Babe Ruth

In early November 1923 Babe Ruth and other baseball players played an exhibition game in Riverhead. On their way home one of the cars had an accident and the group went to the Coram Inn, where they enjoyed dinner and “merryment” One of the men named Scott had an appointment in New York, and hired Jake Baczinsky to take him to the city. Accompanied by Will Wittschack they motored in returning on Saturday. Local tradition claims that the Babe gave them $100 for the ride. Big money in 1923. Jake and Will spent the night in the city and returned to Coram the following day.

Port Jefferson Echo - November 1923

On his way home from Riverhead, where he had played baseball last week, the great "Bambino" Babe Ruth stopped at Heene's Coram Inn and gave a dinner and reception to Miss "Babe" Schein who was the chief hostess. Miss Schein is also the great batter's secretary.

After some good "Eats' prepared by the culinary expert, Mrs. Heene, dancing and merrymaking were indulged until the wee hours, when the guests departed for the Great City, determined to return soon again.

Amongst those present, besides the mighty Babe and Miss Schein were Jack Scott, Harry Hesse, John Fae, Paul Dietz and wife, Mr. Savage and wife, Miss Lillian Russell, Mr. Press, Miss Helen Russell, Mr. Sweeney, Mr. Hupfel, Carl J.Hayser.

E Heene had the reception rooms tastily decorated with fall wildflowers and oak leaves, which made a pretty contrast with the latest designs of sport suits worn by the ladies.

When the Babe visited in 1923 Prohibition was still the law of the land. He was known to enjoy an occasional libation. We do not know for sure if alcohol flowed freely that night, but a year later in 1924 the Inn was raided by the Feds, who confiscated a quantity of illegal alcohol.

Somehow we can't picture the Babe drinking iced tea.

Site of the Brush house, 2015

Written by,

Mrs. Dorothy Henry

Sept. 2007