Hinsdale, Montana, this September. It was the first time we had met in almost 40 years. Walter, I want to thank Major McMurtry and you for your great interest in the survivors, and for keeping us together. May God bless you both. If any survivor passes through Casper, I am extending to him or to ..them an invitation to stop and visit with me.

RICE, CHAUNCEY-D Co., 306 MGBn-225 West 25 Street, New York, N. C~This little note is probably not what you are going to class as interesting to most of our buddies, but I thought it quite on a par with the spirit shown by our own command in the pocket. Borrowed it from the Readers Digest, and the story is told by Brig. General "Chesty" Puller of the Marines. His outfit was surrounded by six Chinese Divisions at Chosin in the Korean Campaign, and when this was discovered he remarked, "Well, we've got the enemy on our right Rank, our left Rank, in front of us and behind us, and by God they won't get away this time." Does it bring back memories? It did for me. In closing I want to wish all a very merry Xmas and a real healthy and happy New Year . . . we all can use it!

ROESCH, CLARENCE R-Hqrs. Co., 308th-8922 185 Street, Hollis, N. Y_(It is regrettable that illness has prevented Clarence, who was Major McMurtry's Battalion Sgt. Major, from attending our reunions since 1954. So many ask about him at our gatherings and many of the letters received ask how he is getting along. Letters from his former buddies will be greatly appreciated. They will mean a lot to a fellow confined to his home. , He has asked me to wish you a really happy Christmas and the best for the year ahead. WJB)

SACKMAN, JULIUS-D Co., 306 MGBn.-420 East 23 Street, New York, N. Y. Christmas of 1959 bring many fond recollections of the past 40 years and the comradeship which we all loved so dearly during the trying days of the Great War. Those of us who, with God's blessing, have survived this period can look back with great satisfaction upon the cause for which we fought and bled. This past year has been an especially trying one for me personally. I have been through a series of illnesses which, with God's help, ~I was able to survive. I am feeling well again and at this Yuletide I am reminded of Major Whittlesey's remark, "We will never find ourselves in better company. Please convey to All my comrades of the Lost Battalion my fondest hope for a healthful and a fruitful New Year, with the blessing of our Good Lord for many more to come.

SADLER, TOM-Batt'y Do, 305 F.A.-30 Alfred St., SO. Attleboro, Mass.-Mrs. Sadler and I have one son and a daughter, five grandchildren and two great-grand-children. I am President and Treasurer of Sadler Brothers, Inc., in South Attleboro, established in 1863 by my grandfather. I am a member of the Attleboro Rotary Club, chairman of the Park Commission and a Director of the First National Bank of Attleboro. Hope next year I will be able to attend the Lost Battalion Dinner.

SCANLON, JOHN H-D Co., 306 M;GBn.-1317 Laurel Drive, Columbus, Ind-It was indeed a pleasure to attend the reunion this year, our 40th anniversary, and get together with the old gang. I am now a naturalized "Hoosier" after ten years in Indiana. Haven't lost the old Bronx accent, however, and some Hoosiers still think I am a foreigner. I retired from the New York City Fire Department in 1943 after 26 years of service, and .for the past ten years have been with the U.S. Air Force at Bakaler Air Force Base here in Columbus.

I want to commend Walter for all the work he does in keeping our Survivors in touch, and to Major McMurtry a vote of thanks for our annual reunion dinner. To all the Lost Battalion Survivors I send best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.

SCHWARTZ, PAUL A.-K Co., 307th-146-25 Reeves Avenue, Flushing, N. Y. it was a pleasure to be at our reunion dinner with our buddies and to hear again all their stories of the "trap." As I mentioned, the wording in the Paper (For Statue of Liberty project) should name all the companies that were in the "trap" not just "units of the 77th Division." They (the specific companies) represent The Lost Battalion. My best wishes to all our comrades for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

SEGAL, PAUL-C Co., 308th-327 - 17th Avenue, Paterson, N. J. Once again it was my privilege to be with the boys at our last reunion. To think that forty years have passed since the pocket, and here we were sitting with our old buddies around the table reminiscing our past experiences. All I can say is that forty years is a long while to look ahead but a short while to look back. I am sure that I express the sentiments of each and every one when I say that we are all grateful to Major McMurtry for making these reunions possible. It is good to hear the Major make the usual toast and welcome the boys. It is a great moment for all when Captain Cullen stands up for calling off the roll in his usual manner, "Sound Off." As for Walter, allow me to say that he is the backbone of the survivors. We are all grateful to him for keeping us together. May he carry on until the last survivor. I wish to extend Holiday greetings to all the survivors of the Lost Battalion and to their families.

SHEPARD, ARTHUR H_G Co., 308th-Box 286, Idyllwild, Cal~Best wishes to all for a Hip" Holiday Season. May health and happiness be with you for many years. This "hermit" has retired to Idyllwild, Cal., a resort in the San Jacinto Mountains in River-side County in Southern California. Elevation 5,500 feet. About 100 miles from San Diego or Los Angeles. We have all modern conveniences including a good car and a 23-foot Silver Streak, all-aluminum house trailer. When we get in the mood we pack up the trailer and take off on a trip. October 10th we returned from a six-week trip north through California (up the coast), through Oregon, up the Columbia River Highway through Washington, into Idaho, down into Nevada and Arizona ... then home. We had a wonderful trip, beautiful weather all the way. Had plenty of fish, saw lots of deer, elk and pheasant but didn't shoot any. I enjoy the wild life but not killing them. We have a few deer and a bear now and then wandering around our home. We have electricity, TV, propane gas, a large fireplace and plenty of wood. We have some snow; snow is very light and we are able to get in and out with chains, nearly all winter. The view from my front window is Tageritz Peak, 7,200 feet, and Mt. San Jacinto, 10,980 feet, below which on the other side is the Coachella Valley and Palm Springs, one hour's drive. I have conquered my dreams of October 1918; 1 am 58 years old (I lied about my age in 1917 when I enlisted in the California National Guard), and I sincerely hope that the good Lord sees fit to bless my Comrades and Buddies of World War I with the same health and good fortune with which He has blessed me. Since Leo Stromee passed on, we have not bad our L.B. reunions here; he was the backbone of our gathering here. I am too far away for a get-together. Thanks a million to Major McMurtry for the invitation to the reunion. -luncheon.

SPIEGEL ISIDOR-H Co., 308th-1905 Strauss St., Brooklyn 12, N. Y.-When a man becomes aged, tired and worn out, he tends to reminisce. I look back at those years and recall as vividly as ever the time we were lost in the Argonne Forest. There in an improvised dugout were Private Miller, a Corporal and myself. Private Miller, in spite of my warnings, decided to reconnoiter and see what he could find. Time passed. Miller did not return and I became apprehensive and started to look for him. I found him severely wounded and I tried to make him as comfortable as possible. I searched for water, but was unsuccessful. Private Miller died in a short while. I saw wounded men lying around me. I finally found water, but just then a terrific bombardment started and destruction was everywhere. I don't know how, but I found cover in some dugout. In all these years I have often wondered how the other survivors of the Lost Battalion have fared. I haven't forgotten. I thank the Good Lord for having spared my life. I spend my efforts in my community Synagogue, and for the people in my community. May God bless you and all my comrades in the coming year.

TUCKER, JACK-C Co., 308th-1155 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y~ Our yearly reunions are a heart-warming occasion which I always anticipate. It makes me proud and happy to be associated with Major McMurtry and all my friends of the Lost Battalion. Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a most happy and healthy New Year.

WADE, FARLAND F.-G Co., 308th-1207Y2 West 8 St., Erie, Pa.-Another year has passed and during that time I have thought of the boys many times. I have often wanted to attend some of the activities of the outfit but the distance has been too great. Now that I have retired, as of last May, maybe I can attend one of the reunions this coming fall. My health is good for my years, and I would like to hear from some the boys. Give my regards to all the boys, also Father Halligan A Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year to all

WILLINGER, ISADORF-K Co., 307th-314 East 163 Street, New York 51, N. Y~ It would seem to me that each succeeding year our reunions add additional satisfaction, due to the fact that I am well and physically able to attend these once-a-year gatherings. Because what we went through in the pocket and survived , being able to attend these reunions has given me a deep appreciation of what life really means. It is true we have been living on borrowed time, as has been said many times by our different buddies. Nevertheless, there is more to it than that. Just to be with my buddies, to talk to them, to shake hands with Major McMurtry, to hear a story told many times or a new one, to enjoy the good food served ... that is what I look forward to each year. Therefore, I hope and trust that all the survivors will enjoy good health for many years to come and be able to present at future reunions.

WOLF, SAMUEL-B Co., 308th-161 Belmont St., Englewood, N. J-1 had a very nice summer. Mrs. Wolf and I took a four week vacation and went to Europe. We visited six different countries and about a dozen cities; if it wasn't for the short time we were there, I would have tried to see "The Pocket." It was great seeing the boys at the reunion and seeing them in good condition. Hope to be with them all again at the next one, with all in good health.


The sympathy of the men of the Lost

Battalion has been extended to the

families of





who passed away since our last reunion.

My dear Mrs. McMurtry:

The death of Major McMurtry on November 22 was a great shock to all of us.

Though you and Miss Elizabeth have suffered a great loss, we know you will both find consolation in the fact that the Major was revered by all who knew him and that his life was filled with the happiness that comes from giving generously to others.

While words can do little to mitigate your grief, we are sure you will gain a measure of strength and comfort from the knowledge that the name of Major George G. McMurtry will live in honor in the memory of all of us who share your loss.

Survivors of the Lost Battalion

Walter J. Baldwin, Secretary