Footnotes to Long Island History

Old Ads, New Items


Thomas R. Bayles

Dec 20, 1962

Footnotes to L.I. History

By Thomas R. Bayles

The advance for April 14, 1877 carries the following items.

“The Ida B. Silsbe, Capt. Terry has arrived.

“The O. P. Smith with seed oysters starts for Providence.

“The Robert Mills, Capt. E. Dayton, has started on her second trip to Providence with seed oysters.

“The Lilie D. Dayton, Capt Ruland, is loading for Providence.”

The same issue of The Advance carries the ad of Scudder Hawkins, which reads, “Scudder Hawkins desires to inform the people of Patchogue and surrounding district that he has opened the Railroad Avenue House, on Main Street opposite Railroad Avenue as a restaurant and oyster saloon with meals at all hours, and ice cream and confectionery.”

Hammond Mills & Co. advertise in The Advance for January 1902 the following groceries, “Armour’s sugar cured hams 11 cents a pound, oatmeal 7 pounds for 25¢, potatoes 95¢ a bushel, eggs 25¢ a dozen, California prunes 5¢a pound, good coffee 2 pounds for 25¢, butter 25¢ a pound, red Alaska salmon 15¢ (now about 90¢), string beans, lima beans, peas, corn, 3 cans for 25¢, Pancake mixture 10 pounds for 25¢.”

Wm. H. Harris advertised the same time dry oak wood at $4 a cord with sawing and splitting two cuts $1.50 a cord extra.

E. H. Terry & Co. advertised in The Advance for November 27, 1875 as follows,

“The Old Patchogue Grist Mill, the West Mill, the undersigned having purchased the old Jayne Mill, and put it in thorough order, are now prepared to say to the public, “Come On,” We have settled here and mean Business. All custom work done with dispatch and grain of every description kept constantly on hand for sale at the lowest market price. Wheat, rye, oats, corn and buckwheat bought for cash. We are practical millers and have come to stay. – E. H. Terry & Co.

The Advance for November 27, 1875 carried the ad of the Patchogue Union Free School, which states that the Fall Term will commence of Monday, September 6, 1875, and non-resident pupils will be received for the term of 14 weeks for $7 and that pupils from a distance can obtain board at reasonable prices. E. T. Moore, Clerk.

The following resolution was adopted by the Town Board in November 1875:

“Resolved, That this Board will lease lots in the South Bay for the purpose of planting and growing oysters, not exceeding six acres to any one person, for the annual rent of $2 per acre, to be paid annually in advance.”

Another ad dated Oct. 4, 1875 reads: “I hereby notify all Ministers and Justices of the Peace, not to marry any of my children who are minors, and I forbid all persons having any dealings with them without my order, neither harbor not trust them under penalty of the law, William L. Raynor.”

L. W. Pelletreau and A. W. Kaler advertise their Swan River Mill with Flour Feed & Grain and satisfaction guaranteed.

In November 1875 J. M. Smith advertises in The Advance his stock of goods as follows, “J. M. Smith will offer on Monday his entire stock of dry goods at cost for cash and cash only. This stock consists of dress goods, Alpaccas, Delains, Prints, Muslins, Cotton Flannels, White, Red and Blue All Wood Flannels, Men’s Wear, Hosiery, Notions, etc., also my entire stock of Boots and Shoes at cost. This stock of goods is complete and will be sold at cost, and no humbug. This opportunity is offered at the right time when money is scarce.”

F. Oldis advertises his oyster saloon in the same month with oysters in every style, “Raws, Stews, Fries, Roasts, or Broils. Oysters by the quart or bushel, and the best oyster crackers the market affords.”

The Suffolk Herald was published in Patchogue in 1864 with M. C. Swezey, proprietor, and A. V. Davis, editor. The Herald claimed to be the only paper published in a circuit of 25 miles from Patchogue.