History of Suffolk County



It may be said that practically the settlers brought the institution and custom of slavery with them. The first record of its existence in this town appears December 9th 1672, when Richard Floyd of this town bought of Robert Hudson, of Rye, a negro man named Antony, warranted to be sound in wind and limb, for 48 pounds sterling in wheat, pork or beef at market rates. The said negro was sold by Richard Floyd to John Hurd, of Stratford, March 9th 1674. December 13th 1677 John Thomas bought of Isaac Raynor, of Southampton, a negro man " Samboe," for 38 pounds in whale oil at 2 pounds to the barrel, or in other goods. March 18th 1678 Richard Starr, of Brookhaven, sold a negro man named Martin to John Mann, of Jamaica. May 5th 1683 Ralf Dayton sold his negro Jack for a three acre lot in Newtown, eight Pounds of beef and 4 pounds. October 7th 1684 Captain John Tooker bought of Isaac Arnold, Of Southold, a negro man named Dick.

The gradual abolishment of slavery began soon after the Revolution. Under the act of February 27th 1788 persons wishing to set free any slaves were required to obtain licenses from the trustees and justices, which were granted on evidence of the negroes being under fifty years of age and capable of providing for themselves. The town records show the certificates of 66 slaves set free under that act during the years between 1795 and 1831-The following are the names of their former owners, with the number set free by each:

Mariam Brown, Mills Brewster, Joseph Davis, Daniel Davis, Mary Davis, Thomas Helme, and Elisha Hammond, 1 each; Noah Hallock, 3: John Homan, 1; John Howard, 1; William Helme, 2; Joseph Homan, Jeremiah Havens, Jonas Hawkins, Thomas S. Mount, Robert Hawkins, Sarah Helme, Zophar Hallock, William Howell, John Havens, Joseph Jayne, Daniel Jones, and Benjamin Jones, 1 each; Timothy Miller, 2; Richard Oakley, 1 ; Henry P Osborn, 3; Phillips Roe, 1; Richard Robinson, 2; Thomas S. Strong, 7; Selah Strong, 1 ;Wessell Smith, 2; Theophilus Smith, 1; John Smith, 2; Henry Smith, 2; Woodhull Smith, Thomas R. Smith, Oliver Smith, Josiah Smith, and Ebenezer Smith, 1 each; Dr. Samuel Thompson, 4; William Tooker, 2; Abraham Woodhull, 2; Mrs. Ruth Woodhull, Dr. David Woodhull, Hannah Woodhull, and John Woodhull, 1 each.

Under the act of March 29th 1799, requiring the registration of all slave children, in order that their owners might hold them until they reached a certain age, the following persons registered slave children born to their

Samuel Carman 1, Joseph Davis T, Goldsmith Davis 1, General William Floyd 2, Colonel Nicoll Floyd 17, Sarah Hallock 2, Robert Hawkins 1, Joseph Hedges 3, Robert Hawkins jr. 1. Ebenezer Jones 1, Joseph Jayne 1, Timothy Miller 2, Sarah Miller 3, Daniel Petty 1, John Payne j, Daniel Robert 1, Richard Robinson 4, Mrs. Mary Robert 7, Samuel Smith 1, Oliver Smith 4, Joanna Smith 1, William Smith 8, Josiah Smith 4, Woodhull Smith 7, General John Smith 7, Theophilus Smith 4, Amos Smith 1, Stephen Swezey 1, Selah Strong 4, William Tooker 1, Nathaniel Tuthill 1, Ruth Thompson 2, Samuel Turner 1, Jehial Woodruff 1, Ruth Woodhull 2, Meritt S. Woodhull 2, James Woodhull 1, John Woodhull 2, Mary Woodhull 1, Benjamin Woodhull 1, Abraham Woodhull 1. Total number registered, 108.