Located on the corner of Middle Country Road and Middle Island - Yaphank Road on the west side. Longwood Public Library, Thomas R. Bayles Collection CS 20A-8. Has been relocated to Bartlett Pond Park.

East Middle Island School. Longwood Public Library, Thomas R. Bayles Collection CS 20A-5

This one-room schoolhouse was built in 1835 and in use until the two-room schoolhouse opened in 1928 across the street. The property was purchased by a private resident and additions were made to the historic structure. When the Longwood Public Library acquired the building in the 1990's, Library Director Mr. David Clemens made district officials aware that the original one-room schoolhouse comprised the building's structure. As a result, during the demolition of the home, the one-room schoolhouse was preserved and only the additions were destroyed. The building was then moved to Bartlett Park by the Longwood Central School District, where the Longwood Historical Society, spear-headed by Mrs. Connie Kepert, has begun restoration efforts.

The old Zebrowski home on the Middle Island Yaphank Road before it was taken down. The old school was incorporated as part of the home. When the house was taken down the school building was left intact and moved.. Photo from the Longwood Public Library

The school house being moved to its new location at the Bartlett Pond Park. Photo from the Longwood Public Library

Volunteers shingling the schoolhouse.

The finished product.



The Revolutionary War gravestones projects. - Longwood Revolutionary War Veterans are currently being identified and their burial locations recorded. In many cases the tombstones are either missing or are illegible. The Longwood students will be filing applications for government replacement stones.

The Longwood World War II Memorial was dedicated on Memorial Day, 2007. It is only the beginning with other projects to follow.


Upcoming Projects

These projects are student based projects consisting of years of research. Research material is at times hard to locate and we wish to enlist the help of the community with these projects. If you can help please fill out the form below and place in the box on the table.

We are currently working on several projects which include:

· The history of the Longwood School System

· The history of organized Baseball in the Longwood area

· The history of Camp Upton

· Monuments to be erected are as follows (years are tentative)

o Korea spring 2008

o Vietnam 2009 – 2010

o World War I fall 2009

o Civil War 2010-2011

o American Revolution 2010-2011

email us @ helpus@longwoodwarmemorials.com

The Longwood Historical Society is presently working on the old one-room schoolhouse (School #17). Future work dates will be announced on this site for all those who hope to participate.

Longwood Middle School Students have already raised over $4000 for the restoration efforts and students from Charles E. Walters Elementary School donated the $300 proceeds from a school play.