World War II Veterans of Longwood

We are going to do one last printing of the Longwood World War II booklet. If you have any information, pictures, etc. that you would like included please e-mail us at

We are currently creating biographies of local men that served during the second World War. If you have any information, please e-mail us.



Longwood during the war years

Albert Bayles diaries

edited by

Donald M. Bayles

Jan. 2001


Jan 4

Mr. Wycherley, in his Willys coupe, was in head-on collision with another car near Brenner's, 6 AM, and was taken to Mather Hospital.

Jan. 6

Mr. & Mrs. Ferguson started for Florida by train, AM, to spend one month there.

Jan. 29

Mr. Louis Busing died at his home here in Mid. Isl., 11 AM.

Feb 3 Rev. Stewart, Albert Ehlers, Charlie Campiche and I went to Patchogue in my car and had our photos and finger prints taken, by Town Police, for our identification as Air Raid Wardens.

Feb. 14

Edith Ferguson graduated from dietetics school in N.Y., this AM. Loring Fullerton was married in N.Y., 6 PM.

Feb. 15

I registered at P.J. High School at 2:15 PM in Third Selective Service Registration for all men between ages 20 and 45 yrs. for military service.


Charlie Campiche and Tom Eve helped Tom haul cinders from Patchogue Electric Light plant and lace mill to Town (Highway) heaps at Mastic, all Day.

NOTE: This was a typical entry for many days.


Don got home from N.Y.U. for week end after hitch-hiking from Patchogue train station.

Feb. 24

I attended first of series of weekly classes for instruction of Air Raid Wardens, conducted by Senior Warden Rev. William Stewart, in our East Middle Island Dist. #17 schoolhouse, this eve. 17 attended.

Mar 1

Edith Ferguson started as student dietician in Meadowbrook Hospital, Hempstead.

Mar. 7

Ed Swezey died last night at his home here in Mid. Isl., where he was born in 1872.


Don went for ride with Norman Stewart to Centereach and Brookhaven, Norman looking for used motorcycle.

Mar. 17

Loring Fullerton left PM to enter U.S. Navy and begin training at R.I. Henry Koroliszyn, Sr., aged 65, died in County Infirmary at Yaphank.

Mar. 30

I called on Rev. Stewart and at Hunters' Inn and at Curio Shop about Civil Defense orders to extinguish Neon lights & signs & seaward & skyward bright lights which might help enemy submarine activity, effective every night beginning tonight.

" 31

Marion Van Horn's first farm tractor, 2nd hand Farmall-12, delivered to him today.

Apr 4

Don missed 10:24 AM train at Patchogue & drove to Babylon with Tom's Chevrolet & took a late AM train to N.Y. & marched with his R.O.T.C. Regiment from N.Y.U. in Army Day Parade on 5th Ave. from 94th St. to 61st St. from 1:30 - 3:30 PM. Don had flat tire on way home from Babylon & got home abt. 9 PM.

" 6

"Badger" Jones, 93 yrs. old yesterday and sick for abt. 2 mos. was taken to CountyInfirmary at Yaphank today. ( "Badger" was Mrs. Ferguson's grandfather )

" 10

I took Tom Eve to Camp Upton to see Paul Eve, his son, who was drafted into the Army last Wednesday. ( Paul Eve was a Brookhaven Town policeman )

" 26 Tom registered at P.J. High School in 4th Selective Service registration for all men of ages 45 to 65 yrs. for non-military defense service.

May 2

(Saturday) Don started his Graham-Paige & drove it around some. It still has 1940 plates on, so he didn't drive it on public roads.

" 5

I took Ma and Gertrude down to our Dist. #17 schoolhouse to register & get sugar ration stamps for all of us. Beginning yesterday, sugar is being rationed at rate of 1/2 lb. per week to each person in U..S.

" 12

Tom & I registered & each got B-3 gasoline ration card for 57 gals. to July 1 for gas rationing which begins May 15.

" 14

I patroled my section from Pfeiffer's to Wycherley's in black-out test from 9:30 to 9:50 PM, as Air Raid Warden.

" 15

Mrs. Ferguson's grandfather, John ("Badger") Jones, aged 93, died in County Infirmary (Yaphank), today.

" 16

Joe Koroliszyn & wife called in office. Joe is going to Greenland or elsewhere for 2 years on defense job building air base, soon.

" 22

I went to Port Jefferson and had physical examination by local Draft Board doctors at Mather Hospital. About 50 other Selective Service men were examined with me.

" 31

Don went to Mastic with Norman Stewart & some others & they rowed across the bay & went wading in Ocean.

June 3

Charlie Campiche & Tom Eve helped Tom haul cinders from Patchogue Electric Light plant to new Catholic cemetery at Coram (Granny Road), all day. (This continued for quite a few days)

" 6

I received my Selective Service "1-B" classification notice from local draft board. Don got four 20 ft. locust poles from former Silkworth land, after supper, for observation tower he plans to build at Aircraft Reporting Post W/o my garage.

" 18

Ma and Grace Pfeiffer went ot Port Jefferson and got permits from Ration Board to buy sugar for canning. Ma was allowed 6 lbs. to July 1st.

July 3 Heaviest auto traffic, ever, late PM & eve., in spite of gas & tire rationing.

" 6 I watched 12 - 2 AM at Aircraft Reporting Post & reported airplane at 1:50 AM, first ever reported between 11:45 PM & 5:25 AM.

" 7

Tom Tovey and Roy Albin went to Governors Island for Army physical examination.

" 9

Rev. Stewart called, in office, abt. enforcing dim-out at Hine's "Hunters Inn".

" 10

I got "A" gas ration stamp book, for 16 gals. per mo. for 1 yr. from July 22, at our Dist. #17 schoolhouse. Big Frank Miller, aged abt. 68 yrs., died this AM, on ground by shack he lived in N/o Pfeiffer's pond.

" 15

Wall Mott shot & killed himself in suicide, at Swezeytown, PM.

" 21

Roy Albin went to Camp Upton to begin his drafted service in U.S. Army today & Albert Ehlers goes tomorrow,

" 24

Tom had 8,100 ears of his sweet corn picked today altogether, the most he ever had picked in 1 day. I patrolled my district as Air Raid Warden during a surprise black-out test from 9:45 - 10:40 PM, and reported flare at Stewart's indicating an incendiary bomb.

" 25

Don has about completed observation tower, except stairs, that he has been building at Aircraft Reporting Post W/o my garage since June 11.

Aug 8

Don, Schmierer, Joe Brenner, Alfred Faron & another boy went to Brookhaven & hauled boat up to Brenner's with Tom's truck for Alfred Faron. Don began building stairs on observation tower. Edith Ferguson & Henry House were married at Ferguson's, abt. 10 PM.

" 18

I patrolled my district in first day light air raid alarm and reported flare indicating incendary bomb back of church, but no firemen arrived.

Sept 14 Ferguson resigned as Chief Observer on Sept. 7 & I have been Acting Chief Observer since, until Mrs. Ferguson took over the job at 12:01 this AM.

" 17

Don Ferguson left for Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia AM to enter Army service as 1st Lieutenant.

" 19

Everett Pfeiffer and I took telegram down to Carrabus, 10:30 PM from Dick who had just arrived at Army Camp in Kentucky.

" 24

Tom took Don to Patchogue to 6:30 AM train for N.Y. to begin fall term of his 2nd or sophomore year at N.Y. University.

" 26

I painted upper 3/4 of headlamp lenses on my car to comply with dim-out regulations.

Oct 4

I saw Jimmy Eagle, home from his ship in Seattle, Wash. on 12 day furlough from Navy.

" 9

I went ot N.Y. on 10:24 AM train from Patchogue& took physical examination for enlistment in Naval Reserve. I passed the exam but didn't enlist.

" 13

I reported to Draft Board # 702 at Patchogue and went to N.Y. with about 94 other selectees on 8:45 AM train & we took physical exam for Army induction at Grand Central Palace. My exam began about 5 PM and ended 6:45 PM. I was rejected for rigid spine. 25 other selectees were rejected.

" 16

I went to Camp Upton and got carpenter job with Post Engineers & worked there all day ( 8 hrs.). Worked in mess hall in group of buildings being re-erected.

" 19

Sam Faron, Allen Swezey & I rode to work at Camp Upton with Billy Eagle.

" 30

I was laid off at 4:30 PM from job at Camp. The others were not laid off.

Nov 5 I talked with Sgt. Paul Eve who is on 10 day furlough from Army camp in Florida.

" 9

I patrolled my district as Air Raid Warden during trial black-out 7:10 - 7:40 PM.

" 11

I took Tom Tovey to Patchogue to local draft board and saw him leave with bunch of other selectees on 8:45 AM train for N.Y. for his 2nd Army physical exam.

" 16

I began carpentering again for Post Engineers at Camp UJpton making wood floors & sides for tents.

" 18

Tom took Tom Tovey to Patchogue to draft board to be taken to Camp Upton with bunch of other draftees to begin service in Army.

Dec 8

I rode to work at Camp with Sam Faron in his car and Sammy Faron Jr., Allen Swezey and Freddie Ruppert.

" 12

I was laid off at 4:30 PM along with about 35 other carpenters. Sammy and Allen also laid off.

" 23

My 45th birthday. Eddie Swezey & Mrs. Foster called on Ma and me at noon and had dinner here. They told us that George ( Eddie's brother ) died at 4 AM today in Greenport Hospital from a fall in shipyard last Thursday noon.

" 24

Sgt. Roy Albin, home on 10 day furlough from Camp Gruber, Okla., called on Ma and me at supper time.


Jan 4

I watched 12- 2 AM at Aircraft Reporting Post. I attended Air Raid Wardens' meeting in our Dist.# 17 schoolhouse, eve. and then patrolled my district as Air Raid Warden in trial blackout.

" 7

Auto pleasure driving is banned after today, beginning this noon.

" 22 Everett Pfeiffer took office as acting postmaster, PM, succeeding Percy Still who resigned as postmster.

" 26

Post office is back at Pfeiffer's store again for first day, since being at Percy Still's gas sta. with Percy as postmaster since Oct. 1940.

" 28

Don went to Patchogue to Local Draft Board # 702 and volunteered for early call in Army draft.

Feb 8 I saw Pvt. Eddie Zebrowski, on 3 day furlough from Army, at Pfeiffer's store.

" 10

Don went to N.Y. on 9:15 AM train from Patchogue, with abt. 120 other draftees, and took Army exam and was inducted into the Army at Grand Central Palace and came home for 7 day furlough.

" 17

Tom and Gertrude took Don to Patchogue at 8 AM where Don joined about 100 other draftees and was taken to Camp Upton.

Mar 12

Western Union phoned me a telegram from War Dept. to deliver to Buniski's, 9:30 AM, that Technician 5th grade Edward J. Buniski had been reported missing in action in N. Africa since Feb.14th. I attended 2nd Aircraft Identification class conducted by Fannie Szuster in our Dist. # 17 schoolhouse.

" 22

Tom went to N.Y. by train for the day and saw Dean Bryans at N.Y.U. about trying to get Don transferred to Engineers in Army. ( this was a futile visit )

" 29

Everett Davis, aged 83 yrs., died in Mather Hospital at Port Jefferson, today.

" 31

Fergusons reported to have sold their entire farm and orchards to Mr. Lentin.

Apr 13

Gertrude took board up to Centereach to Rev. Furman to be painted and have names of Mid. Isl. boys in war service lettered on it.

" 28

Judge Sorenson called late PM and reported Raymond ("Pete") Still was shot and killed on his place at Coram at 3 AM and asked me to take Pete's job as Chief Observer at Aircraft Reporting Post until a new Chief can be appointed.

May 3

Ferguson family moved to Woodbury and Arthur Philips moved their furniture.

" 5

I patrolled my section, as air Raid Warden, in surprise trial black-out from about 8:45 - 10 PM. Rev. Stewart used Coram Fire Dept's old electric siren installed at his place, to sound air raid signals, for first time tonight.

" 11

Another surprise black-out to test new signals.

" 24

Air raid test, 11:30 AM - 12 noon and I went down to Stewarts' to find out about signals, as some were sounding the "2nd blue" before Rev. Stewart had finished the "red", so I didn't patrol my section.

" 26

Fannie Szuster rec'd. her appointment as Chief Observer at Post, today.

" 27

Pvt. Alfred Faron, from Army camp 25 mi. N. of N.Y., called on us.

June 8 I patrolled my section as Air Raid Warden, in black-out test 10 - 11 PM.

" 24

Tom and I set up Honor Roll board, with 32 names of Middle Island men in military service, on lawn, near road, W/o Pfeiffer's house.

" 27

Rev. & Mrs. Stewart gone to visit Norman over week-end at University of Vermont.

July 23

Tom Eve and I helped Tom pick 3,000 ears sweet corn on Tom's patch in N.E. lots at Wellington Farms & took it to Patchogue to Sam Gordon's. I helped Tom pick 1,500 ears of his sweet corn after supper.

Aug 4

Don came home on 12 day furlough from Camp McCain, Miss.

" 18

I called on Freddie Ruppert, discharged from Army abt. 3 weeks ago.

Sept 27

Don home on Army furlough from Alabama Polytechnic Inst. at Auburn where he is assigned to take advanced course in Civil Engineering under Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP).

" 28

Don went to Coram and called on Ray Burns who is home from Kansas where he is training to be Navy aviator.

Oct 3

Mrs. John E. Davis, Sr. died suddenly at her home at Yaphank, aged 68 yrs.

" 4

Our Mis. Isl. Aircraft Reporting Post, W/o my garage, (Observation Post of Aircraft Warning Service, U.S. Amy Air Force ) was closed at 10:20 PM, by Army orders through Chief Observer Fannie Szuster. Post has been in continuous operation since 6 PM on Dec, 8, 1941.

" 7

Tom resumed working, 1 - 10 PM in R.R. ticket office at Patchogue.

" 17 Joe Koroliszyn called on Ma & me early AM. He got home, few day ago, from Greenland where he has been for past 1 1/2 yrs. working as tractor mechanic on U.S. air base construction job.

" 26

Sgt. Roy Albin, who got home last Saturday on 10 day Army furlough from Purdue University where he is studying psychology and statistics under ASTP, called on Ma & me.

" 27

George Keller died suddenly at his home here in Mid. Isl. about 7 AM.

Nov 5

Everett Pfeiffer went to Patchogue and left there 8:30 AM to go to Camp Upton to enter service in U.S.Army.

" 16

Pvt. Everett Pfeiffer Sr. left Camp Upton, PM, being transferred to some other Army camp. (later rumored to be in Coast Artillery at Portland, Me.)

" 18

Tom has leased Pfeiffer's general store and bought the business and stock and took over operation of it, AM. Grace works in store for him and runs P.O.

Dec 4

Bill Sinn ran auction for Tom & Pfeiffer, at Pfeiffer's, 1:30 to 5:30 PM, selling old, shopworn and out of date merchandise from store stock for Tom, and selling old furniture and farming equipment and junk, for Pfeiffer. Sales amounted to $ 115 for Tom and $ 160 for Pfeiffer.

" 12 Everett Pfeiffer home for first time from Army (C.A.) post off Portland, Me., on 36 hr. pass.

" 17

Fred Brenner, Sr. died at his home, 10 AM. He was 65 yrs. old.

" 19

Mrs. Charles S. Miller, aged 68 yrs., died 1:30 PM at Huntington Hospital, after having operation last Friday.

" 25

Everett Pfeifer home from Army post on 56 hr. pass.

" 31 None of us sat up nor went anywhere to see the New Year 1944 come in.


Jan 17

Former Vic Edwards house burned down last night.

" 28

Everett Pfeiffer arrived in N.Y. last night on 3 day pass from Army post at Fort Lyon on island off Portland, Me.

" 31

I attended farewell party in honor of Frances Stewart who leaves for Palm Beach, Fla. on Thurs. to begin training as a "SPAR" in Coast Guard.

Feb 3 Ma called on Mr. Miller & Gwen, who were packing up their furniture, etc. to be moved, at their former home here in Middle Island.

" 12

Sgt. Roy Albin, who got home yesterday from Camp Atterbury, Ind. on 10 day Army furlough, called, AM and I went up to his house with him & fixed his oil burning stove.

" 19

Ernest Randall, age abt. 71 yrs., died in Mather Hospital at Port Jefferson.

" 22 Lottie Wenner, who is staying with Mr. Miller for a few days, called on Ma, PM.

" 29

Post Office inspector Flynn installed Grace Pfeiffer as Acting Postmaster during Everett's leave of absence as Postmaster while he is in Army.

Mar 8 Pvt. Everett Pfeiffer got home last night on 3 day pass from Peak's Island off Portland, Me.

" 9

Gwen Miller Dodge called on Ma & me, PM.

" 16

Daniel R. Davis died at his home in Coram, PM.

" 20

Don arrived home on 7 day Army furlough from Alabama Polytechnic Inst., Auburn, Ala. where he is taking advanced course in Civil Engineering under Army program.

" 22

Gertrude & Don started for Conn. with my car to visit at Allie Ritch's at Wallingford a few days.

" 23

Robert Pinckney, age 63 yrs., died at Sam Faron's at Coram, 5 AM.

" 25 Gertrude and Don got home from Conn. with my car at 2:45 AM from visit at Allie Ritch's at Wallingford since Wed. Don also drove to Hartford 3 times to see his girl friend Dottie while there.

Apr 6

Pvt. Everett Pfeiffer got home last night on 3 day pass from Army Coast Artillery post on Peak's Isl. off Portland, Me. Fannie Szuster has been appointed Acting Postmaster at Yaphank but will not assume duties until about Apr. 15.

" 18

Dr. William Sidney Smith of Longwood & Brooklyn, age 61 yrs., died at his home in Brooklyn last night, early AM.

" 30

EP got home last night on 3 day pass.

May 7

Miss Julia Muirhead was found dead in her bungalow at Coram, PM. Coroner decided she died last night or early AM by suicide by drowning in bath tub. She was 62 yrs. old.

" 10

George Prosser died at his home in M.I., age 77 yrs.

" 22

I wrote letter to Tom Tovey in Italy and to Don in Louisiana.

" 27

EP home on 3 day pass.

" 28

2nd. Lieut. Norman Stewart got home last Thurs. on his 1st. furlough, after graduating as fighter pilot & 2nd. Lieut. in Army Air Corps in Florida last Tuesday and leaves for Randolph Field, Texas, next Wed.

" 29

Army Air Forces observation post W/o my garage officially inactivated and closed by Army.

" 30

I lettered 5 more names on war service honor roll board on Pfeiffer's lawn, late PM & set 2 geraniums in front of it.

June 1

Sgt. Roy Albin got home on 4 day pass from Camp Atterbury, Ind.

" 4 I attended dedication of Honor Roll for Coram men in war service, at Coram, PM.

" 9

State Trooper Casey stopped us at South haven on our way to mastic Beach at 3:30 PM and gave me summons for truck having 1 flare missing and no oil in other one and 1 rear reflector missing. First summons I ever received in my 32 yrs. of auto driving. (Albert was driving Tom's truck)

July 8 Coast Guard Storekeeper 3rd Class Frances Stewart is home on 1st. furlough.

" 21

Don got home on 10 day Army furlough from Camp Livingston, La. late AM. Tom Eve, Don, Clem & Bob Tunell & I picked 3,900 ears of Tom's sweet corn at Wellington Farms for Tom, 3:30 - 6 PM.

" 24

Tom Eve and I took old corner cupboard and fireplace mantel and front, which Don & I brought down last night from old house which was Swezey & Petty ancestral home in back lots on recent Miller farm, over to Mrs. Flora Swezey Pfeiffer's at Patchogue.

" 27

EP home on 3 day pass.

" 30 S

Sgt. Roy Albin home on 10 day pass.

Aug 6

2nd. Lieut. Norman Stewart home for 3 days after flying from his Air Corps camp in Alabama (Maxwell Field) to Mitchell Field, L.I.

" 9

EP home on 9 day furlough.

" 23

Tom got letter from Don, written 6:30 PM last Sat., saying he and 1 other Cpl. in his Co. A, 341st. Inf., at Camp Livingston, La., had volunteered last Thurs. noon for overseas service and were leaving Camp at 7:30 PM last Sat. for a camp in California. Joey Brenner and Johnnie Carrabus reported for military service, AM. to Draft Board at Patchogue, expecting to be put in Navy.

" 27

Howard Swezey, age 76 yrs., died in Mather Hospital, AM.

Sept 5

EP home on 3 day pass.

" 12

Mrs. Viertel, age 96, died at Brenners, 4 AM.

" 14

Hurricane came up coast from S. Carolina and across middle of Long Island and New England and along coast of Maine. Heavy rain from 5 PM to midnight First half hit here with high NE wind from abt. 8:30 to 9:30 PM and second half with much higher 70-80 MPH, NW wind from abt. 10 PM to midnight.

" 20

EP home on 3 day pass.

" 23

Charlie Campiche and Mrs. Ella Ashline were married tonight.

" 26

Tom had card from Don at Fort Ord, Cal., advising of change of address.

Oct 6

Grace Pfeiffer and I took Everett Jr. from Farons to Port Jefferson to St. Charles Hospital, in my car, and left him there for treatment for Infantile Paralysis which Drs. Barber & Robinson decided he has.

" 9 (Monday) EP home for a few days. I heard that Cpl. Allen Swezey arrived in U.S. from Italy last Friday (or Thurs.) and is in Army hospital in S. Carolina from war injuries.

" 10

Sgt. Roy Albin home from Camp Atterbury, Ind. on 3 day pass.

" 26

Lt. Norman Stewart arrived home on his motorcycle from his Army air field in Indiana last night.

" 29 Lt. Norman Stewart leaves tomorrow for Army air field at Lincoln, Nebraska.

" 30

Saw Frank Lyon and learned his brother, Sgt. Wm. Lyon is reported killed in action in France . Also learned that Cpl. Allen Swezey just got home on 15 day leave from Army hospital in Ohio after being in action over a year in Italy and France and being wounded in action in France.

Nov 6

Cpl. Allen Swezey and Petie Goldstein called on me in office awhile.

" 9

EP home on 10 day pass.

" 16

Pvt. Albert Carrabus home on Army furlough

" 21 I mailed Christmas cards to Tom Tovey in Italy and Don in New Guinea.

" 27

I went to Port Jefferson and brought Margaret Obiedzenski and two Depta girls, who missed bus, home from high school, 4:30 - 5:30 PM.

Dec 15 EP home on 3 day pass. SK 3/c Frances Stewart (SPAR) got home on 10 day furlough from her Coast Guard station in South Carolina.

" 17

I brought military service honor roll home from church and lettered 3 more names (making 17 names in all) on it.

" 23

My 47th birthday.

" 28

Frank Hagen, Rob Lyon and Johnnie Archambault called about insurance transfer in Frank's garage business which he's sold to them today.


Jan 7 About 20 people at church. Pvt. Everett Pfeiffer, who got home lst night on 3 day pass from Peaks Island, Me. and Raymond ('Buddy") Still, in Naval officers' training, also at church.

" 8

I talked with Albert Carrabus, who just got home with medical discharge from Army.

" 10

Carleton Edwards called and reported that his father's, George Edwards, house at Swezeytown burned down at 1:30 PM.

" 21 S

Sgt. Roy Albin, home from Camp Atterbury, Ind., on 12 day Army furlough, called here. Pfc. Everett Pfeiffer got home last night on 48 hr. pass from Peaks Isl., Me. and went back tonight.

Feb 3

I saw Pvt. Joey Brenner at store, who got home Thurs. on 15 day Army furlough from Texas.

" 4

Billy Eagle & family have just moved into former Busing house.

" 7

Grace Pfeiffer got letter from Everett today, that he was operated on for hernia at Camp Houze (Hood?) Texas, Feb. 1.

Mar 3

Ma and I attended wedding of E/M 1/C Jimmy Eagle, U.S.N. and Virginia Goldstein, in our church, 4 PM.

" 5

I spoke with Marine Sgt. Stewart Weeks, at Eve's, home on 30 day furlough, just returned from about 1 yr. service on mid-Pacific islands. ( Stewart had married Lorraine Eve )

Apr 1

Attended Easter services at Church. Main room being used for services today and from now on, for first time since services have been held in rear room since Dec. 31, 1944 to save heating fuel.

" 8

Capt. & Mrs. Don Ferguson & Anne & Billy, from Carmel, N.Y. called, 1 - 3 PM.

" 12

President Franklin D. Roosevelt died at Warm Springs, Ga. 4:35 PM.

" 14 I went to store with Grace Pfeiffer to help her get cold cuts & meat for farewell party for Billy Eagle, ( in former Busing place ) who enters Army April 18.

May 8

President Truman made official announcement over radio at 9 AM that Germany had surrendered to Allies yesterday at 2:41 AM European (French) Time, and that today is "VE Day", and European war is ended with orders to cease fighting at 11:01 PM today Central European Time.

" 26

I lettered 9 more names on war service honor roll board on Pfeiffer's lawn, late PM. 53 names on it now.

June 2

Went to Patchogue, shopping, late PM. Couldn't get any meat anywhere.

" 3

I wrote letters to Don, in Philippines, & Tom Tovey, in West Africa.

" 6 Pfc. EP home for first time since Jan. 10 on 10 day Army furlough, from Camp Howze, Texas.

" 15

T/5 Eddie Buniski got home today after being in German military prison since his capture by Germans in N. Africa Feb.14, 1943.

" 16

Grace took Everett to N.Y. late PM, to take train at 3 AM tomorrow to Camp Meade in Maryland, after being home on 10 day Army furlough after leaving Camp Howze, Texas.

" 23

Brenner's place recently sold.

" 24

SPAR Storekeeper 2/C Frances Stewart at church in middle of her 15 day furlough from Coast Guard station in S. Carolina. A.A.C. Lieut. Norman Stewart is due home this PM, after flying back to U.S. from Europe last week.

" 29

I went to N.Y. with others and attended wedding of Marjorie Stewart and Pvt. Neil Watson in Chapel of Madison Ave, Presbyterian Church at 8:30 PM.

July 1

Pfc. Everett Pfeiffer & Grace, 2nd Lieut. Norman Stewart & SK 2/C Frances Stewart at church this AM. Everett goes back to Camp Meade, Md. tonight. Frances goes back to Coast Guard Station in Charleston, S.C. tomorrow. Norman is home from Europe on 30 day furlough.

" 7

T/5 Eddie Buniski, home on 60 day Army furlough until Aug. 25, called awhile AM. First I've seen him since he got home last month from Europe where he was German military prisoner about 26 months.

" 8

Pvt. Joey Brenner, just returned from Army service in France & Germany got home on 30 day furlough last night.

" 16

We received letter from Don on Mindanao, P.I. saying he had been wounded in right arm & right side from Jap mortar shell on July 2 & was in hospital for about 30 days.

" 19

Wilbur Blydenburgh was killed in accident driving Town truck hit by tank trailer truck, at Coram, abt. 4 PM.

" 24

I went to Coram & called on George Edwards, at Carleton's, about insurance on George's new house, started last week.

" 30

Grace (Pfeiffer) had letter from Everett that he is at Army post in Panama Canal Zone for duration.

Aug 4

Cpl. Tom Tovey phoned me from Jamaica, 7 PM, where he arrived 11:30 AM, just released from Army & just returned by plane, via Africa, from Italy where he served about 1 1/2 yrs. in Army Air Corps.

" 10

We heard over radio at 8 AM that Japan had offered nearly unconditional surrender this AM.

" 13

Aunt Mattie Jones died at her home in Port Jefferson, tonight at 10:30 PM. (She was grandmother Florence Bayles's step sister )

" 14

We heard President Truman's announcement over radio, at 7 PM, that Japan had accepted Allied surrender terms, in radio message received at Washington, D.C. at 4:22 PM from Tokyo, via Switzerland.

" 15

Today & tomorrow proclaimed holidays to celebrate Japanese surrender. Wartime rationing of gasoline, fuel oil & canned goods ended today.

" 29 Sgt. Roy Albin, just released from Army after serving since July 21, 1942, got home today and called on Ma & me.

Sept 20

I went down to store to see Tom Tovey who was taken sick there with chills and fever After some phone calls I took him to Bellport and had Dr. Horenstein look him over and then took him to Port Jefferson, in my car, 7 PM, & left him in Mather Hospital for few days.

" 29

I went to Port Jefferson in my car and brought Tom Tovey home from Mather Hospital where he's been since Sept. 20 sick with malaria. Tommy had supper and spent eve. with Ma & me & then I took him home to Al Fackner's place where he stays.

Oct 1

Tom completed sale of his 1934 Chevrolet 1 1/2 ton truck to Schmierer.

" 7 Norman Stewart at church, just discharged from Army Air Corps about week before last. Mrs. Gilbert Randall, age 94, died in Mather Hospital 10:30 PM last night after falling & breaking her hip in her home at Ridge last Tues. night.

" 8

Schmierer started for Florida last night with 1934 Chevrolet truck he recently bought from Tom, which Tom had for about 11 yrs.

" 10

Joey Brenner called on Ma & me. He got home last night on 45 day Army furlough from Camp Jackson, South Carolina.

" 20

Alfred Faron got home last night, just returned from Germany & discharged from Army after about 2 yrs. Army service in Europe.

" 24 Gertrude had telegram from Don, AM, saying he had arrived in Seattle, Wash. from Army Hospital on Leyte in Philippines, last Monday night, & would be at Fort Lewis in Wash. a few days before coming home.

" 25

Pvt. Joey Brenner called on Ma & me to say good-bye, 9 AM, as he leaves at 9:30 AM to go back to Army camp Fort Jackson in South Carolina after being home only since Oct. 10 on 45 day Army furlough which was cancelled.

Nov 1

Tom & Gertrude left at 6 AM & went to Utica by train to see Don in Rhodes General Army Hospital where Don arrived last Mon.

" 2

Tom & Gertrude got back at 1 AM from seeing Don at Utica. Don arrived home on week end pass this evening on train arriving Patchogue 10:15 PM.

" 9

Don came home again on week-end pass from Rhodes General Hospital in Utica.

" 24

Last of Wartime food rationing, except sugar, ended last midnight.

Dec 10 Everett Pfeiffer arrived home, just released from Army after serving last 5 months in Panama Canal Zone & 20 mos. in Maine.

" 18

I talked at store with SK 1/C Frances Stewart, of SPARS, who got home Sunday night on furlough from C.G. sta. in S. Carolina.

" 20

Gertrude and I went to Patchogue and brought Don home from 11 AM train. Don received his discharge from Army at Kennedy General Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., last Tues.
