Copied from black book of Richard M. Bayles

by, Alvin R.L. Smith Nov. 16, 1966

1. Apr. 7, 1760

Ananias Smith for 8 pounds sold to David Overton Jr. Land on the south side of the country road "joining to the south hills neare the place one lot & a half with number 39 and 40 and the south end of a lot and a half wide. Bounded as the fence stands across the Lande on the South Ende to a Black oak tree marckt near or joyning to the land of David Overton Strait a Cross to whiteoake tree marckt and a wornut bush joyning to the tree and a cross to the land of Isaac Smith Layn and from thence Surthnrd to the Middle of the Island the hole with of a lot and a half wide Let it be more or liss from thence northerd to a Blacooke tree markt for Bound tree and now further norrod."

Apr. 7, 1760; Witness William Yarrington and Desiree Smith

2. Jan.24, 1763

Jan. 24, 1763 Daniel Robinson and Gershom Robinson, Executors of the will of Robert Robinson deceased (in accordance with provisions of said will, which bore date May 5, 1762 and required the sale of his land to his debts) conveyed to David Overton for 92pounds 12 shillings, New York money, part of lots no. 52 and 53 of the East Division of Long Lots on the north side of the Country Road, adjoining Chestnut Pound, bounded on the south by the northernmost bound of Isaac Smith's ten acre survey at Chestnut Pound, and running north one mile, the width of both lots, together with a certain slip or piece of the said lots that runs southwardly to the old fifty-acre lot of the Chestnut Pound by estimation 70 acres, more or less,.

Witness James Swezey and Daniel Robbins

3. Dec. 10, 1765

Isaiah Smith of Coram for 39pounds sold to David Overton Jr. the south end of lot No. 46 in the Division of lots on the South side of the Country Road, as far north as the land of Paul Hulse: Warranty

Witness Zopher Davis and William Davis Dec. 10, 1765

4. May 16, 1769

Isaiah Smith of B.Haven in & for 40 pounds sold to David Overton Jr. a tract of land near Coram, part of the 44th and 45th lots in the Division on the south side of the Country road, bounded: beginning at the northwest corner of said land by the fireplace road then running East by and with Paul Hulses land until it comes about six rods southward of the said David Overtons house then running south to the fireplace road then running by and with the fireplace road to the first mentioned Bound Containing By Estimation about fourteen acres. "on the west side of the fireplace road running westwardly from the road one rod in width Between Benjamin Garrad and Ephram Smith until it comes near the bottom of the Hollow being a privileage the said Smith reserved for a well with all the priviledges thereof " Warranty; Dated May 16, 1769

Witness Noah Hammond and Uriah Smith.

5. March 26, 1770

Nehemiah Hulse for 5 pounds Quit claims to David Overton Jr. all the land in the 47th lot in the Division on the south side of the Country Road "that is on the west side of a certain fence that begins at my Northwest Corner and runs Southwardly about thirty rods to a well of water as the fence now stands, and so running southwardly as the fence now stands about sixty rods to or near a cart path then to Southwardly runs within six feet of the said path to the road that goeth from Brookhaven to South haven.," March 26, 1770

Witness Benjamin Garard and John Overton

6. May 9, 1771

James Smith for 3 pounds sold to David Overton Jr. 1/3 right on the South Beach drawn upon Timothy brewster's original right: Warranty May 9, 1771

Witness Ephraim Smith and John Overton

7. June 10, 1771

John Hulse, Nehemiah Hulse and Joseph Hulse for 6, 10s conveyed to David Overton Jr., part of the eastern most

Quarter of lot No 45 of the Division south side of the country road bounded north by the land of Paul Hulse and running southwardly the width of the Quarter to the land "now or late in possession of Isaiah Smith" also another parcel of the same quarter lot bounded northerly by "the road leading from Coram to the fire place and southwardly by the Middle of the Island the width as above Sd

Date June 10, 1771

Witness Mehetable Landon and Nathaniel Landon. Warranty