Lieutenant Uriah Smith


Lieutenant Uriah Smith

Uriah Smith was the eldest of nine children born to James and Rebecca (Clark) Smith around 1732. His siblings were Ephraiam, Israel, James, David, John, Naomi, Jonah and Isaac. The Smith family belonged to the Baptist Church at Coram.

Uriah spent his early and adult years living in Coram He married Desire Yarrington on December 18, 1753 The marriage produced one daughter, Desire, who was born July 20, 1760 in Coram. Uriah played an active roll in Brookhaven Town. He was elected in 1761 as a Fence Viewer, a position he would hold for six years. In 1770 he was elected to the position of Commissioner, a post he would hold for six years. His name appears on the Brookhaven Town Tax list for 1775 and has him paying 5 shillings and 3 pence tax.

During the troubled times between England and her colonies, Uriah aligned himself with the Patriots when he signed the Association in 1775. His name appears on the payroll of Lt. Isaac Davis' Company. He served in Colonel William Floyd's First regiment, Suffolk County. He was chosen Lt. On August 29, 1775 for the 3rd Brookhaven Company commanded by Captain William Brewster. After the defeat suffered by General Washington at the Battle of Long Island Smith fled to Connecticut as a refugee. While in Connecticut, Uriah served under Captain Gregory in the 9th militia from 1776-1777. He then served under a Captain Dewey until 1778.

In 1778 Uriah left the army and returned to Coram where he was forced to sign an oath of loyalty to King George the Third. Smith listed his occupation as that of a farmer and his age at 46 when he signed the document. He continued his service to Brookhaven Town when in 1780 he was elected once again a commissioner. In 1781 he was elected as a Trustee, in this capacity he helped to make laws for Brookhaven Town.

Lt. Uriah Smith would not live long and would die on April 5, 1783 at the age of 51.He was buried in the Coram Baptist Cemetery. In his will dated February 27, 1783, Uriah left his wife Desire one third of his estate and 50 pounds. To his cousin Uriah, two of the Long Lots, south of the Middle Country Road. To his "well beloved" daughter Desire, all the rest of his estate. If Desire was to leave no child, then the entire estate to go to the Baptist Church at Coram.

Written by,

Zachary Spector

June 2003