Footnotes to Long Island History

New Church Serves Great Need


Thomas R. Bayles

By Thomas R. Bayles

It was about three years ago that Rev Clifton E. Barnes came to Medford and began holding services in the home of Louis Rodriquez at 3105 Gull Ave in Eagle Estates. This was a small mission was organized with only nine members. Before long a former Lutheran church in Ridge was purchasecd and moved to its present location on the north side of the Horse Block road at Eagle Estates. A basement and small addition were added to it and worship services started. Since that small beginning the church has grown rapidly and now has a membership of over 200 with a Sunday School enrollment of 234. Last year a Christian Education building was built to the north of the church. It was erected with the only expense being for materials, the labor all furnished by the men of the church.

Under the active leadership of Pastor Barnes a program is carried out with worship services for all ages. Especial attention is paid to the programs for the young people. During July of this year a Vacation Bible School was conducted with 339 children enrolled. A used school bus has been purchased which picks up children throughout Eagle Estates, a community of 8,000 residents. During July, 29 junior aged boys and girls went to the Pocono Mts. In Pennsylvania for a 4 day camping retreat. In August, 52 teenagers with their counselors, went to Canada for a weeks camping retreat. Many activities are conducted throughout the week.

Sunday Worship Services are held at 8:30am, with Sunday School for all ages at 945 am. An evening worship service is held at 7 pm with the church usually filled to capacity. A weekly prayer meeting is held on Wednesday evening at 7:30pm Plans are under way to build a larger building, in March of 1971, adjoing the church, as more room is badly needed.