Henry Butler

Henry Butler was born on April 29, 1896in Middle Island, New York. He was the son of Henry and Ellen Butler of Middle Island. Before entering the service he was employed by Leonard Moeller of Yaphank as a laborer. Henry was inducted into the Army on May 1st, 1918. He served with Company A, of the 114th Infantry. Butler was sent overseas on June 14, 1918 and was involved in actions at the Lorraine Sector and at the Battle of the Argonne Forest in October 1918. The Captain of his company reported that during October that the company was in the midst of shell fire and shrapnel in the Ormont Woods and suffered heavy loses. In a letter written home in November he reported that he was in the trenches in the midst of active service. Butler returned from Europe on May 6, 1919 and was discharged on May 21, 1919.

Written by,

James Knudson

Longwood JHS

June 2005