Parsonage. Longwood Public Library, Thomas R. Bayles Collection CS 1-4

Reverend Bassett standing with members of the congregation, circa 1895. Standing left to right, Martha Lee, Winifred Bassett, Gertrude Van Horn, Amelia Smith, Mrs. Gilbert Randall, Reverend Bassett, Geneive Freeman, Helen Smith, Irmargarde Freeman, Abbie Bassett, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Robert Randall, Sara Van Horn. Seated, left to right, Mrs. R. Bayles, Thomas Bayles, Addie Davis, Alice Ashton, Jenny Overton, Maggie Stewart, Mrs. Bassett, Mrs. Ann Swezey. Girls in front, Madeline Randall, Elmer Davis, Ruth Bassett. Longwood Public Library, Thomas R. Bayles Collection CS 28A-13

N. HUDSON ( This should not be combined with the parsonage )

About 100 ft. north ( according to R. M. Bayles ) of the parsonage was the home of Nathaniel Hudson who died 1874 at the age of 80 and is buried in the Union Cemetery. I presume that he was the husband of Temperance Hudson who was born about 1802 according to the census.

Richard Bayles who was living nearby in the Edward Swezey house referred to her as Aunt Temmy.

His 1885 diariy entries:

March 3 Helped load and get things away from Aunt Temmy's. She went with Mr. & Mrs. Still.

" 4 Got Marcus Homan, constable, to serve search warrant on

Eleazer Overton and get goods belonging to Aunt Temmy. Got a feather bed and bedding. ( according to the 1880 census Eleazer was living with Temperance ).

" 7 Henry Carter came up this morning and took formal possession of his property, late of Nathaniel Hudson's. Paid me for the locks and left the keys with me


A little east of the N. Hudson house was the house of Mrs. Miriam Hudson who is listed as 72 years old and living there in the 1880 census with Mary her daughter age 33.

Bayles diary entries:

Nov. 17, 1875 - Went up to E.J. Swezey's and cut a load of firewood for Miriam Hudson.

Nov. 24, 1888 - Went to East Setauket and got deed and paid $ 150 for house and lot of Miriam and Kate Hudson in Middle Island.

Dec. 8 Sold the Miriam Hudson place to Willet S. Swezey. $ 165.

This became the home of John Butler, later Sophia Butler and later in the 1930s was the residence of Fred J. Zimmer. In the 1940s Mr. Lymber and family lived there and later the Taylor family who had a welding shop on the highway where they made iron railings , etc.

( I don't know this connection )

Jan. 11; Joe Hudson arrives here today, having been absent from home since last spring on southern voyage.