Newspaper Articles from;

The Long Islander

Port Jefferson Echo

New York Times

South Side Signal

Sag Harbor Express

Suffolk County News

The Long Island Traveler

Brooklyn Eagle

On various Middle Island topics.

Excerpts typed by students of the Longwood jhs

The Long Islander

May 3, 1850

Dr. Edward Brown has received the appointment of Post Master at Middle Island, Benj. T. Hutchinson resigned.

The Brooklyn Eagle

December 14, 1868

A $100 cow belonging to James Swezey of Middle Island killer herself by getting entangled among the trees with a rope by which fastened at pasture.

Brooklyn Eagle

September 1, 1869

The farm at Middle Island formerly owned by Mr. Calvin Turner, has been recently sold to Mr. Chappel “artist and historian” of Brooklyn for $7,000.

Southside Signal

March 12, 1870

The other day a party of men were getting ice from a pond in Middle Island, the consolation of the bottle being freely dispensed among them. One man made a very sounding demonstration of his enthusiasm by plunging into the water being about five feet deep, He managed to keep right side up and seemed to enjoy the bath hugely, much to the amusement of bystanders.

South Side Signal (Babylon)

Sept 03, 1870

Middle Island

The Methodists have been holding an eight days, grove meeting in Topping's

Grove. Last Sunday, the closing day of the session, was the occasion of a

general rush. Stage loads and wagon loads from the region round about found

their way. The evening, also brought a good audience. The air was so clear

that the speaker's voice could be heard at a distance of more than a mile


The late Fair and Festival of the Presbyterian church or Middletown Parish

cleared $155. A steeple is being erected on their chapel at Yaphank.

A large eel was caught in "Half Mile Pond" the other day-size, 3 feet long

and eight inches in circumference,-weight, 5 pounds.

A' driven well" has lately been put down on the place formerly owned by the

late R.W. Smith, of Coram. The water previously obtained was about ten or

twelve feet from the service, but was not good. The well is "driven" down

forty-six feet below the surface, and the result is a flow of good water.

Southside Signal

Feb. 11, 1871

According to the Riverhead News, Yaphank has about 100 dwelling houses, 3 churches, 1 free school and about 300 inhabitants. The same authority says the stage running between Middle Island and Yaphank station carries in it a snug little coal stove so passengers can keep “as warm as you please” while on the road.

Southside Signal

July 15, 1871

The “Fourth” was celebrated here in a more than usually liberal manner. Mr. Bartlett gave at his residence, a brilliant display of fire works in the evening; also refreshments and music in profuse variety were placed at the disposal of the two or three hundred natives and others who were present.. A good time was the verdict of all present. At the same time another display of like festivities was in progress at Artist Lake under the auspices of Mr. Carpenter, whose residence adjoins the lake.

1871 July 22 South Side Signal

In acceptance of an invitation from the teacher of School dist, No 17, we took our line of March, on Friday afternoon to attend a picnic of the School on the Shore of Artist Lake. On the way we noted the improvements which have been made within a few months’ past, B.T. Hutchinson has built a neat and substantial picket fence enclosing his house, farm buildings, and garden , stretching quite a distance on the Country Road and extending back on the Miller Place Road. C.R. Hoyt has almost finished a new house on the Yaphank and Millers Place stage road. It is rumored that the road at that point is to be widened to its legitimate dimensions four rods.

That would be a good idea to apply to many of our roads. At H. G. Randall’s we found the spirit of improvements had enlarged his store and re-constructed his barns. Mr. Van Horn’s barn also been re-built. Just east of the Lake Mr. Crawford had been putting up a cottage, on a lot of short distance back from the road. Still further on, George Chappell has built a residence on one of the most beautiful natural sites in the vicinity. On the lake we found several row-boats pulling about, one of which was occupied by a lady of our acquaintance, nearly eighty years of age, who seems as young and as merry as any of her grand-daughters, and who passes much of the time, in this the cloudless evening of her life, with her row-boat and fishing-tackle upon the pond alone.

In the cool retreat of the picnic grove we found a group of happy children enjoying themselves as school children always know how to do. After disposing of a point of the contents of the well set table, and a rowing expedition on the beautiful Lake, the parties were invited to the house of Mr. Van Horn, where they were treated to ice cretin and music.

Southside Signal

December 31, 1871

I do not observe in the columns of your esteemed paper any notice of events or improvements going on at Artist Lake, Middle Island. It would doubtless interest your readers to learn something of this heretofore remote region. I regret that you have not yet made it convenient to visit this delightful and healthy locality, and witness the beautiful scenery in which it abounds. The fine prospect of the lake and surrounding country, from adjacent hills, must be seen to be appreciated. Beautiful even in winter, in spring and summer “Artist Lake” and its surroundings are more than picturesque. The lake is situated on the south side of the old Kings Highway, which was laid out in 1705, from Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, through the middle portion of Long Island to near its eastern extremity. It is about 4 1/2 miles from the sound and about the same distance from Yaphank Station L.I.R.R. and 60 miles from N.Y. It will measure about 1 ½ miles in circumference. There is no visible inlet or outlet to the lake, but it is fed by living springs boiling up from its bottom. The lake abounds with an abundance of fresh water fish, supplying fine sport to the disciples of Isaac Walton. The shores have a gradual slope, and are gravely affording bathers a secure footing to any desired depth, the extreme depth of water being about 20 feet. The lake instead of being a round pond is is partially divided by a peninsula. There is also a pond of considerable size about 4 rods north of the lake, which one would conclude had once been a part of the same water. Between these two runs the highway. With the exception of two valleys, which in some remote period been water tributaries to the lake, the surrounding land rises gradually to an elevation of about 60 feet, affording excellent building sites for residences. The soil is heavy loam, as productive as any on Long Island. The trees are hard wood – oak, chestnut, hickory, black walnut and locust. New York citizens visiting Artist Lake in the summer can enjoy boating, bathing, and fishing to their hearts content, and may also add to their enjoyment healthy exercise of hoeing corn and digging potatoes, together with air unequaled for purity; they may live long and die happy. Three years ago Artist Lake was known only as a large pond, around which were located three farmhouses; cultivated land could be purchased at from $25 to $40 per acre, and like all sections of country the highways were indicative of the inhabitants; namely one zig zag track, making it necessary to travel a mile and a half to the mile and woe be to the stranger who, becoming a resident, attempted alteration or improvement in the old established way of doing things. Artist Lake has been blessed by the settlement around it of several cultivated families from the city, who have given it an impetus on the road of improvement. Within the last two years there has been purchased in the vicinity of the lake several hundred acres of land in plots from ten to forty acres each, N.Y. citizens. Among the most noted, I would mention the place of A. Chappel, a noted artist formerly of Brooklyn. E.D. carpenter, grain broker of N.Y. Mr. Balling an artist of note, has created a handsome dwelling after the Swiss model. He has recently painted a fine picture, representing ‘brush burning at Artist Lake” Now is the time to stake out your claim.

Respectfully yours,

Tom Billson

Southside Signal

January 6, 1872

Orlando Randall of the Ridge fell from a load of wood a few days ago and was severely injured. A number of years ago Mr. R lost one of his arms by a threshing machine and probably the loss of the arm had much to do with the fall.

South Side Signal (Babylon)

Dec 06,1873

The Yaphank Division Sons of Temperance, held a public meeting on the

evening of Dec. 1st. Addresses were given by Rev. Francis Hallock, and A.

Reid, Jr. Snags recitations & c., by the Division. The attendance was

quite large, but owing to some of the speakers not being on hand the

entertainment was not as good as intended. We trust the people of Yaphank

will not let so good a cause as this go down for want of proper support on

their part. We think when young people have principle enough in them to

abstain from intemperance, there is some hope of making good citizens of

them. Give them a few words of encouragement.

Geo. Randall of Ridgeville, is having 600 cords of wool cut.

The Brooklyn Eagle

March 23, 1873

The wife of one Mr. Fields, a woodchopper at “the Ridge” Middle Island ran away last week with one of Field’s employees named Edward Dayton. Mrs. Fields is but 19, not old enough to know when she is well off. Fields is now probably better off than he was before.

1873 March 15th South Side Signal

A new school house is very much needed at Artist Lake, District no 17, and we understand the main parts of the citizens are in favor of it. This is a good idea as a new and commodious school house always gives an air of thrift to a neighborhood and shows that the children are thought something of. The old tumble –down structure now used by the district is a disgrace to the place, and the sooner it is razed to the ground the better.

The Suffolk Club of Southaven has their notices up for bidding, fishing in Carman’s River, north of the South Country road. We presume this also includes the stream up to Smith & Orchid’s Mill, this place. If so are boys will have to be careful how they fish for trout below the mill.

Good skating March 6, the latest in twenty years.

Balling the well known and talented artist of Artist Lake, who’s great painting “ Brush Burning” attracted so much attention at the County Fair last fall, has an exhibition at a well known gallery in New York a number of fine paintings, including “ John Brown’s Head” which are well worthy the attention of the lovers of art.

The young misses of this place have been suddenly transformed into looking like ladies of mature age. The old fashioned style of dressing the hair, by twisting it up in a knot at the back of the head is reviving, and is all the rage here. It is decidedly the most becoming mode we have lately seen, but makes the ladies look older, especially the very young.

The exhibition given by the scholars of the Middle Island Public School, came off at the M.E. Church on the evenings of the 6th and 7th, and was a successful affair. The programmer was extrusive, compromising some 70 pieces, which were spoken and characterized very nicely. Among’ the varied list, the following are worthy of mention. The Reporter’s Last Item, by Miss Ida Edwards; Hattie and Wille Gray, by Miss Emma Balling: Hernias Daughter, By Miss Alice VanHorn: The Dream by Sydney Phillips was well spoken and the ideas conveyed through it was very apparent, vie: The need of a new school house. Duets by Miss Homan and brother, was well done. The music was finely rendered by Miss C. Yaphank. Space will not admit us to particularize. Lester Homan, as the old grandma, and a number of small children did their parts very well. The whole affair reflects great credit on the school and manager, F.M. Hallock, who is deserving of much praise in making the occasion a success.

The local Temperance Society is trying hard to struggle into existence as a Division, and things appear somewhat brighter then they were some weeks ago.

The Grande Scribe, B. B. Hopkins having been expected to delivery an address, on Saturday evening, a large delegation of Sons of Temperance from Holbrook and Waverly. Came up to lead their aid, in organizing a Division, but the Grande Scribe not being on hand, no lecture giving. The whole parts however, were hospitably entertained by our worthy friend J. Reid, Jr., at this residence.

The Long Island Traveler

April 10, 1873

Died on March 21, 1873 Michael Gurvey of Middle Island age 55

South Side Signal (Babylon)

Jan. 10,1874

Middle Island

Mr. Edward Swezey is cutting off quite a large lot of locust timber from

his farm

Rev. Mr. Woodruff held his donation visit on Wed. 3st.

Services are held in the M.I. Presbyterian Church every Sabbath.

We have our mail now three times a week instead of once, on the old plan.

West Yaphank

Ichabod Carter of his place, was arrested on Dec. 27 by Constable Wines and

brought before Justice Osborn at Manorville, to answer a charge of

threatening the life of Silas Carter of that place. He was held under bonds

of $500, to appear at the spring court.

The Long Island Traveler

March 5, 1874

Died on February 21, Nathaniel Hudson of Middle Island, age 81.

May 7, 1874

Ezra K. Randall on April 27, 1874 of apoplexy at age 56.

June 25, 1874

Married at Middle Island on June 3, by the Reverend Dr. Cooper, Reverend John Woodruff to Rachel, daughter of Abner Van Horn.

October 23, 1874

Died at Middle Island September 28, David Thompson age 78.

Southside Signal

March 13, 1875

J Hurtin is preparing to build a new barn in place of the old one, which has stood the storms of nearly a century.

The sleighing is splendid, and men and horses, sleighs and sleds are busy. Some of our neighbors are engaged in hauling huge logs to the saw mills and if anyone doubts the strength of our soil let him look at those logs.

Mr. Carpenter of Artist Lake had the misfortune to have an ankle broken last Friday by the overturning of the sleigh in which he was riding.

Southside Signal

October 30, 1875

William Walling of Middle Island has reopened his boot and shoe shop.

Southside Signal

November 4, 1876

Captain Samuel Overton formerly a prominent sailing master of Middle Island died at Alexandria, Va., Friday Oct. 13, of congestive fever, at the age of 49. He had commanded the schooners Golden Rule, C.L. Hulse, of port Jefferson, and filled other positions of trust and responsibility.

Southside Signal

March 10, 1877

The following is the roll of honor of Middle Island school, District No. 17;

Victor Edwards, Edward Edwards, Irene Dayton, Sarah Phillips, Kate Risley, Thomas Risley, John Risley, Mary Risley, Lissie Swezey, Lizzie Van Wort, Dolly Washington, Ida Homan, Susie Homan.

Southside Signal

January 12, 1878

Mrs Mehetabe Swezey departed this life November 11, 1877. Had she lived till dec. 28th, her life would have reached the lengthy period of 87 years. She was the daughter of Deacon David Davis of Middle Island. She was united by marriage to Joshua Swezey, February 20, 1813, whom she survived by two years.

The Long Island Traveler

Feb. 7, 1878

Died on Jan. 8, Annie the eldest daughter of Charles Dayton of diphtheria.

The Brooklyn Eagle

January 6, 1886

At Middle Island William Carpenter sold forty three acres on Artist Lake to John C. Fry for 8,000

The Brooklyn Eagle

October 23, 1887

The certificate of incorporation of the Middle Island Sportsmen’s Club was filed today at the County Clerk’s office.

The Long Island Traveler (Southhold)

March 16,1888

For The Traveler.

Mrs. Julia A., widow of Orange H. Cleaves, who died at her home in

Greenport Feb. 17, was well known in Suffolk County. She was a sister of

Mrs. Wm. Chatfield Booth whose death on July 22, while on a visit to Mrs.

Cleaves was noted in The Traveler. Mrs. Cleaves nephew, Mr. Wm. E. Booth, is

a resident of Southold. A niece, Miss Mary L. Booth, is editor of "Harper's

Bazaar." Mrs. Cleaves leaves five children, as follows: Addison C. Cleaves,

of New York, Mrs. Sarah J. Carley, of San Francisco, Geo H. Cleaves, of New York,

W.A. Cleaves, of Greenport, Miss Julia A. Cleaves, of Greenport;

besides seven grandchildren, and five great grandchildren. Mrs.

Cleaves' maiden name was Julia Monsell born at Middle Island, March

11,1804, and was a daughter of Nathaniel Monsell, and has resided in

Greenport since 1890, 58 years. Greenport was then known as Sterling, and

there were scarcely a dozen dwellings in the place. There were only two

houses between their residence on Main Street and the Bay. She was married

to Orange H. Cleaves, of East Marion, on June 6th, 1820, by the Rev. Ezra

King, whose entire pastorate was spent in Middle Island. She joined the

Presbyterian church in February 1834, 54 years ago. Her husband, Orange H.

Cleaves, who died several years ago, was a prominent architect and builder,

and a large share of the finest houses in Greenport were erected by him.

One of her nephews, Robert Petty, is Sheriff of Suffolk County. The funeral

services took place Monday Feb. 20, at her late residence. Mrs. Nickerson,

the pastor of the Presbyterian Church, officiated and spoke impressively of

the life, influence, and Christian example of the deceased.

The Long Islander

February 2, 1889

A ball match was played Saturday afternoon at Middle Island between nine from Port Jefferson and the Middle Island nine. The final score was Port Jefferson 21, Middle Island 12.

Sag Harbor Express

August 1, 1889

Mrs. Lydia Turner who recently died at Middle Island, aged 96 years 8 months and 5 days retained unimpaired mental faculties to the last. She did her own housework and most of her sewing, received and wrote many letters.

Long Island Traveler

March 20, 1891

Isaac S. Downs has in his possession a shoe that tells the story of 76 years. This shoe was made by James Hurtin of Middle Island for Richard Downs a child 3 years old. This shoe has been carefully preserved in an old chest for years. It is a curious piece of workmanship, compared with the finely finished shoes of today. This shoe is made of the hardest cow’s hide leather, with a thick stiff sole, hand sewed, which could not have afforded the wearer much comfort.

Port Jeff Echo

June 24, 1893

Arthur Viertel has removed himself from Brooklyn to his farm at Middle Island having disposed of his business in that city.

Port Jeff Echo

January 20, 1894

Officer Brown arrested Frank Edwards of Middle Island on Tuesday on a charge of resisting an officer. He was taken before Justice Wheeler and the examination was adjourned until Saturday. Edwards it appears had been in some trouble and “knocked out” constable Randall of Middle Island when he attempted to arrest him on a warrant issued by Justice Carman of Patchogue. A Deputy Sheriff later shared the same fate. His attitude toward Officer Brown, however, was very lamb like.

Mary F. Darling to AZEL R. Suerger 400 acres N-S Granny Rd., Middle Island $525

Port Jeff Echo

July 2, 1898

George Albin has completed his new house at Swezey Town.

The Middle Island boys played the Yaphank baseball club at Yaphank on Saturday afternoon. The result was an easy victory for Middle Island 41-13

The Brooklyn Eagle

January 27, 1899

Mrs. Mary Terrel, widow of Minor Terrel, died at the home of her daughter yesterday. She was born at Middle Island and was 86 years old.

The Brooklyn Eagle

May 1900

The Presbyterian Church of this place was struck by lightning during the Thunder storm Tuesday night. Floor boards, casings and plastering were torn in places. The floor of the choir platform were shivered and the chairs tumbled about in wild confusion. A spruce standing in front of the church about 40 feet high was shivered to splinters, and some limbs were thrown across the street. Mr. Thomas Dixon felt the shock in his home about 200 feet from the church.

Patchogue Advance

September 8, 1899

There are a number of ponds here and when the water is high in them as it has been this summer they encroach upon the highways so much as to almost make them impassable. A few weeks since two ladies from the north side were thrown into the water and drenched from head to foot, by the condition of the road near Victor Edwards, the ponds there had risen over the road and a narrow causeway had to be built up through part of the submerged portion. The horse became frightened and sprang out of the road into the water where there happened t be the debris of a buckhorn wire fence, which cut the horse so as to endanger his life.

On the upper Swezeytown pond some narrow escapes from serious results have happened by a narrow and high causeway being built to raise the road out of the water. At the lower Swezeytown pond the public recorded highway around the pond is impassable and has been for months. There is no way of passing the pond without trespassing on private property. At Horace Randall’s pond the Miller’s Place road has been passable only by a long plunge through water. On the Northeast side of Artist Lake it has been impossible to pass without going through water from one to two feet deep. There is no real need of these deplorable conditions existing. In all these instances there is land enough for roads clear of the ponds. And the market value of the lands is not more than $10 to $50 an acre. Roads were originally laid out close to the ponds to facilitate watering stock, which was kept by the inhabitants a hundred to one what it is now. But such necessity does not exist now and there is no reason why the public should not have roads convenient to use clear of the ponds.

Port Jeff Echo

September 29, 1900

James Randall died at his home on Monday after a long illness aged 55. The services took place Wednesday at the Middle Island Church. The Reverend, Mr. Bassett officiating.

The Brooklyn Eagle

December 26, 1900

Nelson Munsell a Middle Island resident died last Saturday. He was a farmer and had reached the age of 94. He was noted for his activity and physical powers of endurance. On his 90th birthday he sowed a field of several acres of rye, doing all the work of sowing and harrowing himself. On the following summer he harvested the crop with his own hands. In his younger days he followed the water, sailing a sloop from the eastern ports of Long Island to New York City. During the Cholera time in 1832 when all communication was shut off he ventured in this commerce and received large profits. He was married to Maria Havens of Moriches in 1837 and leaves 5 daughters and 2 sons.

The Brooklyn Eagle

June, 1902

The funeral for Azel Swezey was held on June 17, at his late residence. He was a descendant of Stephen Swezey, the founder of the hamlet of Swezeytown, a suburb of this place. He was an enterprising farmer and a patriotic citizen, and for 35 years was sexton of the Presbyterian Church here. He was 81 years old and leaves 5 sons and 2 daughters.

The Long Islander

March 23, 1906

Peter Wenner of this place, has bought the Daniel Petty Farm at Middle Island for $9,000. This farm has been in the Petty family since 1772.

The Long Islander

January 10, 1908

Christian Inglert of Middle Island charged with the murder of G. Shepard Ritch last fall will be tried at a special term of the Supreme Court before Justice Crane Monday Jan. 27. Lawyer Ralph J. Hawkins will defend the accused. At the time of the shooting Inglert said that Ritch and another man broke into his house early in the morning and threatened to kill him, so he used the gun in self defense.

Port Jeff Echo

September 19, 1908

The Funeral of Mrs. Victor Edwards, who died on Friday aged 31 years old after a short illness, was held on Sunday and the interment was in the family plot at Middle Island. The deceased who was 85 years old is survived by one daughter and by two sons, Edward Edwards of Manhattan and Victor Edwards, of Middle Island.

The death of a three year old son occurred on Sunday afternoon. The funeral is being held on Tuesday, Two other children seriously ill were removed to a city hospital on Sunday in the effort to save their lives. Mr. Edwards has been ill but is improving, it is understood.

Port Jeff Echo

June 24, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fry returned to their Middle Island home last week after spending the winter in Brooklyn.

Richard Bayles has been surveying the boundaries of the Middle Island school district during the past week.

A large tribe of very bold gypsies came through here Wednesday and tried to take whatever they could find.

Port Jeff Echo

August 10, 1912

The Presbyterian Church fair was held at the parsonage Wednesday afternoon and evening. A very huge crowd attended from this place and many other villages. Over 160 dollars was cleared.

Port Jeff Echo

January 9, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bubb wish us to express their most hearty thanks to the many friends who so promptly and generously came to their rescue after the destruction of their home last week and made contributions of money and materials and help and sympathy to help them re-establish the comforts of a home.

Port Jeff Echo

January 23, 1915

Foxes are proudly about the woods and sometimes came too near the homes of owners of churches. Herbert Benjamin shot one the other day, one of the largest ever seen around here. Two or three shots were necessary to bring him down.

The boys and girls have enjoyed a salubrious period skating the ponds by moon light, the constellations having conjoined to afford them an unusual opportunity for this clear, moonlit, smooth, hard, frozen ice, breezy air, and some rosy cheeked girls.

Port Jeff Echo

January 30, 1915

John G. Randall’s horse took flight at some little noise on day last week. Just as Mr. Randall was preparing for a drive, Rev. Ball who was about to get in the buggy was thrown, headlong on the ground, sustaining some severe bruises. After running less than half a mile and narrowly missing a collision with a large oak tree, the horse was brought under control.

Port Jeff Echo

April 3, 1915

Smith Thompson has sold his farm to parties from the city and it is reported that a family of 10 children is to occupy it. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will move into the house formally occupied by Samuel S. Davis of Coram.

Activity in the timber business apparent about the tract owed by Messers Potter and Brush. A large number of oak piles have been cut and shipped to Greenport where they are to be used in the construction of a dock. The chestnut trees on the tract are of large size and they have been cut for telephone poles. Five teams have been several days at work hauling them to Rocky Point for the long distance telephone.

We are losing confidence in that groundhog. After assuring us that he would stay out and influence an early spring, the old whelp crawled back into his hole again, and left us to shiver – nobody knows how long. We shall go for that groundhog, with pitch fork or shot gun, the first chance we get.

Port Jeff Echo

June 19, 1915

Berry Picking is in full blare this week. The berries are developing very well.

Flag Day was observed on Monday. Our youths who are qualified to regents’ examinations at Port Jefferson and Patchogue Monday and Tuesday.

Port Jeff Echo

July 31, 1915

J.H. Randall has purchased a new truck, of about 2 tons capacity, to use in his fruit business. He is trying it out carrying early apples to the market.

Harry Still’s new house on the Yaphank Road, just south of the Middle District school house, is rapidly approaching completion.

Port Jeff Echo

August 21, 1915

Charles Miller has started his big truck, carrying peaches to the city markets. He started the first of the week with a load of nearly 200 crates of fancy stock, which brings about $2.00 a crate. Fred Randall has a new orchard and just now a bumper crop of beautiful Carmans is breaking his trees down with their load of luscious fruit.

The atmosphere was enlivened with rays of cheer from the countenance of Ray Randall of Port Jefferson, in the interest of a new motor vehicle called the “Ford” which is receiving some favorable notice in some parts of the country.

Port Jeff Echo

September 4, 1915

Mrs. Susanna Meullen died last Wednesday. Burial was made on Friday in the Union Cemetery. Reverend J. Norris conducted the service at the grave.

Mrs. Meullen with her husband, Adolph Meullen moved to Middle Island from NYC in 1869. Since which her life has been one of faithful service and devotion to home duties. She leaves a husband and one son, Charles, a resident of the city.

The death of Elbert J. Swezey, which occurred on Thursday night of last week, removed one of the most substantial and highly respected members of our community. He was 76 years of age, and departed this life like a shock of grain fully ripe, having filled a long life with honest and earnest activity and usefulness to his family, the church, and community where he lived. He died in the house where he was born and had always lived, the house occupying the site of the original settler of the name in this locality, his ancestor of the fourth generation who built here more than one hundred and fifty years ago

Port Jeff Echo

September 11, 1915

School opened in district #17 last Tuesday with Miss Violet Van Horn there as the teacher. In district #16 Miss Ethel Gerrard will begin school next Monday.

Port Jeff Echo

September 25, 1915

The thunder storm which passed over here Friday, just at night was the most severe one that we have had this season. Several trees were struck. Jason Randall was on the Longwood Road at the time and saw a large oak shattered to pieces by lightning.

Port Jeff Echo

October 16, 1915

John Risley and Miss Bessie Lighthall of Yaphank were married by Reverend J. Norris at the parsonage last Wednesday evening. The boys gave them a Serenade on the following night to emphasize the good wished of the entire community to the prosperity and happiness of the young couple. They are keeping house in the Adam Bubb place.

C.H. Hagen has a new Ford car for his children, Frank and May, to use in attending the High School at Patchogue daily.

Henry Nimmich has sold his farm in the Ridge to one Mr. Burtis of New York, who will take possession on November first.

Port Jeff Echo

October 30, 1915

Henry Butler, Herman Bubb and Roy Still were initiated into the Yaphank Grange last Monday evening.

Wallace Mott has closed up his garage business at Setauket for the season and returned to his home in Swezeytown.

Port Jeff Echo

November 13, 1915

Friend of Judge Bartlett was at his country place over Sunday enjoying the autumnal beauty of that enchanting retreat.

Mrs. Parker is having the interior of her house at the lake decorated to keep pace with the improved appearance of the outside.

Many of our voters were disappointed at not having a chance to use the voting machine about which they heard so much. Its failure was not the fault of the machine so much of the blundering of the experts who came from new York and Boston to manipulate it.

Port Jeff Echo

November 20, 1915

The family of Henry Nimmich left their farm at this place to reside in Ridgewood, last Friday. The people of this place regret to have them leave us. Their furniture was conveyed in Charles Miller’s five ton truck to their new home. The Nimmich farm sold by him to Charles M. Burtis, is now under contract of sale to the State Conservation Commission, presumably to be used as a game preserve. It consists of 200 acres.

Leslie Risley is employed with the Suffolk County Telephone Company for a while, beginning with last Monday.

Port Jeff Echo

November 27, 1915

Percy Risley is employed on the new game farm preserve lately vacated by Henry Nimmich and family. The state conservation commission now has possession of the farm, and operations and building and improving upon it have begun. A caretaker with a wife and three children are in charge. It is stated that 5000 pheasants are to be turned upon it.

Port Jeff Echo

December 11, 1915

Mrs. Jemima Randall who died at her home in Woodhaven, Sunday night was one of the oldest natives of this place now living. Being well up in the eighties. Remains were brought here and laid away in the family plot in the Union Cemetery on Wednesday. She was the daughter of Horace G, and Sabra Randall. In her young womanhood she taught school, and gray haired men still hold pleasant memories of her genial influence in the school room. In 1855 she was married to J. Orlando Randall, and since his death, which occurred thirty years later, has remained his widow, devoting herself to the care of the four sons and one daughter he left, all of whom survive her.

Port Jeff Echo

December 25, 1915

For a long time sliding down hill on the snow has been a popular amusement of the boys in winter, but sliding up the hill is quite new. Albert Bayles has accomplished this, by the help of his motor wheel, which he attached to the rear of his sled, and then he rides over the snow, up hill or down, wherever he wishes to go, on a beaten road or on ice.

Superintendent of Game Farms Rogers, of Watertown, N.Y., is here attending to the installing of the pheasant nursery on the L.I. Game Farm here. Some pheasants have been received, and 50 hawk traps arrived last week.

William Herbert has left the employ of Judge Fergueson and has moved with his family into the rose place by the lake.

Christmas exercises were held in the school in District No. 17 on Thursday evening.

Mrs. Mary Ackerly was found dead in her house, where for some time she had been living alone. Neighbors not seeing any signs of her about the premises for several days, made investigation and found her lying on the floor where she had fallen and died without a struggle. Funeral and burial services were held Sunday afternoon. The burial place was the Yaphank Cemetery. She was a native of this place, belonging to the Hallock family, once quite numerous here, but now almost extinct. After living several years at Yaphank and later in Brooklyn, she bought the old Nichols farm here about 25 years ago and has since lived upon it. Her husband Albert Ackerly, was a native of Yaphank, where he carried on a store. His health failed about seven years ago and he retired to the farm here, dying three years ago.

Port Jeff Echo

January 15, 1916

Adam Kavinish and family have moved into the house formally occupied by Leon Edwards and has served a position at the Wellington Farm.

William Zebrowski purchased a horse of dealer Chichester last week.

Port Jeff Echo

January 22, 1916

The Cracker Checker team of Yaphank came to the “store” (Pfieffer’s) last Thursday night prepared to clean up our champion player, Everett Topping. A hot contest ensued but at the end of the evening the score stood 5-4 in favor of M.I, so Mr. Topping still holds the championship.

Port Jeff Echo

March 4, 1916

A party of young Folks went on a straw ride to Patchogue Saturday night. They reached home at about 4 o’clock in the morning.

Port Jeff Echo

March 6, 1916

Mrs. Bridget Ann Risley an old resident of this place died while on a visit to her sister, Mrs. McNulty, at Laurel last Friday. She had lived here since 1861 and with her husband John Risley. Mr. Risley had built a home and reared a family of 8 children, all of which lived to grow up and get married. Mrs. Risley was a kind hearted, vigorous, industrious woman and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. She was over 80 years old and had been a widow for over 20 years.

Parties from the Vicinity of Roslyn are digging up and carrying white pine trees from the Victor Edwards farm to be transplanted into the grounds of wealthy country estates in the Wheatley Hills Vicinity.

Port Jeff Echo

June 3, 1916

Ezra B. Randall died at his home here May 30th of heart trouble and other complications after an illness of 5 weeks. He was born in Middle Island on March 24, 1852 and was son of Ezra king and Polly Gildersleeve Randall. Mr. Randall was married to Anna Isabel Horton of New York City, March 13, 1875 and this is the first death in the family. For 38 years he has lived in the house he built.

Port Jeff Echo

June 17, 1916

Building improvements at the state game farm continue among which are a large new barn, large additions to the house and numerous small houses. The 500 pheasants are laying eggs now at a lively pace. And besides what are being incubated under hens on the farm about 60 or 70 settings of eggs are shipped weekly to different parts of the State.

Port Jeff Echo

July 29, 1916

The fishing privileges in the ponds of Victor Edwards farm has been leased to T.H. Rodman so the public are forbidden fishing there. The towns right to these ponds were conveyed by the trustees to the owner of the farm over a century ago.

William Zebrowski and Allie Ritch have purchased motorcycles for practical business.

The teachers have been engaged for the schools in Districts No. 16 and 17; Miss Nellie Swezey in the former, and Violet Van Horn in the latter.

Port Jeff Echo

August 12, 1916

John L’Hommedieu an octogenarian who was once a school boy here, during the past week paid a visit to some of the localities that revived memories of his youthful days. He found a few- very few- almost none- of the boys left with who played ball with him in the front of the old church 60 years ago.

Port Jeff Echo

September 2, 1916

Mrs. Parker, who was once a school girl here, as Emily Nichols, with her daughter and grand daughter, and her sister, Mrs. Edward Carman visited scenes of long ago on Tuesday last.

Port Jeff Echo

September 9, 1916

Allie Ritch is at work again for Mrs. Miller, helping to harvest the crop of peaches which is good now, and they are bringing good prices. Mr. Miller has his big truck in commission taking them to market.

Woodmen are cutting the timber on the tract of Gorge W. Brush, and it is being shipped in poles by way of Yaphank Station.

Looks like an envious thrust that the Yaphank scribe lets drive in proclaiming the 9 foot weeds that grow from the fertile soil of Middle Island. Yes, brother, you are up against it. The arid plains of Yaphank will have to wiggle hard to show such evidence of fertility.

Port Jeff Echo

October 7, 1916

Mrs. Smith Thompson died of pneumonia on Wednesday, aged 71 years. Reverend A. A. Ball officiating, internment made at Middle Island

Captain Ed Swezey is out with threshing Machine for the past week on two at Mount Sinai.

Port Jeff Echo

October 14, 1916

Miss Anderson of New Suffolk is teaching the “Ridge” school, Dist. No. 19.

Stunts of the weather as well as of the German submarines were the topics of the gossips.

Port Jeff Echo

November 25, 1916

C.S. Miller is getting ready for spring work by spreading stable manure from the city over his fields.

Joseph Butler has shipped on a voyage to Australia.

Joseph H. Randall reports the crop of apples grown on his Oakland farm as about 500 barrels.

Mrs. Minnie Parker has gone to Rocky Point to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Virgie Fry.

Port Jeff Echo

January 20, 1917

Gardner B. Topping died Monday night at his home in this place. He had been sick but a few days. The prevailing disease, of the nature of grip, seized upon him and weakened his vitality, resulting in a general breakdown. He was eighty years of age and had been in the Navy during the Civil War. His home since his youth had been this place. Mr. Topping’s occupation was that of a mason.

Mrs. Sophia Ehlers died on January 14, after a lingering illness of the nature of astma, aggravated by the prevalent influenza. She came from Germany upwards of 30 years ago, and has resided in this place about 25 years. Her husband died here about 8 years ago. She is survived by one son, Frederick H. Ehlers.

Port Jeff Echo

February 24, 1917

The merry ring of the Woodman’s axe and the crashing of falling trees remind the neighbors of the vicinity that the worth of cutting and shipping the big timber of the Phillips-Swezey tract is progressing.

Some apprehension has been felt in regard to the effort of the severe cold weather of the winter upon peach buds, but examinations have shown that they have not been seriously damaged. The peach prospect thus far is good.

Henry kruzer has moved his effects, with his wife and son, from the Hutchinson homestead to the tenant house recently bought by Hewlett and Fred Mott at Swezeytown.

Port Jeff Echo

March 24, 1917

The farmland and outbuildings of the estate of William H. Fry have been leased to a party from Rocky Point.

We are pained to hear of the death of Henry E. Randall, a former resident and native of this place, who died at Freeport last week.

Harry Still has traded off his automobile for a horse and buggy.

William Still has bought Adam Bubb’s horse.

Mike Conserva has bought a horse of Frank, the agent of John C. Fry.

Port Jeff Echo

March 31, 1917

We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. William G. Miller, at Freeport, last week. She was a maiden of this place, her maiden name being Mary Esther Randall. She was the daughter of Jehial W. Randall, who then owned what is not the state game farm.

Port Jeff Echo

April 21, 1917

John G. Randall has purchased one of the Moline farm tractors that are promising to take the place of the horsed in the big farm work.

Mrs. Harry Still met with an accident trying to hold a runaway horse about a week ago. She was thrown down and dragged some distance, receiving such a shock that she was prostrated and her condition was serious for several days.. She was attended by Dr. Roe of Patchogue and now appears to be fairly on the road to recovery.

Port Jeff Echo

July 21, 1917

Potato blight is threatening the crop, which in most respects in unusually promising. Prof. Sirrene of Riverhead was called on day last week to diagnose a field of tubers on the Dixon farm which was thought to be affected with the blight, but he pronounced it injured by a disease which has been transmitted through the seed planted.

Port Jeff Echo

July 28, 1917

The death of Henry Butler which occurred last week, removes from our midst an honest, industrious and peaceable citizen, a native of the Emerald Isle, who has lived in this place about 35 years, where he has raised a family of ten children, nine who were present at his funeral.

Port Jeff Echo

August 11, 1917

Bertram Still, Jason Randall, James Ashton and Thomas Bayles were called to Bayshore to attend physical examinations before the exemption board Monday and Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abrecht have moved into the Smith Thompson house on the opposite side of the road from his property.

Port Jeff Echo

August 18, 1917

We regret to hear of the death of Elbert Hutchinson at Sayville. He was one of the boys born here nearly 75 years ago, son of the late Benjamin T. Hutchinson. (Was a soldier during the Civil War with the 127th New York Infantry)

A caravan of work teams from the city passed through here on Friday on their way to the camp, On the Robert Randall road to the camp one of their powerful gray horses dropped dead beside the road.

Port Jeff Echo

September 8, 1917

Improvements have been made upon the cemetery, in the way of clearing the wild growth of briers and bushes which have been allowed to grow for several years.

Bertram Still has retired from his engagement at Longwood to be ready to answer the call to go into the military training, which he expecting shortly to receive.

Camp Upton seemed to offer open house to visitors on Labor Day. The road leading into it from this direction presented a continuous stream of autos during the busy hours of the day as thick as they could find their way through the cloud of dust that filled the air.

Port Jeff Echo

September 29, 1917

The friends of Mrs. Topping, widow of Gardiner Topping, a veteran of the civil war, are congratulating her on the successful result of her application for a pension.

Samuel Buel Swezey died last Thursday, September 20th after an illness of about 2 weeks. He was one of the hardy stock of a family that has furnished many examples of longevity having reached his 95th birthday. He was a man of kindly disposition and unassuming manners. He was born almost on the same farm on which he spent his life and died. That farm now known as the Wellington Farm, he inherited from his ancestors and sold it several years ago.

Port Jeff Echo

October 6, 1917

As the season draws to its close the sightseers at Cam Upton appear more eager to get a look at the fairy development that puts “Jack and the Beanstalk” in the shade. It was estimated that 7000 automobiles were in the camp last Sunday afternoon. All roads leading to the camp were congested with traffic and several collisions were reported. The road through this place leading to the camp presented an almost continuous stream of autos going or returning.

Eli Fordham of Southampton spent two days here last week making an sketch in oil of the Hutchinson house. This house was built before the Revolution by William Brewster, a descendant of the elder Brewster of the Mayflower fame, in the sixth generation. The house was inherited by Benjamin Brewster, son of William and by him sold to Benjamin Hutchinson, the grandfather of the present owner.

The Wellington Farm is reported as having large crops to gather, but help is scarce to gather them. The war and camp demands have drawn upon their forced until only 3 men are left to work the farm.

Port Jeff Echo

October 20, 1917

Mrs. Parker has rented her beautiful residence overlooking the lake to an officer of Camp Upton for the occupancy of his family.

Operations at Camp Upton have been extended to and beyond the Country Road, east of the Ridge. Work is progressing on the rifle range, which extends north of the road. The Hay Road has been widened and improved up to the Country Road so that it is now a very convenient and popular entrance to the camp.

Port Jeff Echo

November 3, 1917

The past week has seen more auto traffic on the country road through here then ever before. It looks as though thousands were discovering that the most direct route between camp Upton and NYC is along this road. We notice that General Bell seems to have made the same discovery and expressed the hope that the road be macadamized to the point of connection with existing concrete roads.

Building has already begun on the lots leased on the Ehler’s farm for business purposes.

Port Jeff Echo

November 24, 1917

U.S. Target Range – Danger!

Firing on the Camp Upton Range will begin on Monday Nov. 29, and will continue daily from 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m.. During these hours it will be dangerous for anyone to be in this vicinity and all persons are warned not to trespass on the Range, which extends north from the Middle Island Road to the L.I. Railroad (Wading River Branch) and east from the Shoreham South Haven Road to the Wading River - Manor Road.

Port Jeff Echo

December 8, 1917

The pop, pop, pop of the rifle practice on the camp Upton range is daily heard through the middle hours of the day.

Port Jeff Echo

February 2, 1918

School in district #16 has been suspended for the past 2 weeks on the account of measles. The teacher Miss. Van Horn has been very sick with them, but is now improving.

The order calling for the registration of so called alien enemies applies to two sober, industrious residents of this place, Adam Kalinawicz and Henry Koraliszyn, natives of Galacia, a Polish province, now held by Austria.

About six weeks ago a camp officer, Fullerton Weaver, driving an automobile came into collision with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fichtner, who were riding in a buggy on the road in ridge. The buggy was demolished and Mrs. Fichtner was badly cut about the head. The insurance company compromised with the Fichtner’s as report says, paying them about $200.

Port Jeff Echo

February 16, 1918

Congratulations are being passed along to Jason Randall and Miss Peterson who were quietly married on day last week. Miss Peterson is from Riverhead and is teaching in district #19 in the Ridge section of this place.

Port Jeff Echo

March 9, 1918

On Thursday last week, the practice with 4 inch guns at the camp began. Some of the reports were heavy enough to shake the windows in the houses of this place.

William Harry, Roy and Frank Still, Herman Bubb, and Albert Bayles are among the new recruits in the construction gang at the camp this week.

As Mrs. Ruth Mott and Mrs. Ruth Mailer were driving to the post office last Tuesday, their horse took flight at a cow that was being led along the road, and whirling sharply across the lawn of the Smith Thompson place upset the buggy, throwing the occupants out, and dashing it against a post. The horse broke from it and with harness flying wild, it started a mod run for home. After running a mile the horse was stopped by Fred Brenner, fortunately. The women escaped without serious injury.

Port Jeff Echo

March 30, 1918

James Ashton the 2nd has been harrowing and honing the Long wood road into camp and has so improved it that it is the best road into camp- A great improvement.

Port Jeff Echo

April 6, 1918

A fire destroyed the old Zachariah Dayton home last Friday. Occupants of the adjoining farm on the northward were clearing and burning grass and rubbish when the fire spread across the line until it reached the house. The house was unoccupied. It was built about 75 years ago, and for many years occupied by the Dayton family, all of whom moved away. The site was once occupied by Daniel Swezey who in 1799 moved to Herkimer Country from which place his descendants struck the trail westward and founded a colony on the beautiful shore of Lake Chautauqua, and later played a part in the building of Rockford, Illinois.

Port Jeff Echo

April 20, 1918

Camp activities are evident on our roads and about us in all directions. Sunday noon a platoon of soldiers filled the road as they were marching past, in route to the camp from of their practice stations where they have been encamped for a week or more in Centereach or Terryville. Another camp is located in Robinson’s field near Artist Lake. We understand they are practicing for signal services, and the wires which the stretch temporarily for telephone and telegraph instruments.

Joseph Butler was at home on relief from duty in the Navy over Sunday.

Port Jeff Echo

May 18, 1918

An official electrician at the camp has domiciled himself and his wife in rooms at E. Pfeiffer’s for the season

An officer from the training camp at Plattsburg, now on duty at the camp Upton has moved his family to the Albert Randall place.

Joe Butler of the US Navy is reported on a ship at Key West.

Roy Still purchased a canoe and set it afloat in Artist Lake. He desired to have his picture taken in it, but just as the camera was ready to snap, the canoe tipped him overboard and the picture was a failure.

Port Jeff Echo

May 25, 1918

Bertram Still is reported in London separated from his company, sick with scarlet fever.

Port Jeff Echo

June 8, 1918

Mrs. Parker is at her home for the summer

The disposition of the women seems to be quite general here to accept their newly acquired rights of suffrage, and they are sending in their enrollment applications as they receive the blank forms.

A detective in uniform was interviewing people here a few days since, for the expressed purpose of getting information regarding the movements of certain German sympathizers.

Port Jeff Echo

June 15, 1918

It is announced that the Meat Wagon which has been a regular visitor at our doors from Port Jefferson for 40 years is to be withdrawn from the route.

Port Jeff Echo

July 13, 1918

Victor Edwards herd of Holstein cows now numbers 8 head quite like old times to see again, such a herd of cattle on the farm here.

Port Jeff Echo

August 3, 1918

Henry Butler and Arthur Risley are reported as having reached France in good condition

Port Jeff Echo

August 17, 1918

The camp market to his a good share of the garden products raised here, mostly at good prices. Mr. Miller took in about 8,000 ears of corn last week.

Miss Nellie Swezey has been engaged to teach the school in district #17 for the coming year.

Port Jeff Echo

August 31, 1918

Since 10,000 or more colored soldiers from the South were brought into the Camp the guards are alert to prevent any booze being brought into the limits. The other day an undertaker was rounded up as he entered the camp and the guard insisted on examining his embalming kit to make sure that it was not filled with booze.

Port Jeff Echo

October 5, 1918

A demonstration of the Delco electric light system was given to some of our people one evening last week, some light sure.

The teacher that was to come to district #16 has gone some other way and now the trustee us looking again for a teacher.

Port Jeff Echo

October 19, 1918

Sad and sudden was the news that came to us last week that Jotham H. Swezey had died Monday night, Oct. 7th at his home in Lebanon, Conn. He was born in Middle Island in 1864 and in his early manhood was employed here as a clerk in the store of his uncle, J.H. Randall. He was later employed in the store of Swezey & Newins, Patchogue.

Jotham H. Swezey

A feeling of very real sadness passed over this village when word was received here that Jotham H. Swezey, for about 15 years as well known as any resident of Sayville, had passed away on Tuesday at his home in Lebanon, Conn., where and his family went to live about four years ago.

Mr. Swezey was born in Middle Island about 48 years ago, and always lived in this section until his removal to Connecticut. After leaving Middle Island in young manhood, he went to Patchogue and was for years in the employ of Swezey & Newins. He married Miss Edith Brundage, then of Patchogue, and came to Sayville to live in about 1900, conducting the men’s furnishings store which he later sold to Frank F. Walter. Here he was allied with every interest which stood for the best things in Sayville. He was always prominent in the affairs of the Congregational Church and was sadly missed when he moved away from the villiage.

Besides his wife and two children he survived by a brother and three sisters.

Funeral services were held in Lebanon at 2 o’clock this afternoon.

Port Jeff Echo

November 9, 1918

Howard Swezey is cutting and carting to the railroad quite a number of spiels for government work at Greenport. Besides timber from his won farm, he is working a considerable tract and Judge Bartlett’s extensive property.

Election passed off very quietly, the newly enfranchised women showing a fair degree of interest in voting. Mrs. Leonard Miller of Yaphank has the honor of being the first woman voter at the polls.

Dr. William Sidney Smith who has been in camp at Iowa and was on his way with his unit to go overseas, had the opportunity to spend the day Sunday at his home in Longwood adjoining Camp Upton.

Port Jeff Echo

November 23, 1918

Word from Henry Butler reports him in the trenches in the midst of active service.

Timber dealers bought of J.H. Randall the large old black walnut tree that stood at the rear of the Hutchinson house. It listed in falling and came crashing down upon the kitchen knocking off the chimney and breaking a big hole in the roof.

Joe Butler arrived home Monday for a short leave of absence from the battleship on which he has been patrolling the Atlantic coast line for several months.

Port Jeff Echo

December 7, 1918

Anthony Zebrowski and family have moved from the O.T Fanny house into the Smith Thompson house.

Frank Depta and family have moved from the John C. Fry place to the farm at Yaphank formally owned by Albert S. Homan.

Port Jeff Echo

December 14, 1918

William Still had a Vigorous experience the other day when he undertook to convey a cow and calf to Kings Park. In passing a school in Smithtown the cow became so elated at the sight of the happy children that she climbed over the shoulders of the driver and started at breakneck speed with tail waving in the air away to the right, while the calf jumped out on the left and dashed over a railroad embankment into the woods, while the horses caught the enthusiasm and tied to dance a “grinny rool” on the hide toes. Just how Mr. Still conquered the attention we have not heard. - But at last count had quarted the horses and captured the cow, but the calf was running.


January 17, 1919

The Country Road was a lively scene Tuesday morning, when it looked as though all the farmers of the westward villages were speeding to the camp to attend the great sale of horses. A number here bought horses at fair prices.


February 3, 1919

Swezeytown pond – known on the records as “Half Mile Pond” is lower than it has been in about 50 years, if ever before. People should take warning that it is unsafe to drive into it now as there are miry spots near the shore where it is low.


February 8, 1919

The horse sale at Camp last week Thursday was a big affair. Many went over from here, and some were able to purchase horses. Charles Miller bought a team of mules. Most of the horses were bought by dealers from the outside. Many carloads going to southern States.

Our teachers, Miss Schoonmaker of No. 16, Nettie Swezey of No. 17, and Constance Prentiss of No. 10 attended the Teachers’ Conference at Miller Place last Tuesday.


February 15, 1919

Sunday afternoon most of the auto owners about here went over to the Camp and took the invalid and wounded soldiers out to the hall at Yaphank, where they were treated to refreshments, and after a brief social call were returned to the Camp Hospital.

John G. Randall has turned his energies into the direction of dairying. He has a herd of 20 cows, and supplies milk to the Camp.


March 1, 1919William Herbert, who has been in France and returned to Camp Upton, visited his father at Ferguson’s club house this week.

Marion Van Horn and Anthony Zebrowski and his family attended the farming implement demonstration at Aquebogue on Monday.


March 8, 1919

Leslie Risley is at home, having been discharged.

Mr. Hurtin, familiarly known as “Uncle Joe,” a youth sporting in the early nineties, discovered in the barnyard remains of a hen that to his practiced eye suggested the work of a possum. He was quite enthusiastic in bygone years in the pursuit of game and had a reputation as a sure shot. He interested himself in setting a trap for this possum overnight, and in the morning he was pleased to announce to the other boys. “I got him.”

John Morris is visiting friends here on a leave of absence for a short time, before being discharged from service in the Canadian Army, with which he has been in France. He was one of the school boys here about twelve years ago.

William O’Shea has been discharged from the service and we hear that he will return to his former position on the Game Farm, from which he was taken by the draft.


April 5, 1919

One of our oldest inhabitants in the person of Philetus Phillips passed away on Thursday, of last week. He was a member of one of the oldest families who have lived here from the pre – revolutionary period to the present time. Deceased was about 84 years of age and has always lived on the paternal farm.


May 3, 1919

Herman Bubb and Leroy Still have enlisted in the Army for 3 years in the Aviation branch of the Army. They reported to Fort Slocum for induction.

Miss Tessie Hagen visited her home here over the weekend. She holds a very responsible position as nurse to Dr. Pflugg in Brooklyn.


August 30, 1919

The Middle Island Boy Scouts went on a Ford hike to Montauk Point Sunday. They were delighted with the trip. After they sighted the lighthouse in the distance, and it began to play hide and seek with them, they grew uneasy and suspicious that it had been moved further East so they stopped and inquired if it really had, but being assured that it was where it had been all the time for 125 years past, they took heart pursued on till they overtook it.


Sept 13, 1919

School was open in District. No 17 Monday morning, with Mrs. Jennie Morrison of Moriches as teacher. In district No. 16, Miss Nellie Swezey, who is to teach, is sick and could not begin school.

Tony Zebrowski is building a garage for the accommodation of his Maxwell touring car on the premises occupied by him.

The Country Road has gone to pieces under the heavy traffic it has had during the summer.


September 27, 1919

John Randall has added to the equipment of his dairy farm an improved silo, which is the first of this modern device to be established in this place.

Charles Miller has undertaken the job of marketing 1000 bushels of potatoes from the farm of E. Pfeiffer. Last Sat. he took 185 bushels on his truck to Rockaway.


October 25, 1919

James Ashton 2nd and his associates, John Swezey, George McMullen and others are busy putting the Country Road in order westward of the post office, and Fred Ehlers, eastward, with bone, tar and oil, and loam and gravel.

William O’Shea is temporarily in the position of foreman at the State Game Farm here.

It seems like old times to see wagons with apples and a barrel on top going to the cider mill. The scarcity of sugar seems to be discouraging the culinary use of apples.


November 15, 1919

The new fangled sanitary apparatus has been installed in the school house in Dist. No. 17.

Peter Costello has fitted up a cider mill on the premises occupied by him, and has been making cider for parties at Hempstead. They loaded a big truck with it last Thursday, but could not make the hill on the country road. The cargo was transferred to wagons and hauled to the top of the hill., where the next morning it was reloaded on the truck and headed westward.


November 22, 1919

Fred Ehler’s is putting loam on the club house hill, to expand the width of it so that traffic will have a more safe condition.

A few gunners from the outside appear about the deserted fields on the old farms, but they are rather a glum set, for game is scarce. The severe winter of two years ago killed off the breeding stock.


November 29, 1919

We are informed that Anthony Zebrowski has bargained for the purchase of the Smith Thompson house.


December 27, 1919

William Herbert is home for a few days with his parents. He is in the Merchant Marine running across the ocean on regular trips to some port in France.


January 3, 1920

Ice houses are being filled with ice about 7 inches thick on Artist Lake.


January 10, 1920

The Wittschack family have moved from the brick house in Swezeytown to the Pickney farm at Pennaquid.

Some of our young folks were proof against the zero weather, went to Riverhead last Friday to see the basketball games.


February 21, 1920

There is a hill next to the school house in District 17 that presents an angle of about 50 degrees from the horizontal and on the glazed surface of the hard frozen snow they shoot down the incline, sitting on barrel staves, pieces of burlap, or newspapers instead of hand sleds.


March 6, 1920

Unusual activity at the Camp last week in cleaning up and putting things in order for the inspection by General Pershing on Monday.

Two automobiles passed through here on the first day of March, being the first on the road since the 4th of February.

The Long Islander

March 26, 1920

There will be an big auction sale of horses, wagons, harness and pigs at Hagen’s store, Middle Island, Saturday, March 27, at 1 P.M.


April 17, 1920

One of the patrons of School No. 16, a woman of Austrian nativity, having imaginary grievances appeared at the school and deluged the teacher with a tirade of abusive language, much to the disturbance of the good order of the school room. The teacher appealed to the kind offices of Justice merchant of Yaphank, and he advised the woman to make a proper apology to the teacher, and save herself the disgrace of an arrest and fine.


June 12, 1920

Mrs. Minnie Parker has sold her place at the lake to Henrietta Mostert.


September 18, 1920

A delegation from here attended the meeting at the Grange hall, Yaphank, last Wednesday evening, called to consider the organization of a local company to purchase the water power rights. In the temporary organization R.M. Bayles was made chairman, John C. Fry, secretary and John S, Jones, treasurer.

Most of the boys of this vicinity are now employed on the radio operations toward Rocky Point.

Miss Violet Van Horn is teaching in the Patchogue schools.


October 23, 1920

Camp Upton is certainly finding, statements to the contrary put forth by some of the city newspapers. Nearly 1400 men were shipped out one day last week, and only about 600 remain. The railroad has discontinued passenger service to and from the terminal station in the camp.


October 30, 1920

One of the meanest developments of human depravity is stealing water pails that are left at the watering places for the convenience of watering horses that pass along the road. We have reports of several instances of the kind perpetrated at the brook crossing near Hurtin’s corner and at Swezey’s mill pond. This is cruelty to animals besides theft.


November 27, 1920

William Still is preparing to erect a combination garage and general utility building on his property. He was fortunate in securing a quantity of very good lumber from the wrecking of the buildings at the Camp.

Tony Zebrowski has also secured a supply of good lumber from the camp for additions to buildings on his property.

Fred Brenner has installed an electric light plant on his premises to light up his store and dwelling. He also has a water pressure system in process of installment.

Speaking of the Camp, it appears to be moving out every day. Many buildings which had been erected by individuals and societies are being sold and wrecked. There are only about 275 men in the camp, they belonging to the quartermaster and utility department.


December 18, 1920

Charles Miller is going forward with repairs of the old Daniel Petty homestead on his farm, for the occupancy of the lessees, Martin Rusin and Frank Kazel, who are moving in from Cutchogue.


February 5, 1921

Large quantities of second hand lumber from Camp Upton are going through here daily to the villages westward.

Some of our farmers are taking advantage of the chance to get horse manure from the camp to enrich their farms at a price within reach of their means.


June 10, 1921

A special school meeting was called for District 19 at the Ridge on the 7th to consider the proposed change in the line between that district and Yaphank, a hearing before Supt. Craft being set for that date.

Victor Edwards harrowing with a spirited team the other day, lost control of them and they ran away and ran into the pond near his house. The harness was badly broke, and one of the horses was badly lacerated.


June 18, 1921

School in No. 17, Miss Angeline Smith, teacher closed with interesting exercises on the afternoon of Thursday, the 9th inst.

Miss Muirhead returned from Locust Valley last week, and is fitting up her tea room in the old Hutchinson house, now the summer home of Messrs Craft and Hicks. This tea room, fitted with dainty and artistic appointments, is intended to be an attractive breathing spot for tourists passing.


July 2, 1921

Miss Muirhead opened her tea room Saturday, with encouraging results.

The Mostert family moved into their new house on the site of the Alonzo Chappel house, overlooking Artist Lake.


July 23, 1921

Some of our people who own land along the river are asking the town trustees to declare null and void the grants once made to mill owners to flood their land for milling purposes, now that those purposes have been abandoned.


August 13, 1921

A special meeting was held in District No. 17 last Tuesday evening to consider the question of building a new school house. The prevailing sentiment was in favor of a new building. Supt. Craft was present and reminded the meeting that the present school room was only large enough to accommodate 14 pupils according to the State requirement, while the fact developed that there are about 24 pupils to be taken care of.

Mrs. Alice Eldridge of East Marion spent Sunday with visiting Mrs. R.M. Bayles and looking through the old Hutchinson house, the home of her childhood.


October 15, 1921

Harry Still has purchased a building at Camp Upton and had it moved to his home lot, where it may be fitted and finished as a bungalow.

Mr. Lighthall, the teacher in District 16 was taken sick and school was suspended for the week.

We see that William T still has been appointed attendance officer for the schools of this place. A good selection and we trust the people who belong in these schools will be in their places or be able to give a good rendition why not.


October 29, 1921

Proposals are invited for building a school house in District No. 17. Specifications and plans may be seen at the office of R.M. Bayles, Middle Island.


November 12, 1921

The farm of J.C Fry at the lake was sold at a legal sale last Saturday, the price we understand being a little above $16,000.


November 19, 1921

Some interesting local items developed in the recent election. Joseph Hurtin 93 past, walked into the booth and prepared his ballot without any assistance, and in much less time than many half his age. He has been taking an interest in elections ever since the campaign of Zachary Taylor.


November 26, 1921

Some of the railroad buildings at Camp Upton are being taken down to rebuild elsewhere. The Still brothers, William, Harry and Frank and Albert bayles are on the job.

Gunners should be careful how they shoot in this vicinity of dwellings, Baker Ruland, whose poultry yard borders the woods has had several hens shot by them the past few days.


December 17, 1921

Edward Pfieffer has bought a building from the Camp, formerly used by the railroad, and has had it moved upon his land to fit up as a bungalow for rent.

A special meeting has been called in District 17 this Friday evening to consider appropriation for the new school house.


January 14, 1922

Judge Willard Bartlett, and his family spent New Year’s Day at his farm in this place. Sixty years ago he was a prominent figure among the boys who gathered on this pond to enjoy the skating when it was good on holiday occasions.


April 1, 1922

Messrs Hicks and Craft and Mrs Muirhead visited their farm here last week and brought with them Mr. Blauvelt whom they left in charge as foreman of the farm for the season.

Larry kaminiski is making progress with the dwelling which he is fitting up on the farm which he recently purchased from Mrs. Dixon. With a building moved from Camp Upton as a nucleus he is making a very neat looking bungalow.


May 13, 1922

The funeral of Smith Thompson of this place was held in the Presbyterian Church Wednesday afternoon, of last week and he was buried in the family plot in the Union cemetery. He was an old resident of this place, having settled here about 1870.


May 20, 1922

When will all the building movers stop tearing down our telephone wires?


May 27, 1922

Mrs. Muirhead has arrived and is hustling preparations in the old Hutchinson house for the opening of the Orchard Tea Room for the summer. This old house was a popular stopping place for passengers through the island a hundred years ago and popularity seems not to fade under the mists of a century.


June 17, 1922

Herman Bubb has returned home from the Philippines, where he has been serving his country in the Army. His term of enlistment for three years has been completed.


July 1, 1922

Roy Still caught a Black Bass in Artist Lake that weighed 51?2 pounds and measured 22 inches in length.

The road oil is actually flowing. The road from Middle Island post office to Yaphank has been oiled this week, a large gang of shovelers being on the job applying the gravel as fast as the oil is put on.


July 2, 1922

The old stand where Oscar F. Swezey started a store in 1860 has again changed hands. The Hagen family, who have occupied it as a hotel and general store for the last 20 years, transferred it to Leon De Ryckere by whom with his wife, Anna it will be continued. Charles J. Hagen will continue for a while in charge of the store.

The hay crop is unusually heavy, but the weather is very unfavorable for gathering it.

The Hagen Hotel or Hunters’ Inn as it is named is under new management had about 20 guests from the city booked for the fourth of July vacation period, which this year reached from Saturday afternoon to Wednesday morning.

Mrs. Ann F. Swezey, who has been under failing health conditions for the last year or two, passed away last Friday afternoon in the 86th year of her age. She had spent her life in this community, of which she was a highly esteemed and very useful member having been born on the farm which she inherited as the fourth generation in its successive ownership, and spent her life upon it. She became a member of the Presbyterian Church here in 1855 and has always shown a deep interest in the activities of the church, for many years being president of the Women’s Missionary Society. Her maiden name was Petty, and in 1849 married Edgar G. Swezey.. She is survived by a daughter Flora L. Dixon.


August 19, 1922

Improvements are being made to the Gurvey farm, the roof on the dwelling is being shingled anew, and a barn is in the process of building.


September 9, 1922

The rock ribbed hills are giving up their store of broken rock and stones for purposes of improvements on the shore front near Patchogue. Teams and motor trucks are busy day after day gathering up and hauling stones from the hill top farms here to the south side.

Of course the Hunters’ Inn former Hagen’s Hotel was full of guests over the weekend.


September 16, 1922

Miss Muirhead’s orchard Tea Room has had a very successful run this summer, more so than any previous season.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yarrington are moving to Patchogue.


November 11, 1922

Jason L. Randall aged 66, retired sea captain, died at his home in Groton, Conn., Tuesday last, after 3 years illness of sleeping sickness. He was born at Middle Island. He was a member of the New York Marine Society.


November 18, 1922

Deer are becoming very numerous in the woods between here and Yaphank. Old roads and paths are full of their tracks. The other day a party of surveyors in the woods back of Mr. Walters farm were interviewed by a big buck with great 4 prong horns who came out of the bushes approaching within a rod before wheeling away and bounding into the thicket.


January 6, 1923

The sympathy of his friends here is extended to William O’Shea in the loss of his mother.

Rumors are afloat in regard to new construction work at the radio plant between here and Rocky Point. It appears that some enlargement of the plant is contemplated. The force of men working there is being increased.


January 27, 1923

Great sport was enjoyed by the young people coasting on the east hill last Friday evening sliding down the road, which was beaten smooth enough to be in good condition to give them a run of about a third of a mile. A couple of autos were stationed where their lights could be thrown down the tracks to facilitate activity and avoid collisions.

We have lost our oldest inhabitant by the death of Joseph Hurtin who quietly and peacefully passed to the life beyond last Saturday morning at the ripe old age of 94. He was born in Middle Island on the farm, which he inherited from his father Samuel Hurtin, and on which he spent the years of his active life, until 5 years ago when he gave up his farm and went to live with his niece, Mrs. Edward Pfieffer, with whom he made his home the remainder of his days. He was never married, but during most of his life his household affairs were managed by his maiden sister Miss. Jerusha Hurtin, or later by his widowed sister Mrs. Hannah M. Overton and her daughter Mrs. Pfieffer. In pastime amusement his dog and gun were his favorites and he held high reputation as a marksman.


February 3, 1923

“variety is the spice of life” is an old saying and in school District No. 16 they are having plenty of it this winter. The teacher fell into the habit of skipping Mondays – don’t know why just yet. Years ago preachers were sometimes troubled with what they called “Blue Mondays” Anyhow the pupils would come and find no teacher so they got discouraged and next day they didn’t go to school. Then the teacher came to school and sent the truant officer after the delinquent students. Next week the pupils and parents appealed to the truant officer to go after the delinquent teacher. While the truant officer was deciding whether to go after the pupils or the teacher the latter appeared and the trustee told him that another teacher had been employed and referred him to the District Supt. For further information. This will be the fifth teacher for the school since September.

Sgt Craft son of Supt. Craft was the substitute teacher for a few days, but had to return to duty.


February 17, 1923

Thomas J. Dixon passed away during the night of last Thursday, after lingering two years following a stroke, which rendered him helpless. Mr. Dixon was born in 1846 at Mobile Alabama. In his boyhood he drifted up into Delaware County N.Y., whence he entered the Army in the Civil War, following which he engaged in various mercantile enterprises in and about New York City until 1896, when he bought a farm in Middle Island. He first married Harriet F. Bedell, of Queens, by whom he had one son, John Irving Dixon, who is now living in Massachusetts. Mrs. Dixon was burned to death in the fire that destroyed their house in 1906. He afterwards married Miss Flora L. Swezey of Middle Island, they had one son Thomas Dixon.


February 24, 1923

We are informed the John C. fry holdings have been sold to Charles E. Walters of Yaphank, and that he has arranged with William Zebrowski to operate the part known as the brick house farm that is the former Joseph Topping farm.


March 14, 1923

A gang of men were engaged cutting ice on the Swezeytown Pond Thursday and Friday of last week filling the ice house on the De Ryckere place. Arden Benjamin is the foreman on the job.

The Sylvester M. Swezey farm of about 177 acres has been sold to John Harris. The farm has been in the Swezey family ever since the year 1745, excepting for a few years in the early part of the last century when he was in possession of the Hudson family.


March 17, 1923

Sidney Tangier Smith died in N.Y.C. last week. The body was brought to Longwood for burial in the family plot. He was one of ten children of William Sidney and Eleanor J. Smith, and had reached the age of 88 years. The records of the Middle Island Presbyterian Church show that he was baptized here in infancy in 1835. His boyhood home was here, but in active life he was engaged in business in the city.

In school No. 16 the honor pupils for March are Elsie Brenner, Mildred Brenner, and Genevieve Mazeski, having passed their monthly tests with the highest average. The best record of attendance for the month past was made by Barbara Swezey, who lost only 2 hours on account of heavy storms.


March 24, 1923

We understand that Judge Bartlett has gone on a trip to Bermuda to spend a few weeks.

Lester Davis is an enthusiast in the development of fine stock of the Holstein Fresion breed. He has the finest herd of cattle ever seen in this locality. At a recent testing under supervision of a State official it was shown that a single cow gave 28 pounds of butter in 7 days. In the quantity of milk given by one cow the record shows forty quarts in one day. In the test for butter fat contained in the milk the record showed a little above five percent as highest.


January 25, 1925

Willard Bartlett former Chief justice of the Court of Appeals and law partner of Elihu Root died at his home in Brooklyn last Saturday. He was 78 years of age.

In 1858 Bartlett came with his father and the family and settled at Bartlett, which is between Coram and Middle Island.


February 24, 1927

Adolph Meullen age 86 died in New York City last Saturday. His body was brought to Middle Island for burial.


January 20, 1931

Edward Pfeiffer has engaged the services of the road contractors gasoline shovel in digging out his pond which has been dry for several years. About 20 years ago this pond was the source of trouble on account of flooding the roads on both sides of it and it was a common sight to see fish swimming from the pond and through a culvert under the country road and down the river towards Yaphank. Now the river is dry for than a mile south. Will the spring rise again and the river flow from its source once more?


January 27, 1931

A party of city hunters got all excited in their efforts to capture one fox which they started up in the woods between Middle Island and Yaphank a few days ago. They thought they had him cornered in a patch of woods but Mr. Fox didn’t think so and ran to the river, but there the ice broke and he couldn’t get across. Finally the hunters captured him.


September 18, 1931

Donald Ferguson has been busy the past week getting a large number of apple and peach exhibits ready for the Mineola fair.

The Ridge school house has been repainted inside and several alterations and improvements to the equipment made.


October 9, 1931

Doctor Neuss of Yaphank made the annual medical inspection of the children in school District No. 17 last week.

With potatoes at 35 cents a bushel and the cauliflower crop fast going bad, the farmers in this section who specialize in those two crops are facing serious losses, which in some cases will result in the loss of their farms. And still with such an overproduction of everything thousands of people in our country are unable to get anything to eat.

It is reported that the State game farm is to be changed over to quail raising. Most of the workers on the farm have received notice of dismissal from this farm although they may be transferred elsewhere.

The Obiedensky family who have been occupying the farm which they purchased from Anthony Zebrowski are preparing to move back to Huntington for the winter.


November 6, 1931

The children in the East Middle Island school house held a Halloween party last Thursday afternoon at the school house, under the auspices of the teachers, Leroy Albin and Mrs. Davis. A play under the direction of Mrs. Donald Ferguson was presented after which games were in order.

A new flagpole is being installed at the school house which will be more in keeping with the appearance of the building than the old one.