Flax Pond Road

The twin ponds are located on the Middle Island - Miller's Place Road. The pond behind Jonathon Edward's home was called Flax Pond.

Flax was grown by farmers and tied into bundles. Those bundles were taken to a pond where they were placed roots down and retted. After a few weeks the bundles were taken out and allowed to dry. The farmer would then separate the outer covering and taken out the inner fiber, which would be used in the weaving of linen products.

The Twin Ponds on the east and west side of the Middle Island - Miller's Place Road.

From Town records.

June ye 4th – 1753

We ye Commisinors of Highways for ye. Town of Brook haven have Laid out a publick highway from ye flax pond Road near Jonathan Edwoes (Edwards) Running between a white oake and black oake Sapling four Rods wide, so Running in as Direct a line As the Conveniancy of ye Land will Admit of for a Cart Road to ye. Northwest Corner of Stephen Sweazey’s Cleared lot between two Marked black oak Saplings and so in ye. Same Courese to ye highway from said Stephen Sweazeys.

Samuel Davis

John Brewster

Jonathon Thompson


Probably part of what would become Whiskey Road heading west.

April 25 1744

Laid out a Road and Marker trees where the High way shall go at Jonathan Edwoes place at ye flax pond four Rods wide between the two ponds And from thence as the old path Leeds to Millers place to ye old Mans And southward to Brwsters by us

Entred by me Daniel Smith Clerk this 10th Day of October: 1746

Andrew Miller

Daniel Brewster


Creation of the Miller’s Place Road. Jonathon Edward’s home was located just south of the current traffic circle, between the two ponds. Old Man’s was the name given to what is now called Mt. Sinai. Brewsrer's would later become Pfeiffer's General Store.