
Yaphank As It Is and Was

Beecher Homan



Daniel Homan was born in 1800, and died at Yaphank Feb.20th 1847.

At seventeen he was apprenticed to the carpenter trade under the vigilant instruction of Benjamin Grover of Wading River, L.I.

In 1821 he married a Miss Melissia Griffing, and removed with his young wife to Brooklyn, Long Island. He purchased lots and built the first house ever erected on Pineapple street, Brooklyn.

The climate impaired his wife's health, and not proving exceedingly congenial to his own, he returned to his old home in Yaphank.

He was an ingenious and skillful workman. Apparently in the flush of manhood and health, that deadly ill of the human race --consumption--fastened its implacable coils around his form, and the strong man became feeble and emaciated. For seven years he suffered a lingering death, when the diseased body fainted and died. He has faced the" king of terrors" and suffers no more sickness, no more sorrow.