Longwood Books

Local History Publications

The proceeds from all books will go into the Longwood Society for Historic Preservation. These proceeds will be used to print other books and to continue the work of historical preservation in the Longwood Community. The authors of these works have donated the books to the society and no compensation was made for any of the work.

Books may be ordered by mailing to the following address

Longwood Society for Historic Preservation

Box 550

Middle Island, New York


$15 plus $3 shipping.

This book was written by the students of the Longwood Junior High School. It contains the biographies of the men of the Longwood Community who were Patriots during the American Revolution.

Other chapters include

The Long Lots

The Association

The minutes from the Committee of Safety meeting at Coram

An account of the Battle of Long Island

1776 Brookhaven Town census

William Yarrington ( Coram resident) diary 1775 -1776

Local Revolutionary War Tales

The following review was done by Ronald A. Mosocco, Civil War writer, owner of James River Publications, and reviewer of Civil War book.

"The Author, Donald Bayles, is the direct descendant of well-known local NY historians. He is the grandnephew of Albert E. and Edward F. Bayles, (band of) brothers of the 139th NY who were both killed at Cold Harbor, Va. (June 2nd, 1864). They are both buried there. There is a monument in their honor in the Union Cemetery, Middle Island, NY. This book includes the 40 letters Mr. Bayles transcribed from his family's heirlooms. In addition, 15 additional letters were discovered for sale on the Internet, purchased by the Society, and included in this book. The book includes illustrations, photos, maps and 3 appendices, information about the 139th Regiment from Phisterer's NY in the War of the Rebellion (1909); the Order of Events of the 139th Regiment from the O/R, as well as a Complete Roster.

Albert E. Bayles was a young and virile 23 years old. He enlisted on 8/15/1862 at Jamaica, NY as a Sergeant. On 9/9/1862 he mustered into "A" Co. NY 139th Infantry and was killed on 6/2/1864 at Cold Harbor, VA. He had the world in front of him to life and enjoy.

Edward F. Bayles, the older brother was 24 years old. He enlisted a mere 12 days later than his younger brother on 8/27/1862 at Brooklyn, NY as a Private. (Perhaps his younger brother's valiance urged him on) On 9/9/1862 he mustered into "A" Co. NY 139th Infantry He, too, was killed on 6/2/1864 at Cold Harbor, VA.

"It's kind of overwhelming for me, the owner of this website, fellow Civil War author, and Civil War book reviewer, to receive in the mail review copies of another author's work to add to my website. Overwhelming in regards to comparing your own work and hard labor to my fellow authors labor and finding the love and inspiration I hold true can be matched (and exceeded in talent) by others. This does not frighten nor intimidate me. Alas, I find this quite refreshing to quietly smile, critique and write a review of their book.

With this said, I can only add that this is a book you must add to your Civil War Collection. It is a tribute to these 2 brothers who valiantly forsaken their future and gave the ultimate price of life we so dearly treasure. If only we could bring this to the masses of the current generation to appreciate how this generation freely donated their lives so we can enjoy our current status.

As I reviewed this book, I learned how the author's travels to Virginia to find his long lost ancestors whose blood flows freely in his veins. With numerous Civil War photos, etc. including the monument that his grandfather erected in eternal loving homage for his brothers who both died and were statistics on the same day. The same day that Ulysses S. Grant made his infamous decision to charge the middle of the Confederate lines, and cemented the outcome of these poor boys from New York. Where on this day, thousands of Northern Boys would freely give their essence for the cause. In the unmarked graves would be gently laid the fallen bodies of two brothers....

The stories of the thirty seven Longwood residents who served their country during the Civil War.

The stories of over 90 Longwood residents who served during World War II.