Half Mile Pond Road

Church Lane- In original town records the official name was first recorded as Half Mile Pond Road.

Brook haven February ye 6th – 1755

We being Called by ye. Trustees of ye Town to Layout Roads; We begin at ye Country –road upon ye. Westward Side of ye Lott of Land now in ye possession of Capt Robart Robinson Origenally Coll Smiths upon ye. Eastward Side of a lott of Land now in ye possession of Stephen Swazey Junr – Thus we Lay out a four rod Road Runing Equly between ye – afore Said Lotts So running until we come to ye East Side of the half mile pond near ye House of ye. Above said Swazey then Runing Easterly between ye Land of Said Swazey and ye land of ye – above Said Robinson the width of one lott to Alott of Joseph Brownes So turning Northward and running between the Land of ye –above Said Swazey and the Land of ye – above sd – Browne and so running to the plains

Entred – Daniel Smith Clerk

Samuel Davis

John Brewster

Joseph Brewster
