Still Home, one mile north of Middle Country Road, on west side of Route 112.

From left to right: Florian Komoraski, Jonas Coleman, Mrs. Lily Coleman,

Mrs. Smih Still, Smith Still, Philip Still, D. Benjamin Still, Photo from Philip Still, circa 1910

Phillip Still was born on May 13, 1895 at Coram, New York. He was the son of Benjamin and Eva Still. Before entering the service he was employed on his family’s farm in Coram

Phillip Still was inducted into the army on December 5, 1917. At the time of his induction he was living in Coram. At the tome of enlistment he was married and had one child. He trained at nearby Camp Upton and was assigned to the Company D, 305th Infantry. In January he was transferred from the infantry to the 302nd Ordnance repair shop, where he was assigned to machine gun construction, and was sent to Springfield, Massachusetts where he was trained. Upon completion of this training Still returned to his unit at Camp Upton. With Camp Upton being so close to his family home in Coram, Still was able to have his parents for supper at his barracks. This was in April shortly before his division, the famed 77th headed for “over there”.

Phillip Still left the United States on April 16, 1918. Still was made a Private 1stClass on Feb. 20, 1918 and rose to the rank of Sgt. On March 12, 1918. His parents received word in July that Still was located not far from Bowrdeau, France. He spent Decoration Day in the city. In October he was at the front and sent his father a German helmet.

Phillip Still served overseas until April 30, 1919 and was discharged on May 9, 1919.

Written by

Shannon O'Malley

Longwood JHS

June 2005