
from Yaphank As It Is and Was


Beecher Homan


His Characteristics

This decreased yeoman was born in Yaphank, 1781.His remains are buried in the Presbyterian churchyard, surrounded by the graves of those who were young with him self .

His Characteristics.

Thomas Homan was a farmer, and owned and tilled the farm now occupied by his son Edward. He was a much respected neighbor, and an exemplary Christian." Everybody liked 'Uncle Tommy,' and 'Uncle Tommy' liked everybody". He had a small body, but a large heart; and his mind was invariably contented and happy.

Thomas was the youngest of a family of three brothers- Mordecai, Philip and Thomas. Their father was named Mordecai and their grandsire also.

Yaphank As It Was

Mr. Homan lived during the "Sunny Era," before the "new fangled things" drove the good old established customs into obscurity. He lived in Yaphank when it was not Yaphank, and when every citizen now living was far in the future.