APRIL 1955

Ahlstedt, Ruben H., 2nd Bn. Runner-Herington, Kansas-"My wife and I have a modest little home in this town of about 4,000 located in Central U.S. We have one married daughter with four children of her own, living about 100, miles away but they're moving to California soon. I am an engineer on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R.R. I run a freight Diesel between Herington and Kansas City, Kansas, a distance of 147 miles. Have been working for this company since 1911, and can retire in about 4 years and draw a nice pension."

Altiera, Samuel, K. Co, 307th-Briarwood, New York- "This is a splendid idea ... something like a roll-call. As for myself, am alive and kicking, and mellowing with age. Still on the job and looking forward to many more years of active life. See you in September, if the good Lord spares me! My best to you, the Major and the rest of the boys."

Baldwin, Fred W., Sgt., E Co-La Crosse, Wisconsin- Recently retired from the Army as a Major after several years of service in Japan. "We have been very lucky up here as far as the winter was concerned. There has been no big snowfall and so the roads have been clear. Since I am now selling for the Lustra Corp. of America, it was fine not to have to drive on slippery roads. I cover practically all the counties on the western side of the state, going as far as Superior. I enjoy the work but don't like being away from home at night; had too much of that in the Army! I'm looking forward to some good fishing this year. Mrs. Baldwin will go with me on my upstate trips this summer. Then we can stop along the way and fish. If any of our fellows are traveling around here, I'd sure like them to get in touch with me so we could talk over old times!"

Baldwin, Joseph K., C Co.-New York City-We hope Joe is on the mend after a stroke he suffered in January 1954.

Baldwin, Walter J,Hqrs. Co-New York City-Have been married nearly 36 years, blessed with a devoted wife and seven fine children, five daughters and two sons-and (as of this writing!) nine lovely grandchildren. Enjoyed nine years as Manager of the 77th Division Association clubhouse in New York and am at present Order Supervisor in the New York Branch of the Wilson Sporting Goods Company. Added to all these blessings, for which I am grateful, is the fact that I have the honor of being your Secretary . . . a real privilege and a constant joy to me. Truly, I can "count my blessings instead of sheep."

Beeson, Leonard R., K Co., 307th-Lima, Ohio-"The idea of keeping the old buddies in touch is a very good one. The ranks are thinning and things happen every day to bring the "gang" a little closer together. I retired August 31st last year. Am getting along fine and dandy. I walk down to the drug store every morning for my paper and the exercise, and I don't know how we ever got along without television. I even watch the sob serials I used to kid the wife about. My two children are married. The daughter has two wonderful grandchildren for us to pamper, and the son has only been married a few months but we hope he hits the jackpot too! The season for outdoor action is coming fast and I have a large corner lot that I always wanted to improve with a little hard labor. Last Fall I put out a few rose bushes and planted about fifty tulip bulbs, so I have something to take up my time this summer. Mrs. Beeson has improved well from her operation last September and as she has a brother and two sisters in different parts of the country, we can now plan trips to visit them all." In answer to your question, Leonard, yes, L. R. Hollingshead is the only other Lost Battalion Survivor living in Ohio.

Bendheim, Lionel, Sgt. C Co-New York City "A fine idea-a News Sheet-so that we who have such strong ties may learn a bit more about our fellow Survivors. This should be a boon for those who live at such distances they are unable to attend the, annual luncheons tendered us by our good friend the Major. I'm happy to report I've been able to escape the virus epidemics and continue to enjoy good health and poor business, but still able to afford three meals without ulcers. My "peg leg" behaves rather well, so Mr. Anthony, "What's my troubles?" It's fine news to learn that Major McMurtry is on the mend. The gathering at the 309th Reunion Dinner in February surely missed him but his letter of greeting was loudly applauded."

Bonaventura, P., B Co-Brooklyn, N. Y.-Last year he attended his first reunion and the letter of thanks and appreciation he sent after it was most welcome and worth having for our files.

Brice, James, E Co.-Long Island, N. Y.-Hope Jim is feeling well again. Last word we had, was that he was quite ill at the time of our last luncheon. Hope you will be with us next September 25th, Jim.

Cappiello, Savino, C Co.-Stamford, Conn-"Hope to attend this 1955 reunion. Did not attend in 1953 because I lost a son 22 years old in an accident. In 1954 1 went to Italy for my health. Do hope this year I will be able to come."

Carroll, James B., Sgt. K Co. 307th-White Plains New York-Is on the mend after a serious operation and two months in the hospital. Jim calls often to inquire about the men of the Battalion. Since the passing of Col. Holderman in California and Lt. Tom Pool in Texas, he is one of the four surviving Sergeants among the thirteen living men of K. Co., 307th.

Cepeglia, Phil, C Co.-New York City-Zip, as he is known to all his pals in the Battalion, is always among those present each year and when he laughs and smiles at each handshake, each greeting, I thrill at the memories of this great little guy when we were in the pocket. He was concerned about everyone's welfare but his own. I'll be glad to say again on September 2,5th, "Here's Zip!"

Chavelle, Charles H., B Co., 308th Inf-Sent a most interesting copy of the "Target" a record of the activities and programs at the Veterans Home and Hospital at Rocky Hill, Conn. where he is confined. Has been to several reunions and hopes to make it again. Would welcome hearing from his many friends in the pocket.

Colasacco, John, C Co.-Would welcome anyone who stops in to see him at his Log Cabin Inn at Mahopac, New York. John has a swell place -and has been there for a number of years.

Deahan, James A., K 307th Inf.-Calls me often about men of the Battalion. His Tavern in Brooklyn keeps Jim busy. Glad to get his card when he. was on a recent trip to Miami, Florida.

Eager, Sherman W., Lt., G Co.-"I am still in Stillwater, Oklahoma, where I have lived since 1923. 1 am supposedly retired from the Oklahoma Agriculture and Mechanical College with the title of Professor and Head Emeritus of the Physics Department, although I am still teaching and doing government research full time. The research is for the Air Force. I am also retired from the Army with the rank of Lt. Col. of Infantry after being on active duty for five years during World War II. I went back to France during this War also. Would he pleased to hear from any of the Survivors who would care to write to me; my address is 802 Jefferson St."

Fein, Arthur, K 307-Was in New York last year but couldn't stay long enough to attend our reunion, had to get back to Culver City, California.

Flower, Leo, C Co., 306 M.G.Bn.-One of the two surviving men of C Co. Lives in East Islip, Long Island and works as a welder for a company operating in (of all places!) our old home town, Camp Upton! "Have 25 miles to go to work and 25 miles back home." Although 50 miles from New York, Leo seldom misses a reunion.

Flynn, Raymond, E. Co-"We lost the leader of our little group here on the coast ' Leo Stromee; I attended the services held at Patriotic Hall preceding his burial in San Diego ... I was a member of Co. E 308th Infantry and collaborated with Al Hussey of my Company in writ-ing the "History of Co. E 308th Inf." For three years previous to coming to Hollywood I was in Radio over Station WBZ in Boston, Mass. (1932-1935) acting the part of "Joe La Flamme" in the French-Canadian dialect team of "Joe and Bateese." In 1935 1 came to Hollywood and since then have been doing bit and extra work in motion pictures. My thoughts often go back to the days spent in the "pocket"-days which I am sure none of us who were there will ever forget."

Gross, Herbert, E Co.-Brooklyn, N. Y.-"Just got out of sick bed at home after 3 weeks. Am feeling much better and going back to work. See you all at our next re-union in September. Would you know where Robert Pou is located?" Glad to help you out, Herb; we've sent you Bob's address."

Harkelroad, Lee C., 306 M.G.Bn., Co. C- Union, Arkansas - Am still able to get around! Is Leo A. Flower still living . . . he was my buddy." Well, Lee, we've been happy to send you an immediate answer that Leo is very much alive and we supplied his address so you can contact him.

Hepworth, Clyde, H Co-Clyde, coming from San Francisco, and Martin Looken of B Co. from Pasadena, California, were both with us at our 1953 reunion and both were awarded pins for coming the longest distance!

Heuer, Joseph, K 307-Had to leave early last year to attend a family gathering on the occasion of his Mother's 80th birthday, was thrilled at a telegram of congratulations and good wishes to her from the Survivors that greeted him when he arrived home in Cranford, New Jersey.

Hogue, Frank D., K-3,07-Florida-Came all the way from Deferiet, New York for one of our Reunions before moving to Florida where he is working at Camp Chowenwak at Green Clove Springs.

Hollingshead, Lowell R., H Co-Mt. Sterling, Ohio-"I know but very little about the other survivors but would like to know more. I am married and enjoying good health. I am employed as Captain of Guards at one of Ohio's penal institutions. Hope to be in New York some time during the coming summer and will contact some of my buddies."

Honas, Stephen, B Co.-2'I am now living in Washington, D.C. and work for the government as a Special Police. Have two children, Mildred who lives in Green Harbor, Mass. and has two lovely children, and Stephen who lives in Council Bluffs, Iowa; he is married and has three very nice children. So I am the proud grandfather of two boys and three girls. I am in good health, put on a little weight, as most people do after they pass forty. I am active in Veterans organization, also church work. Still like to go aut and trip the light fantastic. Missed seeing Sam Wolf at the last reunion. How is he?"

Jacoby, Leo J., C Co.-New York City-The former Com-pany Bugler is still sounding off at all our reunions-but without the bugle, he misses it, and we're all glad. See you September 25th, Leo!

Johnson, Maurice E., D Co., 306 M.G.Bn.-Scranton, Pa. -"I am feeling pretty well but my physical condition is such that I have to take it easy, and consequently am retired." Maurice makes all our reunions and feels it's worth the trip. Always contacts Miss Anita De Goll when he is in town, to thank her for the beautiful bouquet she sends faithfully to each reunion luncheon, in memory of Lt. Marshall Peabody. Maurice sends along his "best regards to those survivors whom I served with in the pocket."

Kirchner, Gerard, Sgt., H Co.-New Jersey-Jerry never misses our reunions despite the fact that he is on the go a lot in his executive capacity with a large chamois business.

Knabe, William H., K 307-Never missed our reunions when he lived in New York, and attended all the Cali-fornia gatherings after moving to El Monte, California.

Larney, James F., Hqrs. Co.-Watertown, New York -"I am a Senior Engineer for the New York State De-partment of Public Works covering the five northern border counties, travel it winter and summer, and am always glad to see up here anyone from the old Company and Regiment or from K-307 and the Survivors of the pocket." The Walter Baldwins have been fortunate enough to enjoy Jim's hospitality on several summer vacations. Captain Leo Stromee once wrote me of the wonderful time Jim and his lovely wife Ruth gave him when he spent a few days with the Larneys.

Major McMurtry is the victor again in one of his toughest battles, this time against an illness that kept him on the serious list for more than two weeks. Skilled physicians and, trained nurses and an indomitable spirit as always has him on the way to recovery. -His interest and enthusiastic approval when this news sheet was suggested make me sure that it will be a source of great interest to him to read of so many of the men he has remembered.

Manson, Robert, B Co._Chicago-- "I hope to be able to take 2 weeks vacation some time in May or June. My sister Rose is in Miami; I expect to fly down for a week and then go to New York for a week." Bob does a lot of traveling as a salesman for a large woman's wear house, but has made most of our reunions, journeying from Ohio, Illinois and Texas to be with us. Says being with such a group, is worth the trip.

Martin, Wayne, A Co.-Hopes some time to be able to attend one of our reunions, all the way from Bovey, Minn. Is looking forward to receiving this news sheet to hear what the other boys have been doing.

Mele, Michael, G Co.-New York City-Mele gets a lot out of greeting his old comrades at the reunions each year.

Morris, Louis, B Co.-New York City-Always one of the first to show up at the annual gatherings, wants to spend as much time as possible with his many friends, and enjoys every minute of it.

Nelson, Olaf, H Co.-St. Peter, Minn- "My health has been poor ever since the War ... but I'm feeling O.K. now and working steady. I've worked at the St. Peter State Hospital for 23 years, and like my work very much. My family consists of two boys and a girl. Both boys were in World War II. I haven't seen the fellows that were in the pocket with me since the War and have often wondered how many are living and how they all are." There are 119 Survivors left today, Olaf.

Powers, William J., Hqrs. Co-Roosick Falls, New York - "When your letter came I was in the hospital recuperating from an operation, am home now, and on the gain every day." Hope to see you this September, Bill, at our reunion.

Rice, Chauncey, 306th M.G.Bn.-New York City-His fur business keeps him busy and he regretted being out of town last September, which prevented him from being with us. It's the first reunion he ever missed! Hope to see him this September 25th!

Roberts, Clarence, B Co,Montana-"I would sure like to know what the remainder of the Survivors are doing. I have a small stock ranch here, raising a few beef-steaks. It is quite a jump to town, 34 miles to Hard in and 41 to Hyshem where the mail comes out this way twice a week. On a clear day you can see three ranges of mountains from my place, the Wolf mountains to the east about 3 miles, to the west the Big Horses, and Beartooth range near the Yellowstone Park."

Roesch, Clarence-Bn. Sgt. Major, 2nd Bn., Hollis, New York-was missed at our last reunion. It was the first reunion that he was unable to attend, due to a nervous condition. He would welcome a word from any of you as he is confined to his home all of the time.

Sackman, Julius, 306 M.G.Bn-New York City-Keeps busy traveling for the New York State Labor Department-is looking forward to our September 25th gathering.

Sadler, Thomas G., Bat.D., 305th F.A-Haven't heard from Tom in a number of years. He is the only living Artillery Man who was with us in the pocket. Made a ,couple of our early reunions. He is in the jewelry business in South Attleboro, Mass.

Scanlon, John H., 306 M.G.Bn.,-Columbus, Indiana-PI have not been to New York the past 3 years but will try and make it this year. I am working for the Air Force since 1949 about 1 mile from my house. I can see the whole, field from home. They just changed the name from Atterbury to Bakalar Air Force Base. I am a permanent employee and paying 6% of my salary into a pension fund. I bought a home, here in 1948 and like it very much . . . three bedroom home, lot 100 x 230, plenty of grass to cut. If you ever get down this way look me up, the only Scanlon in town, population about 25,000. My daughter Eileen is going to Purdue University. Give my regards to Rice and Sackman if you ever see them."

Schwartz, Paul A., Cpl. Co. K, 307th-Flushing, N. Y. -"Very happy to hear of the idea of the News Sheet. I think the Major will enjoy it also. Will look forward to hearing from you again. In hopes of seeing you in September!" Paul comes to all our reunions.

Shepard, Arthur H., G Co.-Idyllwild, Calif- "I have retired from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office after 23 years of service. I am enjoying very good health, and I am remodeling an old mountain home here, in Idyllwild formerly owned by Charles Laughton (the movie actor) which I recently purchased. I would enjoy having any of the Survivors coming out this way stop and visit with me. I have a couple of extra bed rooms and it would be a good place to relax after a trip. My phone is Idyllwild 8-1632."

Voorheis, Jack, C Co.-Rochester, New York-Is associated with a manufacturer of tailored fur garments. "I have partially retired in good health and O.K. Nice to hear from you fellows." Wish you could make one of our reunions, Jack. C Co. always has a large attendance, and you would meet a lot of the friends you want to see again.

Wade, Farland, G Co-Erie, Pa.-"I would be interested in hearing news about the fellows in my old outfit. I worked at the Deshon Veterans Hospital in Butler, Pa. for the past seven years, but had to retire about a year ago because of poor health. Moved to Erie and after a year's rest I was able to return to lighter work. I think I am the only one in the State of Penna. from the Lost Battalion. Anyone know of any others in my State?" Farland, there are two other Survivors in Pa-Johnson in Scranton and Hagerman in Towanda.

Wallace, Dosia W., G Co.-Los Angeles- "Am feeling fine at present." Works with a Law Library Counselor. "If any of you Survivors are ever in Los Angeles, please drop in and see me I'll take you out to the house and give you a feed! Phone Dunkirk 7-3562."

Willinger, Isadore, K Co., 307th-"I have been employed in the New York Post Office the past 34 years. My hobby is stamp collecting and I also collect cancelled covers of World War I and II. I am Secretary of the Bronx County Stamp Club."

Wolf, Samuel, B Co.-Englewood, New Jersey-"I took a nice vacation; went to Florida, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Island, and feel pretty good after the accident I had in September which kept me back from the last reunion. Does anybody know the whereabouts of Irving Brody, Company B, 308th Inf.? Brody was in the pocket with us. He came back, but I lost trace of him. Regards to the boys." (We have no records on Brody; can anyone help?)

FRIENDSHIPS-such as you and I are privileged to enjoy-are truly cherished possessions. Few-a precious few-ever say "remember that day in the pocket when . . . . ..Each year at our reunion luncheons the memory of some outstanding event that you shared with the fellow you haven't seen for years, is renewed. It's a thrill indeed to see men from Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New York, Indiana, California, Texas, Washington, Ohio and Illinois-and every one of them felt the trip worthwhile. Won't you try to be with us on Sunday, September 25th, our next reunion luncheon? Major Mc-Murtry's greatest hope would be realized if it were possible for all the present roster of one hundred and nineteen could be there. You can help make it our biggest yet, if you'll plan this year to join Major McMurtry in a toast to the "dead of the Lost Battalion." You'll never be in finer company-Col. Whittelsey said that thirty-seven years ago. That is what prompts me to repeat, Friendships such as you and I enjoy are truly cherished possessions.

In Memoriam

The sympathy of the men of the Battalion

has been extended to the familes of



Who passed away since our last reunion

If any of you have mislaid the address of some one you would like to contact, we'll be glad to furnish this information on request.

Thanks for your letters and cards with all their expressions of good wishes. Your re-sponse and cooperation have made this, our first newsletter, possible. That it brings you the pleasure in reading it which we had in producing it is our fondest hope. See you at the Shelburne on Sunday, September 25th!

Walter J. Baldwin