Newspaper Articles from;

The Long Islander

Port Jefferson Echo

New York Times

South Side Signal

Sag Harbor Express

Suffolk County News

The Long Island Traveler

Brooklyn Eagle

On various Middle Island topics.


The Collector

September 21, 1839

We understand that Eli Moore, from the Custom House has been into this county electioneering and made a wonderful speech at Coram! Astonished the natives wonderfully. Eli and Coram will do very well together – where his eloquence leaps all bounds - save the Bald Hills

The Collector

June 19, 1840

Sixth Brigade New York State


13th Regimental Orders

May 30, 1840

The Commandant, intending to visit and inspect various Posts of his Regiment, the several companies are hereby directed to parade in full uniform for drill, exercise, inspection and review

The Company commanded by Lester H. Davis at Richard Smith’s Coram on Tuesday, June 23, at 11 o’clock A.M.

South Side Signal (Babylon)

May 07, 1870

R. W. Smith, Esq., has sold a part of the homestead of his father, the

late Hon. Richard Smith, at Coram, comprising the large house , barn, and

about 100 acres of land for $9900, cash. Wm. A. O'Dhoroty of New York city

is the purchaser.

South Side Signal (Babylon)

Dec. 07, 1872


James Howe has sold out, and is about removing to New Jersey. It is with

considerable regret that he is called upon thus suddenly to leave friends

and home. He has been a resident of this place for the past five years and

leaves, we believe, no enemies behind him or any obligations unfulfilled.

William Osborn has refilled his store with a full stock of goods. As this

is very convenient to parties living here, it is to be hoped that Mr. Osborn

will by well patronized He (Capt. Osborn,) has been re-appointed roadmaster.

L. Irving Overton has taken charge of the place vacated by James Howe. Mr.

Overton carries the daily mail between Coram and Medford Station, drives a

comfortable stage and is prepared to accommodate passengers to and from Coram

or any part of the North Side.

Mr. Longking is selling off preparatory to leaving for Brooklyn.

South Side Signal

September 6, 1873

Coram is a place of no mean pretensions; it is the capital of Brookhaven Town; all of the official business takes place here. It is celebrated for the quality and quantity of its sand, and knocks every other place in the head for good looking girls.

Smith and Overton are doing a rushing business in the stage line between Medford Station and Port Jefferson, Miller’s Place and Mt. Sinai. Stage leaves Miller’s Place at 7 o’clock A.M..; Arrives at Port Jefferson 8 A.M. and Medford Station 10:15, in time for passengers to take the cars east. Charles Rose will be there to convey the passengers to Patchogue. The proprietors have good stages and horses and can put passengers through in double quick time.

Over 7000 qts of blackberries have been shipped to Boston from Coram this season.

South Side Signal (Babylon)

Jan 10 1874


FIRE- The new barn and outbuildings belonging to M. Hambler, were totally

destroyed by fire on the evening of Jan. 1. As near as we can learn the

particulars, it seems that Mr. H. was engaged in melting a lot of soap over

a fire, built out doors, a short distance from his barn, and a little while

after discovered smoke issuing from the roof of his building. Owing to the

inadequate forces of water and help, very little could be saved. Partly


The Great Coram and Port Jefferson Stage Line of R. Wallace Smith and

Wallace Overton has proved a paying institution. When first started it was

thought that small stages were sufficient, but the travel has so much

increased as to require large stages, and a daily line.

Southside Signal

February 24, 1874

Lost at Sea – Edward M. Johnson, of Coram was first mate of the schooner Guy R. Phelps, bound from Savannah Ga. To N.Y., December 26, loaded with lumber. The vessel experienced heavy gales up to that date. Her hold was half filled, but the pumps were worked assiduously all the while, not withstanding which the water was found to be rapidly gaining on them. Mr. Johnson went forward and cut the deck load loose and coming aft again went into the cabin to get some article. While down in the cabin the vessel raised with a high sea and the deck load went by the board, carrying the cabin and Mr. Johnson with it. After he was in the water some time, he came to the surface so he could be seen from on board. The second mate fastened a rope to his waist and jumped overboard and swam to him, and just as he got near enough to reach him a stick of timber struck Mr. Johnson on his head and he went down. They never saw him again. Mr. Johnson was married last October to Miss Carrie Smith, grand daughter of the late Richard W, Smith of Coram.

Port Jeff Echo

March 13, 1875

Solid,- The sleighing is splendid, all men and horses, sleighs and sleds, busy. Some of our neighbors are engaged in hauling huge logs to the saw mills, and if anyone doubts the natural strength of our soil, let him look at those logs.

Mumps,- The mumps have again made their appearance among us, attacking discriminately those who have had them before, and those who have not.

South Side Signal (Babylon) Jan 22 1876

West Yaphank Record

Why "the forefathers of the hamlet" should have called their little

settlement, lying between Sweezy's Mills and Coram, by the name of Coram

Hills, has been a mystery to many of the present generation. Most of the

land is level as an Illinois prairie, and we can't see why it should be

called "Hills." But the roughness in the western part of the neighborhood

passed for hills, with people born and brought up on level land. Perhaps it

was Coram never had many hills of its own that the name of Coram Hills was

given by the first settlers, who probably came from Coram. Be that as it

may, the present dwellers of these dates consider West Yaphank more

appropriate and call it by the name, but some of our neighbors in Coram and

Middle Island still insist that we live at the Hills. We don't like a name

that gives a false impression to strangers, but if the one who have chosen

does not suit them, we might change it to Harmony, Brotherly Love, Amity or

something else of like import, to denote the kind of feeling that prevails


West Yaphank is situated on land so high that Fire Island light can be

plainly seen on clear nights. The South Bay is also in sight from some

points. The principal disadvantage of our exalted position is that we must

use cistern water instead of well water. The advantages are pure air, cool

breezes in summer, exemption from late frosts in spring, and early ones in

the fall, and an excellent place for fruit raising. Little, however, has

been raised for market till recently. Mr. I.G./ Carter, in the Spring of '

68 set out 90 grape vines. In '70 he sent out 250 more. He sold seven

bushels, 45 bushels in "74 and about 50 last fall, besides using them

freely in a large family, and giving away freely. Mr. Carter's vines bear

well every year, so they pay best when crops are poor elsewhere.

Mr. I./D. Randall has brought land of Mr. Hiram Overton, near the school

house, and set out a pear orchard. In the spring he expects to set out

1,000 Concord grape vines.

Fruit raising for market is just beginning here. We expect that this will

be the "vineland" of Long Island and that New England will furnish a market

for all the fruit we can spare, unless we conclude to sell nearer home.

South Side Signal (Babylon)

Jan. 13, 1877

Middle Island & Coram

Roll of Honor of Coram School for the month ending Dec. 29 1876: Drusilla

Smith, Fannie Mott, Minne Davis, Ruthie Osborn, Carrie Smith, Louisa Phanie

miller, Jennie Wagner, James Still, William Shrader, Ellsworth Mott, Henry

Phaniemiller, Freddie Phaniemiller.

A New Year's dinner was held at Nelson Monsell's Music and singing was the

program of the day. All went home well pleased with their day and

evenings pleasure./

The young ladies and gents of Coram, have had a union sleigh ride, to the

fine village of Patchogue.

Administrator's Sale

By virtue of an order of the Abraham T. Rose, County Judge, acting as

Surrogate of the County of Suffolk, notice is hereby given that the

undersigned, Administrator's of the Estate of Isaac Overton, late of the

town of Brookhaven, in said County of Suffolk, deceased intestate-Will sell

at Public Auction, at the dwelling house of said deceased, near Coram, on

Friday the 14th day of December next at 1 o'clock in the morning.

Also-one other tract of land containing about ten acres, lying directly to

the South by the fence as it now goes.

Also-one other tract of land, bounded North by the last mentioned tract,

East by Hallocks Road, West by John Smith, and Southwest by the road from

Coram to the Mill, coming to a point at the South, containing about 30 acres,

cleared land, with some locust on South part, also pond and well for


Also-one other tract of land mostly cleared, bounded East by Hampton

Overton and

Gordon, North by the Granny- Road and Southwesterly by the road leading from

Coram to Mill, containing about sixteen acres.

Also-a certain lot of Woodland bounded North by Hiram Overton, East by

Hiram and Hampton Overton, South by the Fire road, and West by the land of

David Overton, dec'd containing about forty acres.

Also-a lot of Sprout land bounded North by the Fire road East by Hampton

Overton, South by Middle Island line and West by land of David Overton

dec'd-containind about fifty acres.

Patchogue Advance

August 10, 1878


Among the many farmers in this village, Lester H. Davis, takes the lead. His garden is well cultivated and this year a large crop of apples, pears, peaches, and plums is being realized. He exhibited to us a specimen of a large strawberry, which ripens this month, of the Great Western Variety, also a very large plum from a seedling of the Red Carolinas. He has also in a field adjoining his garden one and a half acre of asparagus which he claims cannot be beat on Long Island for its age.

Patchogue Advance

November 30,1878


Though the Capital of Brookhaven, it is the quietest place on earth at this season. Nothing seems to mar this serenity, unless it to be the tossing by the wind, of a discarded leaf but the parent tree. A few new buildings have made their appearance, but the hand of time has been to work also, and more than one roof or sidewall has cave in.

Patchogue Advance

Jan. 18, 1879

A church war has been going on for some time here between one of the trustees and the members. Capt. Henry Smith it is said locked the church and refused to open it for Rev. Mr. Beale to preach in. The Capt. has also taken possession of the bible and organ and although presiding elder Graves has been at work to settle the matter the end has not yet been reached.

Patchogue Advance

Coram.5-24- 79

'Squire Osborn evidently does not consider the justice ship a very profitable one in his section, for the last week he shipped as mate of the "Lucy B. Ives," under Capt. Wm. H. Mott. The trials and tribulations of our people are not of such a character as need the intervention of the law, and as a consequence he has had to adjudicate upon but few cases, if any, since his election.

Board of Assessors. The Board of Assessors of Brookhaven hold their second session at Lester H. Davis's, on Wednesday last. President, Austin Culver, Moriches, Edmund W. Ruland, Selden; Isaac E. Brown, Rocky Point; George W. Ritch, Middle Island; William H. Hait, Patchogue, together with the Town Clerk. So far as the Board have gone over the assessment roll (to letter G.) the assessed property is averaging about the same as last year. In some localities the assessed valuation has been increased, while owing to large forest fires and other damages, the amount has decreased in other sections. Two sessions a week is what the Board anticipates holding until the roll is completed. Their next sessions will be held Tuesday and Friday of next week, at which those interested should attend.

Farming.-Farming is now the go, and prospects that the appearance of the "potato bug" within a few days somewhat dampens the farmer's arder on that line.

Asparagus. - Lester H. Davis is now shipping 40 to 50 dozen bunches per day to New York and Bridgeport. The price averages $1.50 per dozen.

Land Turtle- Ham Smith found a large turtle the other day having on him "Daniel T. Overton 1855" also the initials "W.S.C." Mr. Smith found one last year bearing the name "Brewster Terry" and dated 1832.

Patchogue Advance

Coram 5-31-79

-Death has smitten down one of our best citizens in his prime of life. Kind and industrious, H. Sydney Longbothom plod his way through life with the respect of all who knew him. His disease was a peculiar one. Six years ago he was quite thin and slender, but his bones commenced growing, as also did the larynx, which finally interfered with respiration. His bands showed plainly the growth that was general as the size of the index finger at the first joint measured three-and-a half inches while his wrist was eight-and a half inches in circumference. He was not fleshy, nor did he complain much. Mr. Longbothom was a candidate this spring for town Clerk, on the Republican ticket, but was beaten. The community mourns his loss and sympathize with his bereaved friends.

Patchogue Advance

August 31, 1879

Our farmers are now busily engaged in the peddling business, but the prices obtained are below that of other years.

Miss Emma Norton while in the woods the other day, saw what appears to be a rattlesnake, but as it speedily got out of sight she was unable to say how many rattles it had on.

January 24, 1880

Capt. Jacob Mott, and others, of this place have purchased the schooner "Sea Port" of Northport, and hereafter she will be commanded by Capt. Mott.

Patchogue Advance

March 27, 1880

Coram is the magnet around which revolve politicians of every political creed about nomination times. this is the capitol, and here during the past week representatives of the noble army of temperance gathered in convention to choose from among them a leader worthy of bearing the laurels of victory on the morning after election. The sword of the Lord has been buckled on to fight the demon rum, and here in the M.E. Church met the soldiers in the cause.

Patchogue Advance

Coram- October 8, 1881:

-Ms. Rate Osborn, a graduate of the Patchogue Union School, opened the school here on Monday last. Commissioner Roe called and paid her a visit on Tuesday. The school at present is very small. Ms. Osborn is gaining in popularity and seems to be well fitted for her post of duty.

Patchogue Advance

Coram-November 19, 1881:


-Last Sabbath day called on us to perform a sad duty. The bright November sky strongly contrasted with the mournful groups assembled to pay last tribute to a departed friend. Yes, he was a friend indeed; and after close acquaintance, you would regard him more than a brother. Our entire community was there, eager to look at the earthly remains of CHARLES O'DOHERTY. Not more than two weeks ago, his athletic form, the very ideal of a young man, was ever ready to greet you with a kind word or with his customary congenial smile. He, who was the picture of health a few days ago, laid there to be silent forever. Death had struck a heavy blow, and the grief exhibited by all was intense. The old bowed their heads, thinking of the uncertainties of life, while the young, buoyant with hope of their future, seeing their ever cheerful friend removed, bitterly moaned," O Lord! Why hast thon done so?" Noble spirited, true and kindhearted CHARLES O'DOHERTY, is now no more. A little mound in the private cemetery at Coram denotes his last resting-place; but his memory will live forever among his many friends. Enemies he had none, and no act of his life will blur his past record. May he rest in peace! J.G.D.

Patchogue Advance

Coram 4-8-82

Election Day! What a time, and what gathering. Oh, temperance what a virtue, and how far thy genial countenance on that historic day, went towards modifying the passions of the inner man. About two thousand people were in attendance on the occasion, and voting seemed to be all one way, the Democrats carrying the fort at every point. The Republican candidates, were slaughtered by members of their own party, and at the carnage it was amusing to see both prohibitionist and liquor advocate join hands to accomplish the desired end Supervisor Heavens at the designated time read the statement of the financial standing of the financial standing of the town, after which it was voted, that the surplus of the dog tax $257,40, be appropriated towards defraying the deficiency in the contingent fund.

Patchogue Advance

August 11, 1883

It takes about three days for a letter to reach Coram mailed at Patchogue.

Thursday, Mr. Lester H. Davis shipped to Mr. Blackford, fish commissioner, two handsome specimens of carp weighing respectfully five and six pounds. They were just two years old and beautiful in appearance.

Patchogue Advance

December 8, 1883

The marriage of two daughters of Mr. Ham Smith, of Coram, on the evening of Dec. 12th was an interesting event. The officiating clergymen made arrangements by which the services were pleasantly blended, and the couples in quick succession were pronounced husband and wife. A large company of friends witnessed the ceremony and shared in the festivities of the occasion.

Patchogue Advance

Coram: March 4, 1884

-Lester II. Davis is tired of having the annual town meeting at his place and has declared himself in favor of a change. Town Clerk Hutchinson is now a "father in Israel." We extend our congratulations, especially as it is a boy. The town pump, on the Kings highway at this point, works well and its convenience cannot be over estimated. It is even hinted that if a similar institution were established at Port Jefferson and Patchogue the cause of temperance in these benighted sections would be materially advanced. We regret to learn that after a thorough medical examination the physicians have given Mr. Samuel Dare no hope that his boy will again receive his eyesight. The conventions are near at hand, but this year "lets" and "no lots" will be the leading question. Here we are opposed to the leasing of Coram Pond.

Patchogue Advance

March 29, 1884

The Town Capital to be moved.

Lester H. Davis, Tuesday informed the Board of Audit of the Town of Brookhaven, that the use of his house and premises could no longer be obtained for the purpose of holding "Town Meeting." This is a step toward voting in election districts.

Democrats and Republicans take the Helm: March 22, 1884:

-The Town Capital, on Wednesday last, was the scene of a large and intelligent concourse of citizens who had come together, despite the storm, to discuss the probability of placing in nomination so much of a town ticket, as might be necessary to source, by its election, an honest and impartial administration of the business affairs of the town. The meeting was called to order shortly after 2 P.M. by Wilmot M. Smith, in a large yet antiquated barn of Lester H. Davis.

Patchogue Advance

Coram: November 8, 1884:

-It was on Wednesday night, October 22, that Coram was once more made merry by the marriage of Ruthie E., only daughter of Wm. H. Osborn, Esq., to Seymour Swezey. About one hundred invitations were disseminated among the relatives and friends of the parties to which, (in spite of the rain) a greater part put in their appearance. At about eight o'clock, Miss Eva Norton, who presided at the organ, began the wedding march. The door of the adjoining room was thrown open, and from within, Miss Georgie R. Swezey, the brides maid, and Mr. James Swezey, the groom man, marched to their places, quickly followed by Miss Ruthie and Seymour, who were speedily made one. Rev. Mr. Dickenson officiated. No sooner had the clergyman begun the ceremony than a surrounding party gathered close under the windows pealed forth in clamorous tongue. The noise and music were deafening, and were kept up notwithstanding the pouring rain, until they were invited in, and were filled with good cheer. The happy pair after congratulations were escorted to the dining room, where they sat at a table luxuriously filled. There were numerous and useful presents. To add to the pleasantness of the evening was the presence of Mr. And Mrs. Dickenson, who were ready to crack a joke, as usual, or to take one. Mr. Dickenson was a pastor of the M. E. Church, at Coram, a few years ago-NEWS LETTER.

Patchogue Advance

Coram: September 19, 1885:

-REPUBLICAN TOWN PRIMARY-At a Republican town primary, held at the house of William H. Osborn, Esq., on Saturday last, at which representatives were present for all the districts in the town save Port Jefferson. On motions Hon. James Otis was chosen chairman and Thomas S. Heatley, secretary, after which Wilmont M. Smith administered to them the required oath. The following delegates were then elected:

District No. 1, Israel B. Tyler; No. 2, I. Wilson Ritch, Sidney H. Ritch; No. 3, Joseph C. Valentine;No. 4, Jehiel S. Raynor, James Rowland;No 5, Hon. James Otis; No. 6, Wilmont M. Smith; No. 7, George D. Gerard; No. 8, Charles J. Randall and Richard W. Smith.

Patchogue Advance

September 26, 1885

Well, Coram is now virtually dead, our town meeting has been abolished, our trustees meet with us no more, the assessors radiate, between this and Middle Island and have now divided tjhe election district so that one half go to Yaphank to vote, while the remaining half can stay where they are or tramp to Lake Grove. Poor Coram. Once the capital of Brookhaven, now shorn of this honor, has become a mere hamlet from whence not a sound is heard save the occasional "Get up" of friend Wallace, as he mildly induces his sleepy nags to move more rapidly

Suffolk County News

November 2, 1889

Last Sunday Lester Smith who has been a great sufferer for some time, was laid in his last earthly resting place in Coram Cemetery

Work is progressing rapidly on the house of L.I. Overton, at Coram, which he is making very attractive. The mason work is being done by Barney Jewell.


February 25, 1893

Coram is a very quiet place just at present, under the pure white mantle of snow. The people cannot do much, and Lent, which seems to afflict society so much, possibly contributes to make matters even more quiet. However, we are pleased to report “progress”, that is, in numerical way-the advent of a young son in the home of Thomas S. Smith. It would seem that Providence had sent them the little stranger to heal the grief occasioned by the loss of there darling boy a short time ago.

An Old Country Church

The Methodist Church at Coram stands aloof,

And the hand wrought shingles of its roof,

Are curled with age, but brave the weather yet.

As the time when first the aged couple met,

Crowding the pathway to the two-fold door,

Within rough walls and planking floor,

The benches cushion less and crude,

The country folks compose the multitude.

A century has past since its dedication,

And many a saint has gone who preached Salvation;

The children’s children who are aged now,

And entering the meeting house with reverence they bow.

So in memory let the church bells ring,

Each Sabbath day as the chirping robins sing,

Let the gospel ring as in days of lore,

At the meeting house in Coram with its open door.

November 25, 1893

Albert Mott, one of our old and much esteemed residents, died at his home in this village on Monday. Funeral Services were held at the Methodist Church on Wednesday

Port Jeff Echo

February 23, 1895

A very quiet wedding took place at the M.E. parsonage Tuesday evening Feb. 19, after the cottage prayer meeting. The contracting parties were Alonzo Chappel and Miss Nellie A. Rowley of Selden.

Port Jeff Echo

June 8, 1895

The strawberry festival will be held in T.J. Smith’s new barn, Wednesday evening, June 12. Supper and ice cream will be served and a general good time is anticipated. All are invited.

Long Islander

March 12, 1898

A meeting of the Coram Gun Club, was held at the Suffolk hotel on Tuesday for the purpose of disposing of unfinished business left over from last fall. This club controls a game preserve of 3,000 acres at Coram and its membership is limited to 15.

Patchogue Advance

Sept. 1899

Your correspondent was greatly surprised a few days since on discovering the condition of the town pump at Coram. In that arid region the necessity of a pump to supply water for the weary and thirsty travelers and their horses on the road from Patchogue to Port Jefferson needs no argument to prove. And the town trustees have for many years maintained a pump there at the intersection of that road and the country road. But its present condition is a scandal to the town. It is a chain pump and the chain has by long use worn away the inside of the tubing so that the water runs back almost as fast as it can be raised. It requires vigorous and patient turning of the crank to bring any water at all and the bearings are partly gone so that the wheel shaft slips out of place unless care is taken to hold it there. We wonder why the trustees do not have this pump repaired or replaced with a new one. Speaking of this difficulty of getting water in the dry places suggests another great annoyance to the public in this vicinity arising from too much water in some places.

Suffolk County News

January 26, 1900

Trustee Reed reported that the town pump at Coram was unfit for use. On motion of trustee Tuthill, trustee Reed was empowered to replace the same with a new pump for public use. The bill of Henry V. Blonsky amounting to $13.50 for putting in a new pump at Coram was ordered paid.

Port Jeff Echo

July, 20, 1907

An exciting game of baseball was played here last Saturday between Selden and Patchogue Field Club. The score was 5-2 in favor of Patchogue when Selden went to bat in the ninth inning and batted out 4 runs to win 6-5 Several Coram boys played on the Selden team and strengthened it considerably. Star catches by DeLong and Blinn were features.

Port Jeff Echo

February 22, 1908

Henry Smith, a sturdy citizen of Coram, 82 years old, walked nine miles to Patchogue Saturday morning to make out papers giving a plot of ground in Coram to the school districts of Middle Island, Coram and Selden for a playground. The plot is a triangular piece of 300 feet on the North side of the main road in Coram adjoining land of Mr. Smith’s son Thomas W. Smith. After signing the deed the old gentleman walked back to Coram before noon.

Port Jeff Echo

July 25, 1908

The Middle Country baseball team will play the Patchogue Orientals this Saturday on the Coram grounds. Admission, voluntary contributions.

Port Jeff Echo

June 26, 1909

The Coram and Yaphank baseball game at Davis’s field last Saturday was stopped in the seventh inning because Yaphank refused to play when one of their players was put out at third base. The score stood 17 to 12 in favor of the home team. The batteries for Coram were Duke and H. Still: Yaphank, Baker and Onrlse.

Presiding Eldor Chadwick occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sunday. Communion services and the first quarterly conference were held.

Suffolk County News

July 2, 1909

Sanitarium to be built at Coram. State health Commissioner Eugene H. Porter and Dr. C. A. Baker of Yaphank, health officer of the Town of Brookhaven have granted the petition to the Central Labor Union of Brooklyn to locate a tuberculosis hospital at Coram, about 8 miles north of Patchogue.

Port Jeff Echo

August 7, 1909

A good exhibition of the national game was witnessed by a large number of fans last Saturday afternoon at Mt. Sinai where the Mt. Sinai Athletic Club defeated Coram by 5 – 4. The game was interesting throughout. The feature of the game was the fast fielding of the Mt. Sinai team. Batteries were Duke and Smith for Coram, while Schratweiser and Cass composed the winning battery. Mr. Van Pelt notified the teams before the game that he would give the winners one dollar for a new baseball.

Port Jeff Echo

May 28, 1910

Popular post card portraits 41 per dozen, taken at studio, Greene photographer

The Coram baseball team was defeated on Saturday by the Selden team the score being 3 – 2.

The Social Union of the Methodist church will meet at the home of Noah Terry on Saturday evening.

The members of the Methodist church Sunday school are preparing exercises for Children’s Day.

The young ladies of this place will give a kitchen shower to Miss Charlotte Pickney on Saturday afternoon, at the home of Miss Grace Higbie.

June 4, 1910

The Coram team played the Ronkonkoma nine at Ronkonkoma on the afternoon of Decoration Day. The score stood 6 to 3 in favor of Ronkonkoma when the game was called in the sixth inning on the account of rain. Riker pitched excellent ball and the team was by far the best that ever represented this place.

Mrs. Clarence Mulford is spending some time at her home in this place.

Port Jeff Echo

July 23, 1910

A fine game was played here on Saturday afternoon when the local team met the Stony Brook nine. The score stood at 1 – 1 at the close of the eighth inning, but in the ninth the visitors scored 5 runs. On the 4th, the Coram team played Miller Place team on their field resulting in a score of 27 – 21 in favor of Coram.

A large number attended the Methodist Sunday School picnic at Miller Place beach on July 4th.

Port Jeff Echo

August 27, 1910

Samuel Higbie met with quite an accident last week when his horse which took fright at an automobile, dragged him on the ground, injuring his hand quite severely.

The annual reunion of the Still family was held Sunday at the home of Smith Still.

The junior baseball team was defeated on Saturday afternoon by the Selden team. The score was 9 – 3. This Saturday afternoon the Coram team will meet the Middle Island juniors at Davis’ field in this village.

The annual fair held by the ladies of the Methodist church on Thursday evening, in the vacant house next to Everett Davis’ residence, was well patronized not only by the people of this place, but of the surrounding villages.

Watermelons are becoming quite plentiful and quantities are being shipped daily to the nearby markets.

Over eleven dollars was cleared at the play, “Dr. Cure All.” given by the young people of the Presbyterian Church last Friday evening.

Suffolk News

March 3, 1911

Judson P. Davis, the oldest son of William L. Davis of Coram was shot and killed last Thursday morning at Seattle, Washington. Mr. Davis was a member of the police force of Seattle and was killed while arresting a man. The remains will be brought to Coram for interment. He was a graduate of Syracuse University and was President of his class. He served as an instructor in a college and later enlisted in the United States Marine corps serving his time in the Philippines and from thence to Seattle.

Port Jeff Echo

August 12, 1911

Miss Grace Davis has been engaged to teach the Coram school the coming year. Miss Davis graduated from the Port Jefferson High School in June with honors.

Port Jeff Echo

April 6, 1912

Mrs. M.G. Mulford has returned and opened her home here for the summer.

Edward Pfeiffer of Middle Island, through his representative, Thomas Bayles, now runs his order and delivery wagon through here twice a week.

Mrs. M. G. Mulford has returned and opened her home here for the summer.

Miss Anna Davis, with her cousin, Miss Marian Bishop of Brooklyn, is spending the week at her home.

Rev. J. V. Williams and Rev. E. E. Davis returned from Conference the first of the week.

Mrs. Lavina Smith is suffering with the grippe.

Mrs. Brummel and two daughters, Mildred and Evelyn, are visiting at the home of Thos. J. Smith.

Mrs. Lucile Overton has sufficiently recovered that Mrs. Geo. Blydenburgh, who has been caring for her, has returned to Port Jefferson.

Miss Eleanor Davis has returned to Mt. Holyoke College after her Easter vacation.

Miss Bertha Terry, who has been ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. Grant Smith, is slowly improving under the care of Dr. Many.

Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Williams left Thursday for flatlands where Rev. Mr. Williams assumes his new charge as pastor of the Methodist church. During the year he has been here he has faithfully administered his duties as pastor of the three local churches in Coram, Middle Island and Medford. Rev. and Mrs. Williams leave Coram with the regret of the people and their best wishes for them in their new home.

Chas. Davis spent a part of the week in Woodhaven.

Mrs. Robinson, who has been ill with appendicitis, was taken to Nassau hospital last week.

June 15, 1912

Coram is represented with graduates in the following schools and colleges this June: Miss Eva Davis graduates from the Oswego Normal School, and will teach in Oyster Bay next year. Miss Eleanor Davis graduated from Mt. Holy Oak College, and has accepted a position as teacher of English in Patchogue High School. Albert Clunan Jr., graduates from Cornell University as a civil engineer. Mr. Clunan has accepted a position in Baltimore. Miss Eunice Still and Charles Davis are among the graduates from Port Jefferson High School.

Port Jeff Echo

June 13, 1913

Miss Minerva Davis, a lifelong resident of Coram passed away Tuesday morning, after a long illness. In her death we lose one of our oldest inhabitants. She is survived by 4 nieces, Mrs. Martha Parks, Miss Belle Frear, Mrs. Alfred Woodhull, and Mrs. Ida Davis. And 4 nephews, William Frear, Vincent Davis, Rosewell Davis, and Michael Davis.

Port Jeff Echo

June 28, 1913

A number of young people from Coram made an attempt to carry out their plans for a straw ride to Patchogue to see the “movies” last Friday, but were foiled by the weather. However, they tried again on the following evening and were successful.

The grounds around the parsonage and cemetery have been much improved in appearance.

Port Jeff Echo

August 23, 1913

The Misses Dorothy and Marjorie Brush, Martha Smith, Alice Still, Eva Davis, and Marjorie Sanford, with Miss Eva Davis as chaperone, leave this Saturday for a week’s camping at Water Island.

Luther H. Chambers entertained a party of guests at the club house this week.

Port Jeff Echo

Sept. 20, 1913

L.H. Chambers has several horses in the races at the Riverhead Fair this week.

H.F. Davis has a potato weighing two pounds three ounces.

A large number from Coram attended the Suffolk County Fair.

E.S. Still has water melons weighing 60 pounds.

Port Jeff Echo

April 18, 1914

E.H. Smith is roadmaster in west Coram and expects to do some road work the latter part of the week.

J. Pickney has been appointed roadmaster for East Coram and has a number of teams at work.

Port Jeff Echo

July 11, 1914

After insisting that he was shot by Charles Edwards, a farmer whom he said, suspected him of raiding his strawberry patch, John Hula, the thirteen year old son of Thomas Hula, a Coram farmer, admitted when closely questioned by Deputy Sheriffs Frank Norton and John Stephani and Constable Howard B. Rowland on Wednesday that his injuries were due to having pounded a shotgun shell with a stone. He said he told his parents that Edwards shot him because he was afraid to tell the truth. The boys face and body are filled with birdshot and he is in serious condition.

July 14, 1914

Mrs. Clarence E. Mulford entertained a guest at her residence here last week.

Port Jeff Echo

July 18. 1914

The Ladies Aid of the M.E. Church held an all day sewing at the parsonage last Thursday. There was a large number of ladies present and they worked industriously in preparation for the fair which will be held sometime in August.

Mrs. Clarence Mulford entertained a guest at her residence last week.

The Coram baseball team defeated the boys from the Sanitorium last Saturday 23 to 12.

Port Jeff Echo

September 26, 1914

A small fire broke out on Mt. Tabor on Sunday afternoon. But for the promtness of the neighbors the flames would have soon spread, causing much damage.

C.A. Duke’s pony was rescued from the murky depths of the swamp on Sunday.

J. Grant Smith recently dug 26 bushels of large potatoes from 4 rows.

Several of our progressive farmers captured a goodly share of premiums at the Suffolk County Fair.

Port Jeff Echo

November 7, 1914

A number of Grangers from Coram and the North side attended the entertainment given in Medford grange Hall by Ceres.

A number of people enjoyed a straw ride to Patchogue Monday evening.

The spooks of Coram were out in full force on Halloween. They made a number of calls on friends.

The game sports are out enjoying the first fine days of the season.

Port Jeff Echo

November 21, 1914

According to an authority who keeps careful records of such things, the famous Coram Pond was dry recently for the first time since 1735.

Port Jeff Echo

December 26, 1914

The young people have certainly enjoyed the skating on Coram Pond. They are hoping it will continue.

Miss May Furey, instructor of the children at the Sanitorium is spending Christmas at home.

Charles R. Davis, New York Law School ‘16, and Homer W. Davis Hamilton ‘16, are enjoying their vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Davis

January 15, 1915

The annual Christmas tree and entertainment given by the Sunday School was held on Christmas Eve. In spite of the inclement weather there was a goodly number present. The audience was entertained with recitations and songs by the children and music by the choir, which was supervised by Miss Emma Smith, organist. At the close of the program a letter, containing a check for $10, from Mrs. C. Mulford, was read. This present comes annually from Mrs. Mulford as a loving memorial of her husband, Clarence Mulford, who with Mrs. Mulford was a regular attendant of the church while residing in Coram. Clarence E. Dare, as Santa Claus, furnished much amusement for young and old. He was assisted by others in distributing candy, oranges, gifts, etc. from the tree.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lyons and son are spending two weeks with Mr. Lyons’ brother of Huntington.

January 16, 1915

An “All Day School of Methods,” conducted by Miss Helen I. Root, State L. T. L. Secretary, will be held in Grange Hall Jan. 19, morning session opens at 10 a.m. afternoon session at 1 p.m. All friends of temperance are cordially invited.

It may be interesting to our readers to learn that one of our ingenious young men has been receiving time by wireless at 12 o’clock a.m. and 10 o’clock p.m., from Arlington Sta., Va., for more than a year. The young man to whom we refer is George S. Brush, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Brush, of this place. Young Brush has fitted up a wireless room, which affords him much amusement during the summer months. He is a student of Smithtown High School and is president of his class. Coram may well be proud of him.

January 23, 1915

Major Benjamin F. Stein, a veteran of the Civil War and a former resident of this place, died on Jan. 16, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Howard B. Roland, of Greenport. He was well known to a number of our residents and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. Funeral services were conducted at his late home on Jan. 18, and on Tuesday the remains were taken to Brooklyn, where a military service was held followed by burial on Jan. 19. Among his survivors are a daughter, Mrs. E. E. Davis, of this place, and three grandchildren, Misses Minnie and Grace Davis and Benjamin Woodhull Davis. To them we would express our sincerest sympathy.

Suffolk County News

Feb. 5, 1915

A petition containing the signatures of 50 Coram voters has been sent to Washington asking that Miss Emma L. Norton the present postmistress be permitted to remain in office for another year at least. This will make her 30th year, she has been postmistress continually since 1866, and makes her eligible for a pension. The petition was started when it was reported that a Coram politician would receive the appointment.

Port Jeff Echo

March 6, 1915

Mr. and mrs. K.G. Kaller and son have moved into the Mulford house. We are glad to have them in our midst.

There will be a meeting of the W,C.T.U. at the Coram M.E. Church. The speakers will be Mrs. Martha Allen on “Medical temperance” and Mrs. Sammis on “Women’s Suffrage”

Port Jeff Echo

April 24, 1915

Harry Tappen gave an illustrated lecture on the Panama Canal in Coram school house. It was well attended and proved very instructive as well as entertaining.

Last Saturday proved to be a busy time for Justice Lee. The court room was the scene of a jury trial. William Klinger of Yaphank sued Mrs. Askin of Medford for wages earned by him over a year ago. A verdict for Mr. Klinger was brought in.

Port Jeff Echo

June 19, 1915

A new horse shoeing and blacksmith shop will be opened by George F. Richards at the Dake stand, Coram.

Whooping cough and mumps are prevalent now.

July 10, 1915

A number of Coramites attended the ball game at Miller Place on July 5, when the Coram boys won by a score of 12 to 3.

The Social Union will meet this Saturday evening at the home of Miss Grace Higbie. A cordial invitation is extended to all. A good time is promised by the committee who are doing their best for a pleasing entertainment.

Port Jeff Echo

August 7, 1915

The lawn festival held on the parsonage grounds was very successful. They netted nearly 18 dollars toward the organ fund.

Port Jeff Echo

Sept. 18, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. George Brush are moving to Patchogue this week. They will be greatly missed in this community.

Port Jeff Echo

Dec. 25, 1915

Several auto loads of Christmas trees and greens were taken to Patchogue the past week.

The choir met for practice at the home of Woodhull Davis on Monday.

Word from our neighbors in Avon Park, Florida, reports that Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Randall have both been quite sick since going there, but the latest cheering word is that they are getting better now.

The death of Elbert J. Swezey, which occurred on Thursday night of last week, removed one of the most substantial and highly respected members of our community. He was 76 years of age, and departed this life like a shock of grain fully ripe, having filled a long life with honest and earnest activity and usefulness to his family, the church and the community in which he lived. He died in the house where he was born and had always lived, the house occupying the site of the home of the original settler of the mane in this locality, his ancestor of the fourth generation who built here more than one hundred and fifty years ago. Mr. Swezey leaves two sons and three daughters, Jothan H. Swezey, of Lebanon, Conn.; Mrs. Ada Allen, wife of Rev. F.E. Allen, of Brookhaven; Miss Gertrude Swezey, a teacher in Brooklyn public schools; Miss Sabra N. and Elbert Leroy Swezey, of this place, who lived with the father, the mother having died several years since. He had been a member of the Presbyterian church 55 years, and for many years a trustee. Funeral Services were held Sunday afternoon, with burial in the family plot in Union Cemetery.

Port Jeff Echo

Feb. 12, 1916

John Elsebough died at his home in Coram Feb. 8 of Bright’s disease, of which he suffered for years.

He was born in Frankfort, Germany, Dec. 20, 1839, came to this country as a boy, and has lived in Coram for the past 46 years.

Mr. Elsebough was a Veteran of the Civil War, and a member of the Lewis O Conklin Post G.A.R. In 1862 he married Katherine Lawless of Brooklyn. They celebrated their 50th anniversary four years ago last October.

Port Jeff Echo

April 1, 1916

Miss Emma Norton of Coram died at her home Wednesday night, aged 79 years. Funeral services will be held at her late home Sunday afternoon. The deceased was the daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Norton. She was a native of Coram, where she has always lived, and for many years has been postmistress. She received her first appointment during Grover Cleveland’s first term.

Port Jeff Echo

June 6, 1917

The Coram branch of the Red Cross was organized on May 26 and the following officers elected: Chairman, Mrs. D.B. Still, Secretary, Mrs. Eunice Still; Treasurer, Mrs. D.R. Davis

It has already been well advertised that the New York Military census will be taken between June 11 and 25 inclusive. The following women have volunteered as clerks in this election district. Miss Tessie Hagen, Mrs. E.H. Smith, Mrs. D. R. Davis, Miss Eleanor Davis, Mrs. Herman Vogel and Miss Eunice Still.

Port Jeff Echo

July 7, 1917

A contactor from the U.S. camp site was here recently looking for carpenters, masons and other workmen to work on the new camp at Yaphank.

A representative from the anti saloon league of America will give an address from the pulpit of the M.E. church on Sunday.

May 12, 1917

After an illness of several months, Miss Martha J. Lee died at her home here on Wednesday May 3, 1917. She was born in Coram Oct. 9, 1859, and was the daughter of William Lee and Amanda Gould. An eloquent funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. Robert Thorne. Interment was in the Middle Island Cemetery. She leaves a sister, Mrs. D.E. Petty, of Brooklyn, and two brothers, Thomas B. Lee and John W. Lee, of Glenbrook, Conn. Many beautiful flowers were sent by relatives and friends. Miss Lee was a member of the Middle Island Presbyterian church.

June 23, 1917

The school children enjoyed the annual picnic on Monday when school closed for the summer vacation. One of their pleasures was the gathering of a large bunch of daisies to be sent by the L.T.L., to the children of the Kings County Hospital.

Miss Eunice M. Still, who has been substituting in the Coram school since Easter, has returned to New Paltz Normal for the commencement exercises and to receive her diploma with the class of 1917.

Port Jeff Echo

Nov. 17, 1917

Hopkins Roe Overton died at Washington D.C. on Nov. 5, was born in Coram Jan. 13, 1850. His parents were Elizabeth Davis and Lewis Roe Overton. Interment took place at the Middle Island Cemetery.

Dec. 8

The ladies of Coram and Middle Island expect to meet with Mrs. Richard M. Bayles on Weds afternoon to make curtains for one of the Y.M.C.A. buildings at Camp Upton.

Port Jeff Echo

December 15, 1917

Philip G. Still went to Bayshore Dec. 5 to join recruits who recently went to Camp Upton, and is now with the 305th Infantry Co. D.

Word was recently received from Wendell Still M.M. 2, U.S.S. Panther, who is somewhere off the coast of France. He reports he is well.

Four grandsons of the late Smith Still are doing their bit for Uncle Sam. Dr. Colsh is 1st Lt. of the Medical Corps at Fort Riley, Kansas, Philip Still is training at Camp Upton, Wendell Still is in France, and Raymond Still is at the Brooklyn Naval Yard.

Fri. Dec. 14 is the day appointed for the general meeting of the Red Cross workers. Mrs. D.R. Davis has kindly placed a room in her house for the convenience of the workers and it is open every day. We ask the ladies to give as much time as possible to the work.

Port Jeff Echo

July 6, 1918

Word has been received from Sergeant Philip G. Still that he is not located not far from Bordeaux. He spent Decoration Day in that city.

Private Orlando Edwards of Swezeytown is stationed at a camp in Jacksonville, Fla.

The people of Coram have pledged themselves to buy $1,515 worth of War Saving Stamps.

Aug. 10,

Sergeant Thomas B. Smith is spending a ten day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Smith.

Nov. 16, 1918

Mr. and Mrs. William Koschara and daughter Adaline went to Fort Totten last week to see Private William Koschara jr., who has been ordered to a camp in the south.

Most of the women in this place took the opportunity of voting last Tuesday, and we did not here that either children or housework was neglected.

An auto artistically decorated with flags announced that the peace armistice has been signed.

Port Jeff Echo

December 14, 1918

The Rev. R.S. Povey visited the people in this section last week in the interests of the anti saloon league. Mr. Povey is convinced that we will have National Prohibition in 1920 as there are 33 states that will surely ratify this winter. Let us hope that New York will be on of the three needed to make the required 36.

In a recent letter, Sergeant Philip Still writes that he is in a rest camp in Southern France.

Raymond D. Still of the U.S.S. Canandaigua writes under the date of nov. 14th that he has just recovered from an attack of the influenza. He also states that all the boys were happy over the peace news and had lighted bonfires in the streets of their base port. They also burned the Kaiser in effigy.

Luther H. Chambers and his friends have killed 11 raccoons this fall.

The yearly reports of the State W.C.T.U. have been received and as usual prove very interesting. Suffolk County supported three French Orphans last year. We hope that Coram L.T.L. can support one this winter, which they can do if they succeed in securing pledge of $1.00 per month. Envelopes have been received by the local W.C.T.U. to aid in the Mile of Dimes. We hope that all friends of Temperance will help us with our quota. It. Requires 80,000 dimes to make a mile.

Port Jeff Echo

December 28, 1918

The children of the Coram school, under the supervision of their teacher, Miss Smith filled four Xmas stockings with dimes, which they sent to the American Committee for Devastated France. Each stocking will furnish a pair of stockings, a toy, candy and a pair of mittens to the children who would otherwise not have any gifts.

Private Alpheus Thompson received an honorable discharge from The U.S. Army at Camp Dix and returned to his home in Swezeytown.

Port Jeff Echo

May 31, 1919

A victrola has been placed in the post office for the use of the young people and is giving them a great deal of pleasure and amusement

Several young ladies from this place attended a party given the Grange hall, Yaphank, Saturday afternoon, for the convalescent soldiers.

July 7

Orlando Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards of Swezeytown, who has been overseas for more than a year, is now at Camp Merritt awaiting his discharge.

July 26,

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Still have moved their household possessions into the Elsebough homestead, owned by L.H. Chambers.

Three dollars was collected at the social at Mrs. E.S. Still’s on Friday evening for the benefit of the French war orphans. Another social will be held as soon as someone offers to entertain.

Aug. 23,

Several from this town attended the auction at Camp Upton on Monday.

Wallace Mott received his discharge from Camp Upton and is now home at Swezeytown.

Port Jeff Echo

Dec. 27, 1919

Irwin McMullen had a narrow escape from drowning in Coram Pond last Weds. While sliding he broke through the ice and sunk in the mud to his shoulders. Miss Star saw him and called Robert Lyons, who came to his rescue and took him home for first aid.

The thermometer registered 14 degrees below zero last Thursday night.

William Koschara bought a fine team at the recent auction sale at the farm of John Kelly at port Jefferson Station.

Port Jeff Echo

July 24, 1920

The Joshua Smith Chapter of the D.A.R. met at the house of Mrs. Daniel R. Davis. Several interesting papers were read and refreshments served on the lawn.

Mrs. M. G. Mulford was a recent guest of Mrs. E.H. Smith. She has sold her place on the State Road to parties from the city, who will raise fur bearing animals there.

Suffolk County News

July 15, 1921

Homer Davis who is a professor of English literature in the college at Constantinople, is spending the summer in Athens, Greece, with his brother in law and sister. Consul General and Mrs. John G. Erhardt, at the American Consulate. Mrs. Erhardt was Miss Eleanor Davis of Coram.

Port Jeff Echo

Jan. 14, 1922

In a recent letter, Corp Herman Schwebes of the U.S. Marines writes that he has been transferred to Kansas City. His company is guarding mail trains.

The young people enjoyed a skating party on Coram Pond Monday evening.

William Mailer’s horse died last week.

Port Jeff Echo

May 13, 1922

We are glad to welcome our new grocery man, Charles Hagen who will deliver groceries in East Coram.

Mr. Plate is building a large addition to his house, and two truck loads of lumber have been carted for the house to be built at the corner of the State and Country roads.

May 20,

Charles J. Werner, an enthusiast in Suffolk County history, has issued a finely executed book on the life and letters of Dr. Isaac Hulse, who was a prominent surgeon in the United States Navy and the discoverer of successful methods of treatment of yellow fever. Dr. Hulse belonged to an old family of this place, and his birthplace was the house in Coram now owned by Joseph Rovagna, standing east of the home of Winfield Davis. From sailing toy boats in the Coram Pond he rose to honored positions on naval ships and the Navy Yard at Pensacola, Fla., where a considerable part of his victories over the dreaded disease, yellow fever were won.

July 15,

Mr. Borella opened his shoe repairing shop on the corner and is doing excellent work. He also takes orders for new shoes.

July 29,

It is hoped that a Boy Scout troop will soon be in Coram. We all admit that this is a good thing.

The Coram Community House Committee reports progress. A site just west of the parsonage has been selected and work on the new building will soon start.

Aug. 5,

The boy scouts age 8 to 21, of Coram, Selden and Middle Island, met at the parsonage Friday evening and enjoyed a dog roast.

Suffolk County News

Oct. 6, 1922

Engelhard Heene of Brooklyn has purchased from John Pfundstein the hotel on the State road at Coram, which he has renamed the “Coram Pump Inn”.

Port Jeff Echo

Oct. 7, 1922

The lumber has been purchased and work commenced on the Coram Community House on Monday. John Johnson of Selden has charge of the work.

Port Jeff Echo

April 28, 1923

Several of the young men of Selden and Coram met at the Community House last week to practice for a minstrel show, to be given in the near future.

Port Jeff Echo

July 14,, 1923

Fred Payne has had George Hulse with his truck move his house from Ruland’s farm in Middle Island to Charles Still’s in Coram.

A lawn party was held at the Community House Friday evening, a large crowd from Selden, Middle Island and Coram being present.

Aug. 25,

Fred Payne is cleaning and painting the school house. New seats have been purchased to accommodate the large number of pupils who attend.

Much credit is given B. Woodhull Davis for the time and labor he has given in helping to compete our new Community House. He has made screens and doors for both the Community House and the Methodist Church.

Sept. 15,

School opened on Tuesday, with F.T. Willigan of Patchogue in charge, several new pupils are enrolled.

The Boy Scouts camped on Mt. Tabor Friday night under the leadership of W.M. Staubus. Having supper and breakfast prepared over a camp fire. Those in the patrol were Wilfred Still, Edward Smith, Robert Lyons, William Nillson, Peter and Peppino Borella, and John Archambault.

Sept. 29,

It is rumored that Coram will soon have a tea room, to be located on the country road.

A number of our residents attended the Riverhead Fair last week, reporting a better fair than ever before. The exhibits of the home bureau, Demonstration Farm, and the granges were exceptionally fine, also the wonderful display of flowers.

The Post Office has been newly arranged and Postmaster Rovagna has installed lock boxes to rent to the patrons who desire them.


A number of people from Selden, Middle Island and Coram met at the Community House on Friday evening and formed a Community Club. The purpose of the club is to promote the general welfare of the community at large.


As Babe Ruth and some of his fellow players met with an accident on their return from Riverhead last Friday, they were compelled to stop at the Coram INN for dinner. One of the men named Scott had an appointment in New York, and hired Jake Baczinsky to take him to the city. Accompanied by Will Wittschack they motored in returning on Saturday.

On his way home from Riverhead, where he had played baseball last week, the great "Bambino" Babe Ruth stopped at Heene's Coram Inn and gave a dinner and reception to Miss "Babe" Schein who was the chief hostess. Miss Schein is also the great batter's secretary.

After some good "Eats' prepared by the culinary expert, Mrs. Heene, dancing and merrymaking were indulged until the wee hours, when the guests departed for the Great City, determined to return soon again.

Amongst those present, besides the mighty Babe and Miss Schein were Jack Scott, Harry Hesse, John Fae, Paul Dietz and wife, Mr. Savage and wife, Miss Lillian Russell, Mr. Press, Miss Helen Russell, Mr. Sweeney, Mr. Hupfel, Carl J.Hayser.

E Heene had the reception rooms tastily decorated with fall wildflowers and oak leaves, which made a pretty contrast with the latest designs of sport suits worn by the ladies.


The Long Island Lighting Company is arranging for a supply of poles for the new Middle Country Road Lighting District through which electric street lights are to be established in Coram and Selden.

Port Jeff Echo

March 15, 1924

Mr. and Mrs. Englehart Heene recently entertained a party of friends from Ronkonkoma, Stony Brook, Port Jefferson and Coram at a euchre and pinochle party at the Coram Inn. Delicious refreshments were served and enjoyed by all present.

Mr. Baczensky has finished painting one of the rooms of the Community House in a very artistic manner.


Elihu Hawkins is painting and decorating the store and Post Office, which presents a fine appearance, Post Master Rovagna has a neat and up to date general store.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyons, a son William

There have been several fires the past week. One near the home of William Koschera was kept from burning several buildings, after several hours hard fighting.


A very successful barn dance was given at Elroy Smith’s barn Saturday night. A happy crowd was present and enjoyed dancing to the music furnished by Mr. Lucas, Mr. Gehrig and Will Pfundstein. Everyone was happy and enjoyed the punch made as only Charles Fullwood can make it. Proceeds to be used for improvements made to the Community House.

Strawberries are very plentiful and good quality now. Mrs. Grace Toder picked 176 qts on Thursday at the Still farm.


The barn dance was a great success. More than a 100 people from nearby villages attended. The music by the Coram trio, assisted by Frank Forsythe, was especially good. The hall was trimmed with corn stalks, oat, sheaves and apples fastened on ropes across the room made a fine effect. Mrs. Baczensky presided in the kitchen, ably assisted by Jack Baczensky, Chris Wittschack, and Guildo Plate in chef’s attire, who served “hot dogs” rolls, ice cream, cake, soft drinks and hot corn. Chris Koschara and Al Worred were regular farmers, the former taking tickets and the latter, the constable, who haled off all offenders to the jail.


The sympathy of the entire community is tendered Mr. and Mrs. Edward Swezey, of East Coram, on the death of their son Edward Jr., who was accidentally shot while hunting last Friday.

Port Jeff Echo

Feb. 5, 1925

Edwin Hawkins son of the late Elihu Hawkins, of Moriches passed away Tuesday, last week, after a lingering illness, at his home in Coram. Deceased was born in Moriches in 1838, and was educated in that place. He was a contractor and builder in Moriches and Brooklyn. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Christina Overton; two sons Elihu and Edwin Webster Hawkins; three daughters Mrs. Archie Raynor of Westhampton, and the Misses Jennie and Eunice Hawkins of Center Moriches.


Henry Smith has finished some carpentry work at the Community House. The cloak room has been ceiled and furnished with several rows of books, a much needed improvement.

A fire, caused by burning brush near Wellington Farm, required a large force of men to subdue it on Sunday. It was stopped at the country road near John Sweezey’s place.


A large party of school trustees from Coram and vicinity went by motor coach last week to Yorktown Heights, Westchester County, N.Y. to examine the workings of a well equipped consolidated school. The school visited is a consolidation of seven former districts having an assessed valuation of about 1 to 1 ½ million dollars. The building has a gymnasium, an auditorium, shower baths, sufficient classrooms for four years high school work and all the grades, besides a library. It employs 12 teachers to teach the children and four buses to bring them in from outlying areas. Two other districts are asking to be added to the consolidation this year. E.E. Smith represented Coram, Mrs. W. A. Tillinghast, Yaphank, Mrs. Mary Morgan, West Yaphank, Edward Pfeiffer, Middle Island. They traveled in an international coach under the management of District Supt. Roscoe C. Craft.

Elroy Smith and Harold F. Davis joined the party arranged by Supt. Craft. They visited the consolidated school and were quite enthusiastic over the benefits of the school.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rovagna announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Rovagna of Coram, to Rudolph Hahn.


The voters of Coram numbering 16 who attended the annual school meeting, held Tuesday, voted unanimously in favor of school consolidation. Dist. Supt. Craft has advocated consolidating several smaller school districts in the center of the island into one large school district.


A meeting of the taxpayers of Coram has been called for Tuesday, may 26 at the Coram Community House, when the matter of organizing a fire department will be discussed. Those interested in the movement are anxious for a large attendance at the meeting.


Several of the young people cut and burned bushes and otherwise cleaned up the cemetery, which was a much needed improvement and reflects great credit on them.

J. Rovagna, chairman of the Coram Flag Circle has the buttons on sale which members are allowed to wear.


The garage which is being built for Frank Hagen is nearing completion.

Charles Graves is adding a sun parlor to the front of the Coram Rest, which greatly improves the appearance of the place.

Mrs. Edwin Hawkins has opened the Sunnyside Nursery, where infants and children will receive the best of care by a graduate nurse, in comfortable surroundings.

January 21, 1926

The Ladies’ Aid met at the Community House for an all day meeting on Thursday. Those present were Mrs. H. Dare, Mrs. Leslie Hough, Mrs. Annie Johnson, Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Forsythe, of Selden; Mrs. E. E. Davis, Mrs. Hattie Rowley and Mrs. Still. Dinner, in charge of Mrs. Baczensky and Mrs. Archambault, was served at noon. The menu consisted of beef loaf, baked beans, potato salad, macaroni, cream pie, cake and coffee. Two quilts were finished, making seven completed this year.


Several of the young men met at the Community House to lay out a handball court. An exhibition game will be demonstrated Friday evening Feb. 5.

November 20, 1927

It is very seldom that the young people have a chance to serenade two couples in this part of the town. On Monday evening a crowd met at Hagan’s Garage and prepared a horse fiddle and with plenty of guns and ammunition proceeded to let everyone know that Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lyon were at home. After being well served with cake, coffee and cigars, the party went to Sweezytown to serenade Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Edwards, who were married in New York, October 16th. Refreshments were also served here and many good wishes for the young party they departed.

October 27, 1933

The Halloween masquerade at the Community House this Friday evening, Oct. 26, will not be a box special as announced last week. Sandwiches, pumpkin pie, apples, etc., will be served. Everyone will be welcome. Come in costume and don’t forget to mask or you will be fined.

A number of people from Selden, Middle Island and Coram met at the Community House on Friday evening and formed a Community Club. The purpose of this club is to promote the general welfare of the community at large. The club is non-sectarian and is still open for charter membership. The due are one dollar a year to any person sixteen or over. Officers were elected as follows: Pres. Leslie P. Hough; Vice Pres. Samuel E. Faron; Sec., Miss Eunice Still; Treas. A. H. Lucas. A committee is at work drawing up a constitution and bylaws, which will be submitted for approval to club members at a short business meeting on Friday evening. This is a brand new venture for this community. Come out and help it along by your presence and good advice.