Jimmy Obiedzenski


Middle Island

Zygmund Walter Obiedzenski was born on November 9th 1925, in Huntington N.Y. He was the son of Joseph and Frances Obiedzenski. Zygmund, or Jimmy as his friends called him moved from Huntington to Middle Island New York. Jimmy was a popular and well-liked young man in the Middle Island community. He was remembered, by many, for his athleticism. Jimmy spent 8 years at Middle Island Primary School and graduated. When Jimmy turned 17 years old he joined the United States Marine Corps. On February 17th 1943 he enlisted and was sent to a USMC training camp in Georgia. He left the continental US on January 13th 1944 to be put into active duty in the South Pacific serving with the 4th Marine Division. During the war Jimmy was involved in the battles at Kwajalein, Saipan, Tinian, and the battle of Iwo Jima. He also was part of the occupation force holding Japan.

During the war Jimmy had quite a few documented heroic moments. One documented incident in which Private first class Obiedzenski showed above and beyond heroics was on Saipan, on June 16th 1944. During enemy artillery and mortar fire, he voluntarily assisted two others in extinguishing a fire in a vehicle and trailer full of high explosives, which was hit by a Japanese shell. The truck was with in 60 yards of a Division Command Post. Private Obiedzenski threw sand on the fire despite frequent explosions from the explosives and enemy shelling. He was instrumental in preventing a huge explosion in a vital area. For this private first class Obiedzenski was awarded the Bronze Medal, and promoted to Corporal.

Another documented incident was on March 1st 1945 during the invasion of Iwo Jima. An enlisted man was drowning 30 yards off shore, newly promoted to Corporal Jimmy Obiedzenski was about 50 yards from the beach when he heard his cries for aid, and swam out to help the enlisted man. Although waves and currents were rough and hazardous with a strong undertow he swam through it, putting himself in danger and rescued the enlisted man returning him to safety. Jimmy was awarded the Marine-Navy Corp Medal for this act of heroism.

Overseas Jimmy qualified as a military police officer (M.P.) and a demolition specialist. He was awarded the bronze star medal; good conduct medal (marines), a World War II Victory medal, a Navy Occupation Service medal (w/clasp) in the Asian campaign. Presidential unit citation ribbon, navy unit commendation ribbon, honorable service lapel pin, discharge button. Jimmy was awarded a rifle marksman badge and was rated with a machine gun.

Jimmy Obiedzenski was honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps ending the Duration of his military service on February 21st 1946 at Wailuku, Maui Hawaii. On August 10th 1946 Jimmy married Mary Louise Medeiros in Wailuku Maui. . He fathered five children, three sons and two daughters who now live in California and Hawaii.


Navy-Marine Corp Medal and Ribbon

Bronze Star and Ribbon with combat “V”

Good Conduct and Ribbon

Asiatic & Pacific Medal - 4 stars - & Ribbon

Presidential Unit Citation with blue enamel star

Occupation of Japan WW II

Victory Medal WW II

American Campaign 1941 - 1945

Written by,

Michael Brooks

additional information provided by,

Mrs. Louise Obiedzenski