Memorandum of the Ancestry of Richard W Smith

Of Coram from 1657 to 1857 with Ancestral records

Copied by the Reverend Smith Dayton Jan, 11 1853

Property of W W. Smith (1920) Patchogue

The following is a correct memorandum of the ancestry of Richard W. Smith of Coram known as Sheriff Smith, from the year 1857.

John Smith the farmer came to Coram as early as about the year 1657. Joshua Smith his son (as far as can be ascertained he must have been an only child) Joshua Smith’s issue are as related in the back of this book as given by the Rev Smith Dayton who now April 30th resides at New Haven Connecticut and is Chaplin for criminals of that place. Smith Dayton is the son of Phoebe Dayton daughter of the above named Joshua Smith.

Isaac Smith son of the aforesaid Joshua Smith left two sons Viz Joshua Smith and Isaac Smith. The farmer remained on the old homestead at Coram and the latter took up his residence in the hills about one mile and a quarter east of Coram on the road to Millville mills formerly known as Middle Island Mills. Joshua Smith resided at the old mansion in Coram and died July 4, 1811 leaving two children at his death, Rich W Smith and Martha Smith now called Patty who married John Elderkin and moved to Setauket where she now resides with her son John Elderkin, she being a widow.

Richard W Smith went to the city of New York in the year 1815 and as clerk served one Elbridge Mottly, and Isaac Odell in Chatham St subsequently with John Moffet whose son John Moffet is now a banker in the city 1856. Lucy Smith, the mother of Rich W Smith being anxious that he should come home to the old homestead consented. Having married a young lady by the name of Julia Ann Westgate, daughter of John and Hannah Westgate left New York after losing their first born William Westgate Smith on the first of April 1824 to his now old mansion where he now resides (at the time of writing this memorandum in May 1, 1856) and on the 9th day of April 1826 Rich W Smith Jr. was born and on the 23rd day of September 1827 John Edgar Smith was born they two being all the issue up the present time. Richard W Smith married Fanny Oakly widow of Maddison Oakly in the city of New York for his second wife by the Rev John M Krebs October 14, 1848. Richard W Smith Jr son of Rich W Smith married Amanda Hubbell sister to his wife Fanny and daughter of Andrew and Sarah Hubbell who resided at Mill Town Putnam County, NY said R W Jr had the appointment of mail agent on the LIRR subsequently went to New York and went into business with Josiah Parsons who married Fanny Smith’s daughter Elizabeth. Rich W Jr moved from NY to Coram in June 1854 and moved to Port Jefferson and took his fathers line of stages to run from that place in connection with the L I R Road. Rich W Jun had a daughter whose name was Julia Ann Smith born at his fathers house January 6, 1852 and another daughter born at his residence at Port Jefferson October 28, 1855 whose name is Ida May. Julia Ann was taken a little unwell with a headache on the morning of April 1856 at the mansion house at Port Jefferson, ate her breakfast well and in the morning of the 30th day at 7am she was a corpse. She was brought out to her grandfathers on the first day of May 1856 and interred after the funeral service having been performed by the Rev Daniel Jones of the M E Church. There was a very large attendance. The corpse was then placed in mother earth at the foot of its grandmother Julia Ann Smith in the rear of where the old Baptist church formerly stood Said R W Smith Jun having Ida May the only one living-John Edgar Smith son or the senior Rich W Smith married Janet Barnabe the daughter of William Barnabe of Milville. Having at this date three children John Westgate and Mary Ella and one other daughter which was born at Greenport. L I., by the name of Carrie Smith on the 4th day of February 1856.

John Edgar Smith was taken sick whilest in the US Service as mail agent on the L I R Road on Monday, the 20th of Oct 1856 and brought to Greenport sick with the malignant Scarlet fever, and died at his residence there on the morning of the third day of Nov 1856. He was put in a mahogany coffin, with silver handles and plate on it and that day brought to Coram at his fathers residence. The box which contained the coffin was not opened fearing the disease might spread and was immediately interred in the yard in the rear where the old Baptist Church used to stand, same day, Mary Ella, the twin daughters of the said John Edgar and Mary Genett Smith was taken home by her grandfather Smith on Saturday the first day of November 1856 and on the same night she was taken with the same fever and died on the 6th day of November 1856 at 7pm and was buried on the 7th (next day) at the foot of her father John Edgar.

The funerals of the deceased bodies was preached at the M. E. church at Middle Island on the Sabbath of the 9th of November at ½ past 2 of pm by the Rev Daniel Jones of Port Jefferson from the 90th psalms and the 12th verse From these words Viz?, to teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. The meeting house was crowded with young and old and was a very sorrowful time and much impression appeared to he made on the congregation, the necessity of living preparing for that great and eventful day of the lord. Wallace having attended his brother, having stood by him to his latest breath was so much complaining at the time of the funeral that he was unable to attend, he having the same fever. Mary Smith being so unwell as unable to attend the funeral of her husband and child remaining at her father-in-laws house. The same fever seemed to attack all the family as well as all them that came in contact with the contact with the deceased, but in a more mild form.

This Sarah Smith who married Edward Petty Sr. and who settled in New Jersey was the Aunt of Richard W Smiths Srs. father whose name was Joshua Smith, the son of (Pellitcoat) Isaac Smith so called. Isaac Smith had two sons Joshua and Isaac. This Isaac Smith had five sons and one daughter Viz,, Evy, John Japheth, Isaac and Thomas and Lavina. Isaac and Thomas killed themselves by drinking too much alcoholic drink. Japheth came near doing so but abstained in the year 1843 and became a member of the M. E church of Middle Island. Their mother’s name was Sarah Rockwell when a girl. She came from Connecticut. Was a very noble and handsome woman. Her only daughter Lavinia was twice married. Her first husband’s name was Bartlett Sanford. Her children were Carl, Nicholas, William, Thomas and Mary. Her second husband was Donaldson and there was one son named Wallace.

John Smith married Sarah Corwin and had 7 sons and 1 daughter. The daughter married Jehiel Hildreth Woodruff and had 2 sons and 2 daughters and died at the age of 31 years. Sarah Corwin wife of John Smith was a daughter of Rev Jacob Corwin and his first wife Sarah Howell. Jacob Corwin married a 2nd time, Mehitable Davis, a widow, and the mother in law of his daughter Patience. Jacob was about 80 at the time and “Hitty” was about 70. Both old enough to know better. John Rockwell Smith was born Apr 9, 1809 M Betsy Howell.

Ancestral records copied by Smith Dayton from ancient family records in his possession Jan. 11th 1853.

John Smith the elder mentioned here was great great grand father to Richard Smith.

Joshua Smith the elder Smith was his son

Ananias Smith, Isaac Smith (nicknamed Petticoat Isaac) and Daniel Smith (nicknamed Pointer David) were the sons of Joshua Smith the elder. Mary Smith, Sarah Smith and Ruth Smith, were his daughters.

Joshua Smith of Coram was the son of John Smith. Joshua Smith married Margaret Edwards daughter of David Edwards of Setauket. She was the sister to Benajah Edwards and also to the wife of Daniel Brewster Junr. -0 Benajah Edwards was under Sheriff.

The children of Joshua and Margaret Edwards was as follows

Ananias Smith was born March 7th 1729

Isaac Smith was born march 1st 1731 – died Feb. 6th, 1789

Mary Smith was born March 1st 1733

Bethiah Smith was born Sept. 27th 1735

Sarah Smith born June 1st 1738

Jonathan Smith born May 8th 1741 – died Apr. of hemorrhage from the nose at Coram

Daniel Smith born March 20th 1744

Ruth Smith born Jan. 22 1746

Phebe Smith born June 16th 1749 and died of lung fever March 18th 1827 aged nearly 78 years

David Edwards was the son of Jonathon Edwards who wrote his name Edwoes and was probably one of the first settlers of Setauket Daniel Brewster was the third son of Rev. Nathaniel Brewster the first settled minister of Setauket. He probably came over on the May Flower with his Grandfather Elder Wm. Brewster

My Fathers mother (Viz) Eunice Brewster was daughter of Danl Brewster Jr.

Daniel Smith’s first wife was daughter of esq. Phillips at the Old Mans – his second wife was Deborah Mosher

Ruth Smith was married to John Birdsey Jun. Aug. 5th 1779 – and had issue as follows, a son still born Oct 29th 1780 also afterward Phebe, Ruth, John and Sarah

John Birdsey, Sen married a daughter of David Edwards, sister to Margaret Edwards the wife of Joshua Smith.

Rev Smith Payton’s “Geneology”

“Phebe Smith was married to Ebenezer Dayton Aug 16th 1772. He was born March 17th, 1744 and died Apr 14th , 1802 aged 58 years. Their issue was as follows-

Jonathan Dayton born at Coram Jan 7th, 1774 and died at New Orleans of yellow fever Aug 20th, 1817.

Phebe Dayton born in Coram April 17th, 1776 and died at Derby July 15th, 1834.

George Dayton born March 18th, 1778 and died at Balise-the principal enter? One of the Mississippi July 1799 of yellow fever.

Ruth Dayton born August 9th 1781

Smith Dayton born July 11th, 1784

Sarah Smith of Coram was married to Edward Petty Nov. 1st 1764 by whom she had issue as follows

Daniel Petty born 17th Jan. 1763

David Petty born 4th March 1765

Ruth Petty born 8th March 1767

Mary Petty born 13th May 1769

Edward Petty born 27th June, 1771

John Petty born Aug. 5th 1774

Sarah Petty born Dec. 9th 1776

Jesse Petty born 22nd May 1779

Edward petty Senr. Settled in New Jersey

Ancestral records copied by Smith Dayton from ancient family records in his possession January 11, 1953.

John Smith the elder mentioned here was the great great grand father to Richard W Smith.

Joshua Smith the elder Smith was his son. Ananias Smith, Isaac Smith (nicknamed Petticoat Isaac) and Daniel Smith (nicknamed pointer Daniel) were the sons of Joshua Smith the elder.

Mary Smith, Sarah Smith and Ruth Smith, were his daughters.

Joshua Smith of Coram was the son of John Smith, Joshua Smith married Margaret Edwards, daughter of David Edwards of Setauket, she was the sister to Benajah Edwards & also to the wife of Daniel Brewster Junr- Benajah Edwards was under Sheriff-

The children of Joshua and Margaret Edwards were as follows-

-Ananias Smith was born March 7, 1729

-Isaac Smith was born March 1, 1731- died Feb 6, 1789

-Mary Smith was born March 1, 1733

-Bethiah Smith was born Sept 27, 1735

-Sarah Smith born June 1, 1738

-Jonathan Smith born May 8, 1741- died April of hemorrhage from the nose at Coram.

-Daniel Smith born March 20, 1744

-Ruth Smith born Jan 22, 1746

Phebe Smith born June 16th 1749 and died of lung fever March 18, 1827 aged nearly 78 years

David Edwards was the son of Jonathan Edwards who wrote his name Edwoes and was probably one of the first settlers of Setauket.

Daniel Brewster was the third son of Rev. Nathaniel Brewster the first settled minister of Setauket. He probably came over on the May Flower with his grandfather elder Wm Brewster.

My father’s mother (viz) Eunice Brewster was daughter of Danl Brewster jun

Daniel Smith’s first wife was daughter of Esq. Phillips at the old man’s- his second wife was Deborah Mosher.

Ruth Smith was married to John Birdsey jun August 5, 1779- & had issue as follows, a son still born Oct 29, 1780 also afterward Phebe, Ruth, John, & Sarah.

John Birdsey, Sen. Married a daughter of David Edwards, sister to Margaret Edwards, the wife of Joshua Smith Sen

Phebe Smith was married to Ebenezer Dayton Aug 16, 1772 (He was born March 17, 1744 and died Apr 14, 1802 aged 58 years)

Their issue was as follows-

Jonathan Dayton born at Coram Jun 7, 1774 and died at New Orleans of yellow fever Aug 20, 1817.

Phebe Dayton born at Coram April 17, 1776- died at Derby July 15, 1834.

George Dayton born March 18, 1778 and died at Balize-the principal entrance of the Mississippi July 1799 of yellow fever.

Ruth Dayton born Aug 9, 1781

Smith Dayton born July 11, 1784

Sarah Smith of Coram was married to Edward Petty Nov 1, 1761 by whom she had issue as follows-

Daniel Petty born Jan 17, 1763

David Petty born March 4 1765

Ruth Petty born March 8, 1767

Mary Petty born May 13, 1769

Edward Petty born June 27, 1771

John Petty born Aug 5, 1774

Sarah Petty born Dec 9th 1776

Jesse Petty born 22 – May 1779

Edward Petty Sen settled in New Jersey