from the Long Island City Star

September 11, 1868

Sudden Death.- We learn that Mr. R.W.Smith, of Coram, Suffolk County, died quite suddenly at that place on Saturday last by Cholera Morbus. Mr. S. was taken ill on Friday evening, and lived until 12 O'clock the next day. He was familiarly, known throughout Suffolk County as "Dick "Smith and has always we believe been an active working politician, having at one time been sheriff, and also a Representative of the County in the Assembly. Previous to 1856 he was a staunch Democrat, but since that time has been one of the most active and effective workers in the Republican party in the town of Brookhaven, in which community no man will be more missed than he. Mr. Smith was also a leading, and one of the most earnest members of the M.E. Church of his native village. We understand he has left ample provision for his family in a policy of $10,000 in a Life Insurance Company.