Chronological History of 77th Division

August 25, 1917

The 77th Division was organized August 25, 1917, at Camp Upton, New York. The majority of officers and all enlisted men were from New York State and practically all of the enlisted men from the Metropolitan District. The Division is named the "Liberty Division" and its shoulder insignia is a Statue of Liberty in gold on a blue background.

March 27, 1918

This Division began leaving Camp Upton March 27, 1918, for service overseas and assembled in the vicinity of Calais for training with the British forces, except the 152nd Field Artillery Brigade, which went overseas April 24th, and was sent to Bordeaux for training with the French.

May 6, 1918-June 6,1918

Training commenced about May 6th and continued under British instructors until June 6th, when the division began a three days' march to training points for the Baccarat Sector. The Artillery Brigade commenced training at camp de Souge May 8th, and joined the division at Baccarat July 12th.

June 19, 1918-August 3,1918-August 6, 1918

This Division took over the Baccarat Sector from the 42d' Division on June 19th. It held this quiet sector continuously until August 3d, when relieved by the 37th Division, and marched overland to Charmes and entrained there august 6th for the Chateau Thierry Sector.

August 11-12, 1918- September 15-16, 1918-September 16-17, 1918

The 77th Division relieved the 4th American Division on the night of August 11-12th, the 153d Brigade taking over the sector occupied by the 4th Division. This was known as the Vesle Sector and was held until relieved by the 8th Italian Division on the night of September 15th-16th. During the occupation of this sector front advanced from south of the Vesle River to the line Vieil-Arcy-Villers-en-Prayers La Butte de Bourmont-Marais Menard, thence though the line 207.7-291.3 to 207.2-291.5, establishing a mixed post on our right at 207.75-291.3. On the night of September 16th-17th, the Division was transported by bus and marching to the southern edge of the Forest d' Argonne near Florent.

September 26, 1918-October 15-16, 1918

One September 26th this Division began its advance though the Argonne Forest, which advance ended when we were relieved by the 78th Division on the night 15th-16th.

October 30, 1918

A partial relief of the 82d Division was accomplished and our artillery moved into position on the night of October 30th-31st.

November 12, 1918- November 9, 1918-November 11,1918

On November 1st this Division began the operation from the Aire to the Meuse, which advance continued until our troops reached the River Meuse on November 6th, where positions were organized. On November 9th this Division took entire Corps front and held the armistice was signed on November 11th.

November 12,1918- November 17,1918

On November 12th the Division was relieved by the French and moved to the vicinity of St. Pierremont. We immediately took over the entire front held by the 2d and 89th Divisions, until relieved, on November 17th, by the 90th Division.

November 20, 1918-November 26, 1918- December 5,1918- December 9, 1918

The Division proceeded by marching to the Les Islettes area on November 20th and on November 26th began its march to the 9th Training Area. All units were in their billeting areas by December 5th and active training started December 9th.

Robert Alexander,

Major-General, Commanding.

Vital Statistics of the 77th Division


Officers / men

Killed in Action………………. .........69 ......1299

Died of Wounds Received in Action.. 10 .........188

Severely Wounded……………........ 69....... 1894

Slightly Wounded…………….......... 82 ........2889

Gassed……………………….......... 71....... 2297

Missing……………………….......... 13......... 696

Prisoners……………………............. 3............ 31

Total………………........................317........ 9294


Men Officers

305th Infantry………………. 355....... 17

306th Infantry………………. 240....... 13

307th Infantry………………. 385......... 9

308th Infantry………………. 390....... 19

304th Machine Gun Battalion.. 4 .............0

305th Machine Gun Battalion.. 26........... 3

306th Machine Gun Battalion.. 52........... 7

304th Field Artillery………… 26 ...........0

305th Field Artillery………… 17........... 2

306th Field Artillery………… 22........... 2

302d Engineers…………….. 40............ 2

302d Field Signal Battalion....... 4 ............0

302d Ammunition Train…….... 3 ............0

302d Sanitary Train………...... 5............ 1

Headquarters Troop………..... 2 ............0

Total………………........... 1571.......... 75


Sector / Officers / Men

Baccarat………………………….. 0....... 3

Vesle……………………………... 0..... 27

Argonne…………………………. 12... 619

Aire-Meuse……………………….. 1..... 88

Total……………………............... 13... 737